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Trainee ePortfolio Revision 2013. Dr J Foulkes. Headline Changes. Updated look and feel New functionality Educational Supervisors Review(ESR) Revalidation . New Look – Supervisor role. New look - Trainee. New functionality.
Trainee ePortfolio Revision 2013 Dr J Foulkes
Headline Changes • Updated look and feel • New functionality • Educational Supervisors Review(ESR) • Revalidation
New functionality • Trainees will now be able to email requests to have evidence forms completed • Recipients will be able to use links in the email to more easily navigate to the relevant input portal.
ESR • New Look Learning Log • Trainees and Supervisors able to link evidence for the ESR as reference to progression
ESR Trainee Self-Rating • trainee is able to access a summary table of all evidence during that review period which relates to each competence. • The trainee can view each piece of evidence and select a maximum of 3 entries per competence heading • These can be learning logs, CbDs, COTs, etc – each will be labelled by date, subject title, etc for easy identification. • Chosen evidence will then appear as linked items within the self-rating. • The trainee will still be required to write a summary in the evidence box explaining their reasoning, • Trainee writes suggested action plans for next 6 months
ESR ES Competence Rating • Trainee’s self-rating page and the ES competency rating page are essentially merged, • When the ES is doing the competency rating they can see the trainees self-rating under each competence heading, with the evidence they have selected to support their self-assessment available as a link which the ES can click to view.
ES is asked, “Do you agree that the evidence the trainee has provided demonstrates progression in the current review period?” • A Yes/No question, • If ES does not agree, the ES is given the option to link a further 3 pieces of evidence to support their own assessment from a summary table of all evidence during that review period which relates to that specific competence. • Narrative text to support their judgements will still need to be entered in the evidence and actions boxes
Amount of Curriculum Linkage & Validation of Log Entries Curriculum linkage • maximum number of linkages be applied to the ePortfolio – 3 per log entry • ‘hover over’ info boxes reinforce the guidance on linkage for the trainee, • Should reduce the need for ES’s to ‘police’ this area.
Amount of Curriculum Linkage & Validation of Log Entries Validating Log Entries • Guidance to ESs will be reissued to remind them of the purpose of validation • A ‘hover over’ info box with the TeP to reinforce this message.
Cumulative Tables Evidence in the cumulative tables for Curriculum coverage and the Competence Areas are split into 3 columns: • 1 = evidence during current review period, • 2 = evidence during current ST year, • 3 = cumulative evidence over entire period of training to date.
Review of PDP (1) • “Agreed Actions Before Next Review” in the ESR can be auto-populated into the PDP, via a tick-box for each competence area • Trainees will still be able to add other entries to the PDP • In Trainee Self-rating section, the actions box to say “Suggested Actions before next Review”
Review of PDP (2) • In the ES Competence Rating, the actions box to say “Agreed Actions before next Review” –these auto-populate into PDP/Agreed Learning Plan box (ES to select - max 5) • On the final page of the ESR there will be 5 standard text boxes, labelled '1., 2., 3, etc.’ for Agreed Learning plans • ES will be able to record up to 5 separate learning plans. These could be: • those that have been tagged in the Competence Areas, • separate entries, • mixture of both. • They should be editable and the ES should be able to 'untick' those in the competence areas at any stage before submission.
Review of PDP (3) • Entries made in ESR will insert into the Trainee's PDP (as separate entries) once the ESR is signed. • PDP entries generated from an ESR will be tagged with a text indicator (Action Plan from ESR ST1-2) where the review label reflects the source ESR • The PDP entries from the ESR can be manipulated by the Trainee like any other PDP entry (edited etc.) but they will not be able to edit the text inserted by the ES nor will they be able to delete it.