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Grade 12 Parent & Student Graduation Meeting Bishop Grandin

Join us for an informative meeting about high school requirements, career center, post-secondary information, scholarships, and graduation. Stay focused on your destination!

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Grade 12 Parent & Student Graduation Meeting Bishop Grandin

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  1. Grade 12 Parent & Student Graduation Meeting Bishop Grandin September 27, 2018

  2. Introduction • High School Requirements • Career Centre • Post-Secondary Information • Scholarships • Graduation • Closing

  3. Keep focused on your destination!

  4. Communication


  6. ALBERTA HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS English Language Arts - 30 -1 or -2Social Studies - 30 -1 or -2Math - 20 -1, -2 or -3Science - 20 or 24Physical Education 10 (3 credits)CALM10 Credits CTS/Fine Arts/International Languages/K&E/RAP10 Credits 30 Level (over and above ELA and SS)TOTAL=100 Credits

  7. ALBERTA CERTIFICATE OF HIGH SCHOOL ACHIEVEMENT REQUIREMENTS Students who are enrolled in Knowledge & Employability courses Total of 80 credits including:English Language Arts 20-2 or 30-4Math 10-3 or 20-4Science 14 or 20-4Social 10-2 or 20-4Phys. Ed 10CALMAdvanced 30 level CTS course - 5 creditsWork Experience – 5 credits (at least 125 hours of documented employment must be completed) HCS3000 required as prerequisite

  8. Important Points: CANNOT be used as Option credits: • Psychology • Learning Strategies • Work Experience • ESL classes • Religious Studies 35: • Passing mark required to participate in convocation celebrations

  9. Work Experience Contact: Katherine McConnell Email: katherine.mcconnell@cssd.ab.ca Phone: 403-500-2047 Ext 344

  10. Do You Need Credits? • 10 + Off Campus Education Programs • can earn up to 20 High School Diploma credits • Work Experience 35 • can be used as Option Credits • earn one credit for every 25 hours worked (minimum 75 hours/ 3 credits). • may be used as a fifth course for entry to post-secondary programs (Mt. Royal, U of C, SAIT, U of L).

  11. CAREER CENTRE Joanne Kopp, Career Practitioner Email: joannekopp@cssd.ab.ca Phone: 403-500-2047 Ext 325

  12. Life after High School

  13. Make It Happen!

  14. Assist students with exploring, preparing and planning their “Next Steps” after grade 12 • Coach students through career exploration, education options, and employment preparation • Assist with exploring post-secondary options, application procedures, and admission requirements • Help with job preparation skills including resume writing, cover letters, and mock interviews • Recommended Resources: ALIS (Alberta Learning Information Services) alis.alberta.ca CAREER CRUISING careercruising.com (username: Grandin password: ghosts) MyBlueprint – MyBlueprint.ca

  15. Career Centre Mrs. Kopp is available to meet with students to help them determine their career and educational options. Available: Wednesdays, Fridays and alternating Mondays Career Centre is located in the Learning Commons. For appointment best to email or set up through counselling.

  16. POST SECONDARYCHOICES University Technical School College Other

  17. Applying to a Post-Secondary Program • 26 public and 5 independent post secondary institutions in Alberta • Each sets its own admission procedures • Admission may be competitive: • a minimum average or first apply first accepted • Institutions have different requirements for different programs • Deadlines found on institution’s website

  18. Application Process • Apply to Alberta post-secondary schools via “Apply Alberta” • Can apply to more than one Alberta institution at a time • Official transcripts are automatically sent to Alberta institutions if you apply through Apply Alberta

  19. “Early Admission” = conditional based on final grades • Professional programs = more prescribed courses • Universities with over 20,000 students often = larger class sizes • Look for “the best fit” rather than “the best school” Some Truths about Acceptance & Registration

  20. Out of Province Thursday, October 25, 2018 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Bishop Grandin • In Province Monday, November 5, 2018 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Bishop O’byrne 50 post-secondary institutions will be attending Post Secondary Fairs

  21. Post-secondary institutions hosting in-school info sessions in the JL Theatre (see handout) • Post-secondary Open House events • -students can visit campus and learn about admission, student services, and campus life.

  22. Scholarships, Financial Awards and Assistance

  23. What is Available? • Scholarships • Bursaries • Student Loans

  24. Scholarship Criteria • Academic Achievement • Citizenship/Leadership/Volunteerism • Financial Need

  25. Finding Scholarship Opportunities • Entrance Awards • Parents’/Student’s Workplace • Parish • Corporate • Government • Websites listed in handout • Announcements in Grapevine

  26. Alexander Rutherford Scholarship • Based on 5 Subjects • Can qualify in any or all grades in high school • Once accepted to an institution, apply online using Student Finance System (SFS) or the Student Aid Alberta website.

  27. GRADUATION 2019 Cynthia Reinhart, Graduation Committee Coordinator

  28. Farewell Celebrations • Grade 12 Breakfast and Retreat • Dinner and Dance ALL GRADE 12 STUDENTS INVITED TO PARTICIPATE

  29. Grade 12 RetreatThursday, May 23, 2019 Breakfast: 9:00 am @ BG Retreat: 10:00 am @ BG

  30. Graduation Dinner & DanceSaturday, May 25, 2019 BMO Roundup Centre Stampede Park 5:30 pm


  32. St. Albert the Great Church 9:30 am Graduation MassFriday, May 24, 2019

  33. Jubilee Auditorium 3:30 pm Commencement ExercisesFriday, May 24, 2019

  34. Volunteer opportunities include helping with: • Banquet ticket distribution • Gown distribution and collection • Breakfast Decorating and Serving Volunteers Needed

  35. List 1 Wednesday, March 13, 2019 List 2 Wednesday, April 10, 2019 List 3 Friday, May 3, 2019 – FINAL LIST Graduation List

  36. You are on your way!Congratulations

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