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Unit 4 Demography and Cultural Influences

Explore the concepts of demography and cultural influences, including population distribution, government and economic systems, and cultural traits. Learn about the different types of governments and economic systems and their impact on society.

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Unit 4 Demography and Cultural Influences

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  1. 1 Unit (4) Demography: “Demo” means “the people” and “graphy” means “measurement.” Geographic concepts: Cultures Government and Citizenship Economic Systems

  2. 2 BIG Idea:Culture influences our way of life. • Good government & stable economic systems are a reflection of law abiding & service oriented citizenship.

  3. 3 True or False: • Populations are distributed unevenly over the world. • Countries have different ways of organizing their governments & economies.

  4. 4 Key vocabulary:

  5. 5 CultureThe way of life of peopleincludes language, religion, and way of life.

  6. 6 Population density is the average number of people in a square mile or square kilometer.

  7. 7 The World’s population growthhas grown more rapidly in the past 50 years than ever before.

  8. 8 Urbanizationis the growth of city populations. Rural – town or village

  9. 9 A developed country is one that has modern technology & industries.

  10. 10 The most important unit of social organization in all culture is the family.

  11. 11 Demography: The study of populations- including such topics as birth, marriage, migration, and death. “Demo” means “the people” and “graphy” means “measurement.”

  12. 12 The movement of people from one country into another country is called? A: Migration

  13. 13 CultureThe way of life of peoplethat distinguishes a people. Elements of culture: • Food • Technology • Music • Government • Economic systems • Clothing • Religion • Language Culture is… learned, shared, symbolic, all encompassing, integrated, and organized around a set of core values.

  14. 14 Cultural hearth: is a place where important ideas begin and from which they spread (diffuse) to surrounding cultures.

  15. 15 What is a Cultural landscape? An area or region that is shaped by the culture or landscape. Example: Great plains is farmland and has a rural landscape.

  16. 16 Diffusion is the process by which cultural elements are transmitted (spread) across some distance from one group or individual to another.

  17. 17 What is acculturation? The process of adapting or acceptingtraits or elements of culture from other cultures..

  18. 18 Cultural convergence occurs when the skills, arts, ideas, habits, come intocontact with those of another culture. NewWorld MeetsOldWorld

  19. 19 Cultural Divergence is the restriction of a culture from outside cultural influences. Key idea:Stop cultures from entering your region.

  20. 20

  21. Now Get Ready to… Take Notes!!!

  22. 21 1. What is government? An institutionthrough which a society makes and enforces its public policy and provides for its common needs. 2. Governmentsrole is a… Group of people making & enforcing laws. • Providing for common needs of people and • Protectingthe people.

  23. 22 3. Where does the governmentget money? • Income taxes – 48% • Income taxes on businesses – 10% • Excise taxes – taxes on tobacco & alcohol, estate & gift taxes. – 9% • Insurance – 33% hospital & retirement taxes.

  24. 23 4. Where does the governmentspend money? • Social Security- 25% • Interest on public debt- 21% • Health- 21% • Defense (military)- 15% • Other- 18% Education, Agriculture, Housing & Urban development, labor, transportation, NASA, Environmental Protection, Justice, Commerce, Energy, Veterans Affairs.

  25. 24 5. What are your duties & obligations to our government? • Obey laws & respect the rights of others. • Pay taxes. • Serve in military • Vote • Serve on a jury • Learn about your rights & their limits. • Keep informed about national & community issues. • Volunteer your time & talents.

  26. 25 6. 200 + countries in the world. 7. Characteristics of a country: • Clearly defined territory • Population • Sovereignty • Government

  27. 26 #8. Three Government structures: • Unitary • Federal • Confederation

  28. 27 #8. continued 1. Unitary: A country with a central government that rules the entire nation. Example: Great Britain-Japan.

  29. 28 #8. continued 2. Federal: A country where the national government shares power with the state government. Example: United States

  30. 29 #8 continued • Confederation: Smaller levels of government keep most of the power & give the central government very limited power. • Example: Our original 13 colonial colonies.

  31. 30 #9. 4Government types: • Authoritarian • Dictatorship • Monarchy • Democracy

  32. 31 #9. continued 1. Authoritarian: Government leaders hold all, or nearly all, political power.

  33. 32 #9. continued 2.Dictatorship: Government in which absolute power is held by a small group or one person. Mao-Zedong (China) Hitler & Mussolini Germany - Italy

  34. 33 #9 continued 3. Monarchy: Monarchs are hereditary rulers, such as kings and queens, shah or sultan who were born into the ruling family.

  35. 34 #9. continued 4. Democracy: People elect their leaders. Adult citizens vote & elect people determine policy. Democracy = People Rule

  36. 35 #10. 4 Types of Economic Systems • Command or Communism • Market or Capitalist • Traditional or subsistence • Mixed or Socialist

  37. 36 #10. continued 1. Command economy: State makes all economic decisions. Government controlled Example: Joseph Stalin

  38. 37 #10 continued 1. Command Economy Government Owns Business Determines Production Operates Businesses

  39. 38 #10 continued 2. Market economy: Individuals or companies make decisions. • Both people & governmentcontrol – free enterprise system.

  40. 39 #10 continued 3. Market Economy - Capitalism Consumers Laws of supply & demand Private Enterprise Government Regulation Determines Prices & Production

  41. 40 #10 contintued 3. Traditional: A traditional economy is an economy that does not produce surplus goods for trade.

  42. 41 #10 continued Traditional Economy Families Produce for Personal Consumption Little Surplus Little Exchange of Goods

  43. 42 #10 continued • Mixed economy – (Socialism): State (government)runs basic industries such as transportation & individuals & companies run other businesses. • Government & people controlled – extreme tax’s.

  44. 43 #11. All economic systems answer three basic questions. • What or how many goods will be produced. • How will they be produced. • How will the products and the wealth from the sale be distributed.

  45. 44 #12. What is capitalism? • Based on individual or private ownership. • Fueled by competition. • Subjected by the forces of supply & demand. • Based on making profits.

  46. 45 #13. What is an economy? We produce • Consume • Spend • Save • invest. All these activities create an economy. – Money chasing money or money in circulation!

  47. 46 Who makes decisions about producing goods and services in a market economy? A: Individuals or companies make the decisions.

  48. 47 • Oligarchy: Government by a few. • Theocracy: Government by DeityorPriesthood. • Aristocracy: Government by the best in birth or fortune – nobility or upper class.

  49. 48 In all democracies the people elect the leaders.

  50. 49 The central governmenthas the most power in a unitary system of government. Example: Great Britain -Japan.

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