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Major Participants. George Perkins Marsh Institute
2. Major Participants George Perkins Marsh Institute & Graduate School of Geography - Clark University
Harvard Forest - Harvard University
El Colegio de la Fronter Sur (ECOSUR)
with cooperation of
Center for Integrated Studies-Carnegie Mellon University
For a list of individual researchers and their contributions to the project see the SYPR web page (earth.clarku.edu/lcluc)
3. Funding Sources Overall Project
NASA - LCLUC Program
Center for Integrated Studies, Carnegie Mellon University
Ecological Research
Harvard Forest
Conservation Research Foundation
National Science Foundation
Modeling Research
Center for Integrated Studies, Carnegie Mellon University
NASA New Investigator Fellowship
Specific Dissertation Research
Fulbright Fellowship (Garcia Robles)
NASA Earth Systems Science Fellowships (2)
NSF Geography/Regional Science & Decision, Risk, and Management Science/INT-Americas Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants (3)
InterAmerican Foundation Fellowship
4. Problem Overview LCLUC-SYPR seeks
to identify the trajectories and pace of various land-use/cover changes in the region
to develop detailed understanding and explanations of causes and consequences of these changes
to develop a suite of models capable of explaining and projecting spatially explicit use and cover changes
to do all the above through integrative of studies employing historical-empirical narratives, behavioral, structural and ecological theory, and remote sensing and GIS analysis.
5. Specific Goals and Components of LCLUC-SYPR Understand the dynamics of land-use/cover changes in SYPR, especially deforestation and agriculture since the 1960s
Via the following questions:
How does the historical narrative of the land-use/cover changes and the causes and consequences of these changes affect understanding, explanation, and modeling the current conditions of SYPR?
What is the explanatory role of agent-based and structural-based theories, and can they be merged to improve understanding of land change?
What is relation between market and non-market production among households and does “getting this relationship right” improve explanations of land change?
6. Why is chili production apparently succeeding, and what is its longer term economic viability and land impacts?
Does the presence of different resources institutions (rules of access) matter in terms of land-use/cover conditions?
What is the structure and function of the three main forest types present in SYPR?
What is the role of nutrient cycling in forest succession and land-use decisions?
What is the role of hurricanes in land-use/cover change?
Can TM imagery analysis be pushed to the level of specification needed for detailed land-change studies?
Does spatial explicitness improve or hinder explanation.
7. Specific Goals of LCLUC-SYPR Develop and test the applicability of three types of spatially explicit models that explain and project land-use/cover changes, especially for forest and agriculture.
Disaggregate household & ejido models using survey, census, and environmental information linked to remotely sensed imagery (pixelizing the social = Focus 1 research)
Aggregate imagery-based models built from TM imagery but incorporating biophysical and social information (socializing the pixel = Focus 2 research)
Dynamic spatial simulation models used to project land-use/cover changes under different scenarios (Focus 4 research)
10. Environmental Schema of Region
12. Focus 3: Environmental Assessment and Reconstruction leading to the ecological consequence of and impacts on land change
The aims of this work are:
[1] to identify and measure the principal biophysical perturbations on SYPR forests,
[2] identify the basic structures of the different forest types and successional growth,
[3] determine the role nutrient cycling on use and forest, and [4] incorporate these dynamics into the various SYPR land-change models.
ATTENTION: Slides marked by * are not be used or cited without permission of the project.
16. Composition, Structure, Dynamics, and Regeneration of Forests: SYPR study sites**
17. Composition, Structure, Dynamics, and Regeneration of Vegetation Six vegetation sites established across the region representing gradient of precipitation, soil depth, topography, and hurricane exposure.
Minimally 10 vegetation plots (circular 500 m2 each) per forest type at each site.
Tree (>10 cm dbh) and liana species composition and structural characteristics of forest record for each plot (as well as epiphyte load).
In nested 100 m2, stems >5 cm dbh or >2 m in height are recorded.
Seedling layer to be investigated in future.
19. Changes in Nutrient Cycling During Succession
21. Linking Biomass and Species Composition to Nutrient Cycling Processes
22. Variation in Forest Floor Mass vs. Age*[Across Study Area]
23. Variation in Monthly Litter Fall vs. Age* [Across Study Area]
24. Focus 1: Historical Narrative and Socio-Economic Conditionleading to econometric analysis and theory-based models Critical aims are to determine:
[1] the influence of previous political economic conditions on those now present,
[2] the rationality of semi-subsistence land managers and its land management implications, and
[3] the institutional and infrastructural conditions in which managers operate, and
[4] to create models that move from the “magnitude” of change to the “specific locations” of the change.
ATTENTION: Slides marked by (*) are not be used or cited without permission of the project.
30. Smallholders, Infrastructures, and Institutions “rationality” of land users
conditions in which they operate
land management practices
32. LCLUC-SYPR: Example Question Guiding Theory Construction and Household Surveys To what extent is the expansion of agriculture
(i.e., forest to open land) propelled by:
[1] On-site demands for subsistence crops
[2] External markets for commercial crops?
33. Predominant Land Uses in SYPR: Tentative Survey Results*
34. Indicators of Economic Links to Subsistence & Market Production*
35. Spatially Explicit Land Models Previous spatially-explicit econometric models
Aggregate socioeconomic data
Profit maximizing behavior
Individual land manager data linked to the pixel
Test hypotheses concerning hh behavior linked to structural and infrastructural changes
38. Separability of Production and Consumption by Farmstead Type [sell maize or not]:Non-linear Specification of Demographic Variables*
39. Focus 2: TM Imagery Analysis, GIS and theRegional Conditionleading to empirical diagnostic models
40. Target Classification Scheme
41. Image Processing Methodology: Overview
42. Noise Removal of Landsat TM: DEHAZING
43. Noise Removal of Landsat TM: Principal Components Analysis Perform PCA on 6 of 7 Landsat TM bands (no thermal band)
Results: striping and noise eliminated, data redundancy reduced
44. Incorporating Spatial Context:Texture Analysis* Image texture -- distinctive spatial and spectral relationships among neighboring pixels
Focus on overall pattern of variation in each category, rather than spectral average
Texture Analysis on PCA results: (1) improved separability of upland and lowland forests, cropland and pasture, transitional edges, (2) allowed the detection and separation of 4 classes of secondary (successional) vegetation
45. Improving Signature Separability Using Texture*
46. Compilation of PCA, Texture and NDVI Bands Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is a measure of relative biomass
NDVI = (IR-R)/(IR+R)
3 PCA bands, 3 Texture Bands, 1 NDVI band layer-stacked to produce final 7-band image for signature development and classification
47. Improving Classification Contingency Using Texture & NDVI*
51. Characterizing Uncertainty: Soft Classifiers*
52. Example Classification for Modeling Land-Use/Cover Change
53. Modeling Approaches Disaggregate, household and ejido-based
Aggregate, imagery-based
Dynamic spatial simulation
56. Trial Model of Land-Use/Cover Change Deforestation: Land-cover changes from Forest (mature and successional) to Cropland/Pasture
Succession: Land-cover changes from Cropland/Pasture to young secondary vegetation
Model 2 time periods: 1988-1992, 1992-1995
57. Explanatory Variables Biophysical: soils, topography, initial cover class
Locational and infrastructure: distances to roads, village centers, markets, nearest other land cover
Landscape pattern indices: fragmentation, diversity, richness, number of different classes (NDC)
Socioeconomic: demographic, wealth indicators
58. Biophysical Variables
59. Locational and Infrastructure Variables
60. Landscape Pattern Indices
61. Demographic and Socioeconomic Variables
62. Model Estimation Binomial LOGIT model
Endogenous Variable: Forest Persistence vs. Deforestation
Exogenous Variables: GIS layers
Base Case: Forest Persistence
Estimate Parameters
evaluate significance of exogenous variables in model explanation
enable prediction of deforestation probability
63. Model Output: Deforestation in 1988-92 Logit Estimates
Number of obs = 805898 chi2(21) = 147541.4 > 5
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 Log Likelihood = -219751.11 Pseudo R2 = 0.2513
depen| Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
elev | -.021297 .0002431 -87.615 0.000 -.0217734 -.0208206
slop | .0366753 .0024783 14.799 0.000 .0318179 .0415327
sl2 | -.6190486 .0247161 -25.046 0.000 -.6674912 -.5706059
sl3 | -.5856845 .0091304 -64.146 0.000 -.6035798 -.5677892
baj | -1.043225 .0263979 -39.519 0.000 -1.094964 -.9914857
med | -.2162192 .0251993 -8.580 0.000 -.265609 -.1668295
sec2 | .3272907 .0245467 13.333 0.000 .27918 .3754013
sec3 | -.7267448 .0513751 -14.146 0.000 -.8274381 -.6260514
disr | -.0205669 .0002015 -102.072 0.000 -.0209619 -.020172
dism | .0006189 .0001467 4.218 0.000 .0003313 .0009065
disv | .3046899 .0184065 16.553 0.000 .2686137 .340766
disc | -.0008068 .0000101 -79.685 0.000 -.0008267 -.000787
div | .1112383 .0127281 8.740 0.000 .0862917 .1361849
rich | -.000519 .0015288 -0.339 0.734 -.0035155 .0024775
pop | -.0024866 .0000777 -32.011 0.000 -.0026388 -.0023343
popc | 3.414536 .1871055 18.249 0.000 3.047816 3.781256
pden | 23.44893 .5243971 44.716 0.000 22.42113 24.47673
cden | -2.321342 .093875 -24.728 0.000 -2.505334 -2.13735
cdc | 9.393413 .5876295 15.985 0.000 8.24168 10.54515
tden | 172.7646 8.729288 19.791 0.000 155.6555 189.8737
tdc | -5.90372 .5648981 -10.451 0.000 -7.0109 -4.79654
_cons | 2.112397 .0502639 42.026 0.000 2.013882 2.210913
64. Spatially Explicit Probability Maps*
65. “Hardening” Predictions*
67. Results of Binomial LOGIT Model
68. Kappa Index of Agreement Statistics*
69. Focus 2: Summary High level of detail extracted from Landsat TM
experimental image processing techniques
exhaustive multi-date training sites from land-use histories
detailed classification of cover and succession
Model Estimation
use of spatially explicit endogenous & exogenous variables
probabilistic prediction maps
Model Validation and Future Directions
Optimization of threshold for probability of change
Kappa statistics to Relative Operating Characteristic [ROC]
Dynamic transition probabilities and projections
Incorporate spatially explicit decision-making rules derived from Focus 1 household model as additional exogenous variables
Incorporate constraints on land use (change): e.g., forest reserves
Incorporate spatially explicit ecological feedbacks derived from Focus 3 on future land use/cover
70. A conceptual actor-institution-environment framework is mapped onto a computer model to form an agent-based dynamics spatial simulation The conceptual framework joins:
Actors: agrarian decision making interpreted by bounded rationality & resource profiles
Institutions: land tenure & subsidies
Environment: simple ecological relationships
71. Conceptual Model Relationships
72. Assertions and Model Configurations Different forms of decision making: actor behavior as simple rules vs. group-based rules
Actor heterogeneity: a single kind of smallholder-agent vs. different classes of agents
Institutions: no institutions vs. an array of institutions
Reactive environment: unchanging landscape vs. an adaptive, reactive environment with endogenous transition rules
73. ADSS Implementation
74. Challenges Dimensionality: time, space & scale
Construction: calibration (esp. agents), validation, visualization & software integration
Conceptual barriers: adequacy of conceptual model, uncertainty, qualitative knowledge & ethics
75. Added Elements of Study Forest reconstruction from aerial photography
Household fertility and education study
Resource institution typology
Landscape fragmentation assessment
Chile management strategies
Origins and structure of chile production
Forest succession and management practices