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Archives and Canons

Archives and Canons . Ashley Peña .

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Archives and Canons

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  1. Archives and Canons Ashley Peña

  2. After spending much of the semester searching for blogs, digital literature, and looking on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube f0r other forms of digital text, I have come to the conclusion that digital culture has become very much embedded into that of traditional culture. This meaning that while I can still pick up a traditional piece of literature such as a newspaper or novel, I am likely to encounter at the end of a newspaper article a blurb that says visit our blog online for more information. Or at the end of a novel in the about the author section, it may say something about reading the authors blog for information about up and coming novels.

  3. Places Archives Were Found Many of the examples of digital literature, blogs and other literary examples I have archived from this semester can be linked together via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google.

  4. Archive Categories • For this project I have six different categories that I put my archives in. These categories are: Digital Poetry, Art, Literature/Informative, Authors found on Twitter, Authors, Books and Blogs, and lastly, cooking and food blogs.

  5. Digital Poetry • Love Bomb: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XaCB-rD9Jg&feature=player_embedded • Cracks in Memory (2009) Caterina Davinio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piSCYjWUams&feature=player_embedded • Classic Poems Turn Lyrical on Natalie Merchant’s New Album http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVJjhyuGP4E&feature=player_embedded • Free Verse-Beautiful http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mQER9WTXMQ&feature=player_embedded • The Final Word – Inspirational Kinetic Typography Animation  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4pdl3LupgM&feature=player_embedded • Her Waiting Face http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwjUfPhGvy0&feature=player_embedded • Know Where to Go Crazy – A Digital Poem by M. D. Friedman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GsbIQYB0D8&feature=player_embedded • Trifles – Poetry, Siri Grunthaler-Alme / Photography, Tanja-Tatjana Krklješa http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNKCWhgH5iU&feature=player_embedded

  6. Art Women in Film http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEc4YWICeXk&feature=player_embedded Tiny Furniture: SXSW 2010 Accepted Film http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxWxgrwI8uI&feature=player_embedded Illiterate Magazine http://www.illiteratemagazine.com/blog Trystan Photography http://www.trystanphotography.net/ Lets Love Art http://letsloveart.com/ Witness This http://witness-this.com/ New York Times Art Beat (Books) http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/category/books/

  7. This is very interactive website and blog that allows people to upload their art and literature and give people feedback on what they have posted on this website. Also several submissions are chosen to be published in the Illiterate Magazine and gallery. http://www.illiteratemagazine.com/blog

  8. Literature/Informative • Torch Literary Arts http://www.torchliteraryarts.org/ • Salon http://www.salon.com/ • New York Magazine http://nymag.com/ • Poetry International http://media.poetryinternational.org/bop/ • Poetry Foundation http://www.poetryfoundation.org/harriet/ • The Daily Beast http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsmaker/book-beast/?cid=rss:topic:book-beast

  9. Shadows Never Sleep by Aya Karpinska • This is an example from a website that has many different links to digital works of literature and poetry. I specifically put Shadows Never Sleep in the category of literature and informative because it seemed more fitting, because this example seems more like literature and different than what can be found on YouTube. http://media.poetryinternational.org/bop/indexx.html

  10. Authors Found on Twitter through profile • Joanna Aislinn • Carleen Brice • Ann Charles • Tanya Anne Crosby • Jessica Park • Nicholas Kasunic

  11. Authors, Books and Blogs • http://bookmavenmedia.com/blog/ • http://thebookspy.blogspot.com/ • http://pbackwriter.blogspot.com • http://solittletimeforbooks.blogspot.com • http://www.heavenhellandpurgatory-bookreviews.com/ • http://www.blogs.com/topten/10-best-literature-blogs/

  12. Cooking and Food Blogs Cupcake Mafia http://www.mycupcakemafia.com/ Cook The Books Club http://cookthebooksclub.wordpress.com/ Village Voice http://blogs.villagevoice.com/forkintheroad/2011/02/ten_best_draft.php?page=2

  13. Digital Literature as a Canon • Print culture has definitely changed in order to appeal and accommodate the ever expending realm of digital culture. Together both print and digital literature can be deemed as canonical because in many cases both print and digital literature intertwine in one way or another. As far as digital culture by itself being a canon that has yet to come, but I believe it will be seen as one in the future.

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