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Hawaii’s AFSA Chapter 1550 2014 Executive Council. AFSA Newsletter - The Voice of the Enlisted Please take time to read words from the Chapter President, News from HQ, Legislative News, and Upcoming events. Join Now: www.hqafsa.org -Select Chapter 1550 -Use Recruiter ID# 94946.
Hawaii’s AFSA Chapter 1550 2014 Executive Council • AFSA Newsletter - The Voice of the Enlisted • Please take time to read words from the Chapter President, News from HQ, Legislative News, and Upcoming events. • Join Now: www.hqafsa.org • -Select Chapter 1550 • -Use Recruiter ID# 94946
Future Budget Plans for DOD The Secretary of Defense held a press conference yesterday (February 24) to announce the Department of Defense’s budgetary plans for Fiscal Year 2015. There’s still considerable time before any Defense Appropriations Bill or National Defense Authorization Act gets signed into law, but to be blunt, we’re not at all happy to hear about some specific DoD cost cutting initiatives, and generally that theme prevailed throughout the SECDEF’s conference. Some of the controversial items proposed include: • Retire the entire A-10 Warthog fleet • Reducing appropriated funding to Commissaries • Reducing Basic Housing Allowance (BAH) from 100% to 95% • Possible TRICARE merger into one program • Another round of BRAC in 2017 As mentioned, this is all preliminary at least for now. If things continue down the path were heading on, it could be a rather contentious year. Stay tuned in to what’s happening and stand ready to act when appropriate; it’s going to take a team effort. Click here for the full story. AFSA Legislative 2014 (1st Quarter) 1. President to Release FY 2015 Budget 1st Week of March. The Federal Times reports, “The Obama Administration will release its fiscal 2015 budget request on March 4, about a month past its legally required due date, the Office of Management and Budget announced Thursday. Source: http://www.federaltimes.com/article/20140123/MGMT05/301230010/White-House-fiscal-2015-budget-coming-March-4 2. More on the Sanders’ Veterans Bill. An article from Federal News Radio reports on S. 1950, the comprehensive, 400-page veterans’ bill introduced by the Chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. The article reads, in part, “The chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee said Wednesday he has been assured the full Senate soon will take up a massive omnibus bill that veterans groups say is the most sweeping update to veterans' benefits in modern memory. To read the rest of the article which points out several other provisions of the bill, go to: http://www.federalnewsradio.com/?nid=538&sid=3547849&pid=0&page=2 You can read an item-by-item summary of the bill at: http://www.sanders.senate.gov/download/s-1950?inline=file Those interested in sending a letter (via Capwiz) to Congress in support of S. 1950, may easily do so at: http://www.capwiz.com/hqafsa/issues/alert/?alertid=63062631 3. VA’s Proposed New Application Rules Questionable. An article in The Blaze reports on a new veterans’ benefits application system the Administration wants to go to. “For decades, any veteran seeking VA disability benefits had a variety of options for submitting a claim; even a handwritten note, explaining that he or she suffered a disability contracted in service, could serve to open the claims process. Those who want to read more may do so at: http://www.theblaze.com/contributions/leave-no-veteran-behind-vas-proposed-application-rules-shortchange-disabled-vets/ 4. Will President’s FY 2015 Budget Plan Deliver a Blow to Commissaries? An article in Military.Com reports, “Military family and benefits advocates said they plan to fight a new Pentagon proposal to gut the commissary program by slashing its funding. The budget proposal would reduce the Defense Commissary Agency's annual budget from $1.4 billion annually to $400 million by 2017, forcing the agency to make major changes -- including possible widespread store closures, sources told Military.com. The plan will potentially be included in the Defense Department's 2015 budget request expected to be released next month. You can read the complete article at: http://www.military.com/daily-news/2014/01/24/vet-groups-vow-to-fight-commissary-cuts.html?comp=7000024213943&rank=1 Those interested in sending a letter to Congress (via Capwiz) urging that it prevent the Administration from closing commissaries may easily do so at http://www.capwiz.com/hqafsa/issues/alert/?alertid=63017296 News from Headquarters AFSA • AFSA Preamble • With reverence for God and Country and being ever mindful of the glorious traditions of the United States Air Force, our duty to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, our responsibility to aid in maintaining a superior aerospace defense for our beloved country, and desire to assist in obtaining the highest caliber of men and women for our Air Force, our interest in the welfare of persons who served and are serving in the Air Force, our devotion to our fellow airmen in fortune or distress, and our reverence for the memory of our departed airmen, we unite to further the aims and objectives of this association.
Recruiting Current Membership: 1485 MembersGains since Jan 2014: 58 Members Retained since Jan 2014: 10 Words from the Chapter President Aloha Chapter 1550 members, It is a pleasure and an honor to serve as the AFSA President for 2014. I look forward to leading Chapter 1550 in raising awareness on what AFSA does for our members and on improving membership to include retention. What can you all do to raise awareness? Tell your story how AFSA personally helped you and your family. Tell others about AFSA’s role in the Post 9/11 education bill, TRICARE enrollment fees for retirees, COLA stabilization and the list goes on and on. Remember the government shutdown in September 2013? Another accomplishment for AFSA, the Enactment of the Pay Our Military Act was a measure promising full pay and allowances to service members during a government shutdown. What can you do to improve membership? Let others know that their membership matters! Our AFSA representatives at Capitol Hill count on our membership to make proposals on various legislations that benefits all of our members. I challenge all of you to be actively involved in both educating others on AFSA and promoting membership and retention into OUR organization. We have a great AFSA executive council that is willing to put in the work in making this organization successful for this coming year. We are looking forward to seeing our chapter members and also non-members at our monthly meetings. Our scheduled meetings are held every third Tuesday @1100 on the J R Rockers Lanai (Hickam AFB) and it is open to everyone (AD/ANG/AFR/Retirees/Dependents). If you are unable to attend due to mission requirements, I encourage you all to check out our Sharepoint and Facebook page to get the latest information on what is happening up on Capitol Hill and the various events Chapter 1550 will be sponsoring. I thank you all for your continued support of AFSA. Hope to see you all at our next meeting! Recruiting Drives 20 Mar / 0900-1300 Hickam AFB BX 26 Mar / 0900-1300 Hickam AFB Shoppette 27 Mar / 0700-1700 Hickam AFB Running Track 28 Mar / 0800-0830 Hickam AFB FTAC Bldg 1851 • Chapter 1550 members, please encourage personnel to join AFSA! • Merchandise AFSA Aloha Chapter Coins AFSA Coffee Mugs AFSA Polo Shirts All of these items are on sale now!
Board Members • President • SMSgt April Gaines 448-6318 April.Gaines.1@us.af.mil • Vice President • MSgt Rebecca Pash 449-8624 Rebecca.Pash@us.af.mil • Senior Advisor • MSgt Phyllis Whetsel 448-6318 Phyllis.whetsel@us.af.mil • Treasurer • TSgt Michael Graham michael.graham.12@us.af.mil • Military Civic Affairs • TSgt Angela Alveo-Forbes 448-6854 angela.alveoforbes@us.af.mil • Secretary • TSgt Jennifer Hilley 448-6854 Jennifer.Hilley@us.af.mil • Sergeant At Arms • TSgt Leonard Myers 448-6371 leonard.myers@us.af.mil • Plans & Programs Trustee • MSgt Liam Brinn 449-0460 Liam.Brinn@us.af.mil • Membership Trustee • SMSgt Luis Reyes 449-4371 Luis.Reyes.2@us.af.mil • Legislative Trustee • MSgt Ted Braxton 448-4906 Ted.Braxton@us.af.mil • Airman Activities Coordinators • A1C Jonathon Ferry 449-1210 jonathon.ferry.2@us.af.mil • A1C Kenneth Oliver 448-8435 kenneth.oliver.14@us.af.mil • Chapter 1550 News • Upcoming Events: • TACP Run March 27th-28th – Volunteers needed for booth • USO Volunteer Opportunity at Hickam AFB AMC Terminal, POC for sign ups TSgt Fuentes • 4 Apr 13 at Firestone @ 1000hrs (Special Event “Operation Homecoming” to recognize MIA/POWs). • 30 Apr 13 at Gathering Place @ 1800hrs (Theme “Breakfast for Dinner”) • 30 Jul 13 at Gathering Place @ 1800hrs (Theme “TBD”) • 29 Oct13 at Gathering Place @ 1800hrs (Theme “TBD”) • Membership Meetings: • March 25th at Hickam AFB, J.R. Rockers @ 1100 • Merchandise Trustee: • TSgt Courtney Stanton • DSN: 315-449-4583/COMM: 808-449-4583 • Email: courtney.stanton@us.af.mil • New POW/MIA Coins available! Contact Us by: Website: http://afsachapter1550.com Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/AFSA-Chapter-1550-wwwafsachapter1550com/114155381976124 Sharepoint: AFSA1550 Communications Trustee: Khaalis.Hall@us.af.mil 4