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America’s Home Today

In today's America, divorce rates are high, children are born out of wedlock, and single-parent households are increasing. The breakdown of the home is evident with issues like substance abuse, gambling, and neglect. However, Christ's presence in homes can bring healing and blessings. Jesus visited homes in biblical times, bringing health, life, wisdom, and salvation. We need Christ in our homes today to guide us in raising children, dealing with illness and death, and teaching us true values and morality. Let's welcome Christ into our homes for restoration and blessings.

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America’s Home Today

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Presentation Transcript

  1. America’s Home Today • Divorce Prevalent (over 1,180,000/year) • Children Born Our of Wedlock • Cohabitation or Shacking Up • Same Sex Unions – Gay Marriage • Single Parent Homes on Increase • Child Abuse In Many Different Forms • Sin-filled homes: • Drinking, Drugs, Filthy Entertainment, Lying • Gambling, Cheating, Filthy Language • Parents Fighting & Cursing

  2. Breakdown of the Home • Increase In Materialism • Rebellion Against Authority • Television: Constant Attack on the Home • Friendly Portrayal of Homosexuality • Cohabitation Presented as Normal & Healthy • Alcohol, Gambling, & Lewd Conduct Glamorized • Parents Pictured as Dopes & Unable To Lead Children • Children As Competent & Able To Control Own Life • Irresponsible Way Marriage Entered Into • Immature Youths & Uneducated Adults • Disrespect or Disregard For God’s Word

  3. Jesus Visits In The Homes • Simon & Andrew’s Home (Mark 1:29-31) • Jarius’ Home (Mark 5:22-43) • Bethany: Mary & Martha (Luke 10:38-42) • Zaccheus (Luke 19:1-10)

  4. Christ In The Home • Welcomed In Each Home • A Real Need Existed In Each Home • Jesus Brought Blessings Into Each Home • Left Each Home Better Then He Found Them • Health to Peter’s Mother-in-law • Life to Jarius’ Daughter • Confirmation of Mary’s Choice & Wisdom to Martha • Salvation to the House of Zaccheus

  5. Christ Is Needed In Our Home Today • Help Us Raise Our Children • Help Us Deal With Illness in the Proper Way • Help Us When Death Invades Our Home • His Word Needed Today To Teach Us: • Salvation • The One True Church • True Worship • Righteous Living, True Morality • Proper Values or Priorities In This Life

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