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cyber bullying. Some useful tips to help you. How can people Cyber bully me?.
cyber bullying Some useful tips to help you
How can people Cyber bully me? • Emails: Only give out your email address to people you can trust and you have known for ages. Don’t give out your email to someone you have just met online they may seem nice at first but they could be anyone of any age. • Mobile Phones: Phones are one of the most dangerous technology for cyber bullying. Only give out your number to people you trust, know and have known them for a while. Don’t give out your number to someone you met online you don’t know who they are or what age they are.
Social Websites: These websites are quite fun but you have to be careful to not give out your password, email address, phone number or any other personal information like where you live, your name or your school, because if you do you could start getting texts, email or someone turning up at your door saying that they know you. You could also have people talking about you on these sites with you in the chat or you may not be, some people that know where you live, your email or number could be telling a person or people where or what. They could also be people that you thought were your friends spreading your secrets and things that aren't true about you.
Who could be Cyber bullying you? • This could be your best friend that you have just fallen out with and they are mad at you, people or someone from your school who is bullying you or it even could be people or someone you don’t know from the internet or people who know you who have told someone or people that they are friends with, but you don’t know who they are.
What should I do if someone or people are cyber bullying me? • The first thing to know is to not reply back to person or people who are cyber bullying you, they will just get annoyed that they aren’t getting anything out of you and move on and if you do reply it can get worse epically if you reply something mean back to them because that makes you as bad and they could show an adult the text or email.
Keep the texts on your phone that they have sent you or the emails, because if you do then you have prove that they are cyber bulling you. • Tell a parent or carer what’s going on between you and that person or people and show them the texts they have sent you or emails because they may be able to sort it out. • If someone or people start bullying you at school as well and it keeps on getting worse and you know who is doing it and you haven't done anything or sent anything nasty back to them, then tell a teacher, a guidance teacher, mentors or prefects what is going on and show them the texts or emails.
And if you have or are cyber bulling people • Then stop it, you may be mad at this person or people but you should always treat others the way you want to be treated. The person or people that you are mad might have done something by a mistake or maybe they started bullying you. You might want to ask them or someone what have you done? or why have we fallen out? Because maybe you said something by a mistake that hurt their feelings or maybe it was a big misunderstanding, sometimes when you talk things through you can understand why you have fallen out, but if the other person or people don’t want to talk about it
and continue being horrible ignore them because they will get annoyed if they can’t get anything out of you but if it keeps getting worse tell a parent, carer, teacher, guidance teacher, mentor or prefect about what is going on. why you have fallen out, but if the other person or people don’t want to talk about it and continue being horrible ignore them because they will get annoyed if they can’t get anything out of you but if it keeps getting worse tell a parent, carer, teacher, guidance teacher, mentor or prefect about what is going on.
Hope these tips help you If you do get cyber bullied