Cyber Bullying By: Elizabeth Tapia
What’s Happening? • "Cyber bullying" is when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones.
How? • There are different ways people can cyber bully. • ¤Internet • Example: social networks • ¤Text messages • ¤Emails • ¤Sending pictures
Why? • People who bully have many reasons to do so. • Revenge • Resentment • Boredom • Anger • Frustration • Follow the crowd
Where? When? • Since Cyber bullying happens behind a computer the bully can be from any part of the world and at any period of time. Bullies do not care if you are in a bad or good mood. • Five Top States That Bullying Occurs: • California • New York • Illinois • Washington • Pennsylvania
Who Is Affected? • When bullying occurs the victims family and friends are affected. The victim usually ends up committing suicide. & the bully does not get charge for the crime because there is no “evidence”.