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This article discusses the configuration memory frames in the Virtex 5 LX30ff324 FPGA, including their composition, addressing, and corresponding logic resources within basic blocks.
Configuration Memory Frames Example of the Virtex 5 LX30ff324 Phd student: BELAID Ikbel belaidikbel@yahoo.fr Supervisor: Fabrice MULLER fabrice.muller@unice.fr University of Nice Sophia Antipolis / CNRS 7 March 2008
Experimented device: Virtex 5 LX30ff324 Configuration memory frames CLBs
Virtex 5 Features • Virtex 5 Architecture: • Column-based architecture (ASMBL). • ChipSync technology: IDELAY, ODELAY with IOBs. • Flip chip packaging. • Sparse chevron packaging technology: each I/O pin is surrounded by power and ground pins. • Virtex 5 resources: • Array of 80*30 CLBs. • 32 DSP slices. • 32x36Kbits-BRAM. • 2 CMTs (CMT = 2 DCMs+PLL). • 8 banks (220 I/Os): • bank0, bank1, bank2, bank3, bank4: config, flash, SRAM, GPIO, clocks pins. • bank11, bank13: Ethernet PHY, XGI pins. • bank18: SDRAM, GPIO pins. • 8 clock regions.
Frame is considered as the smallest amount of configuration that can be accessed. 6376 configuration frames. Frame length is 41x32-bit words (1312 bits). Frame is a vertical stack having a width of 1 bit and a height of 1312 bits. Frame configures a stack of blocks which consists of 20 CLBs, 40 IOBs, 4 BRAMs or 8 DSP slices. Configuration memory frames in Virtex 5 LX30ff324 Configuration frame height = 1312 bits. Configuration frame width = 1 bit
Configuration Frames Composition What does each word within frame configure?
Physical architecture of Virtex 5 LX30ff324 CMT= 2DCMs+PLL CLB array DSP blocks Block RAM IOBs Clock region 1 Clock region 5 Clock region 2 Clock region 6 Clock region 3 Clock region 7 HCLK row 20 CLBs Clock region 4 Clock region 8 Configuration frame 1 bit Regional clock
Configuration Memory Frames • 36 Frames in a CLB block Frame 25 Frame 35 Frame 25 Frame 35 1 bit CLB 1 CLB 20 Column 0 Column 1 Frame 0 Frame 0 Frame 0 to frame 25 are used to interconnect. Frame 26 to frame 35 access the data of the column.
Configuration Frames Addressing • Block type: there are 4 block types: • interconnect blocks and configurable blocks: CLB, IOB, DSP, BRAM, Clock. Data in this type of blocks do not configure BRAM contents , however, they configure the parameters of BRAM as port widths, etc. • BRAM contents. • BRAM non-configuration frame • Special frame: contains configuration bits used for partial reconfiguration. There is one special frame by column. It can be skipped if partial reconfiguration is not used. • Configuration frame 32-bit address divided into 5 parts. Top/ BottomRow Row address Unused Block type Major address Minor address 31 24 23 21 20 19 15 14 7 6 0
Configuration Frames Addressing • Top/Bottom row Top/ BottomRow Row address Unused Block type Major address Minor address 31 24 23 21 20 19 15 14 7 6 0 • If the frame is in a row of the top half of the FPGA, we put ‘0’ in this field. • The Top/Bottom indicator will take ‘1’ if the frame is located in the bottom half of the FPGA.
Configuration Frames Addressing • Row address Top/ BottomRow Row address Unused Block type Major address Minor address 31 24 23 21 20 19 15 14 7 6 0 • In Virtex 5, the row consists of a stack of basic blocks: 20 CLBs, 40 IOBs, 4 BRAMs. • The row height matches the whole height of a configuration frame. • The number of rows depends on type of device: in Virtex 5 LX30, there are 4 rows, each row has a height of 20 CLBs.
Configuration Frames Addressing • Each row is divided into the same number of columns. A column matches to a block: one CLB, DSP, BRAM, IOB. • BRAMs have two major address: • One to access their normal configuration: BRAM/FIFO parameters. • Another for accessing BRAM contents. • Major address Top/ BottomRow Row address Unused Block type Major address Minor address 31 24 23 21 20 19 15 14 7 6 0
Configuration Frames Addressing • Minor address Top/ BottomRow Row address Unused Block type Major address Minor address 31 24 23 21 20 19 15 14 7 6 0 • Each column contains a certain number of frames depending on the block type. Minor address represents the number of frame within the column.
DSP column BRAM column IOB column CLB column Central column Row address1 = 20 CLBs Top half of the FPGA Row address0 = 20 CLBs Row address0 = 20 CLBs Bottom half of the FPGA Row address1 = 20 CLBs Rows and columns in Virtex 5 LX30ff324 Frame address = 00000000 000 1 00001 00000000 0000000 unused Block type Minor address indicator row column
Questions Question 1: What are the correspondent numbers of frames affected for every logic cells (LUTs, Flip-flop, etc) within basic blocks: CLB, IOB, BRAM, DSP, etc and What does each word within frame configure? (slide 5 & 12, Virtex 5 FPGA configuration user guide page 126). For example, which logic ressource does the frame no 27 among the 36 configuration frames configure for a CLB block ? Question 2: The configuration memory array is it divided into eight segments as shown on figure 6-12 in page 125 of Virtex 5 FPGA configuration user guide : «IOB frames», «BRAM frames», «CLB frames», «BRAM frames», «DSP frames», «CLB frames», «BRAM frames», «IOB frames»? Question 3: Virtex 5 FPGA configuration user guide page 125 shows that there are only two major address for CLBs, why we do not consider that each CLB column has a distinct major address? If we do not admet this consideration and knowing that each frame configures the same logic cell in all the 20 CLBs that spans, it is risky that two frames, belonging to different CLBs in a row, will have the same address (show example below). In this example, if we suppose that two frames no 30 configure all the flip-flop throughout the 20 CLBs that cross and these CLBs are located in the same row and if we consider the major address is 2 by following the addressing in Virtex 5 FPGA configuration user guidepage 125, we will have the same address for both frames. CLB 1 row CLB 20 Frame 30
Questions Question 4: what is the interest of using the frame having as block type « BRAM non configuration frame » and what does it configure in the BRAM blocks? (referencing to Virtex 5 FPGA configuration user guide page 125) Question 5: How we use special frame to perform partial reconfiguration: its addressing and its data? (referencing to Virtex 5 FPGA configuration user guide page 125) Question 6: Possibility of writing only 1024x32-bit words sequentially in FDRI register with automaticaly addressing of configuration frames? After 1024x32-bit words, we must define the next frame address in FDRI? (referencing to Virtex 5 FPGA configuration user guide page 121) Question 7: Is it advantegous, and not restricted, to allocate reconfigurable region of 20 CLBs height (or multiply of 20 CLBs) and having a width ranging from one CLB to a whole device width? In fact a module of 20-CLB height is beneficial at level of reconfiguration by minimizing the overhead of frames to reconfigure (decreasing the number of frames to reconfigure) and ensures power enhancement and performance improvement, etc. Can you confirm that? Question 8: How we can spot blocks of interconnect in Planahead?