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Complexity and Performance Analysis of a DS-CDMA UWB System

This document presents results on the performance of a DS-CDMA system, analyzing complexities in multi-path environments and energy capture efficiency. It explores factors affecting system performance such as multi-path reflections, cross-talk, and fading statistics.

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Complexity and Performance Analysis of a DS-CDMA UWB System

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  1. Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Complexity and Performance Analysis of a DS-CDMA UWB System] Date Submitted: [ 17 September, 2003] Source: [Jaiganesh Balakrishnan, Anand Dabak, Srinivas Lingam and Anuj Batra] Company [Texas Instruments] Address [12500 TI Blvd, Dallas, TX 75243, Texas, USA] Voice:[+1 214-480-3756], FAX: [+1 972-761-6969], E-Mail:[jai@ti.com] Re: [] Abstract: [The following contribution provides a complexity and performance analysis of a DS-CDMA UWB System.] Purpose: [This document presents results on the performance of a DS-CDMA system] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Jaiganesh Balakrishnan et al., Texas Instruments

  2. Complexity and Performance Analysis of a DS-CDMA UWB System Jaiganesh Balakrishnan, Anand Dabak, Srinivas Lingam and Anuj Batra Texas Instruments 12500 TI Blvd, MS 8649 Dallas, TX 75243 Jaiganesh Balakrishnan et al., Texas Instruments

  3. Object 1 Reflection 1 Cross talk between multiple reflections MBOK code Reflection 2 Reflection 3 Object 2 Object 3 Multi-path for DS-CDMA • Multi-path reflections from different objects in a room • Light travels at ~ 1 ns a foot • DS-CDMA chip period is 731 ps • MBOK symbol period is 17.5 ns • CM3 channel reflections easily up to 40 ns • There is cross-talk between the different reflections. This is what is referred to here as multi-path Jaiganesh Balakrishnan et al., Texas Instruments

  4. Reflection 1 a1 a2 Reflection 2 a3 Reflection 3 Multi-path cross talk effect in DS-CDMA • Simulations for DS-CDMA shouldtake into account multi-path cross talk. • Simplistic simulations for DS-CDMA can be done by just summing up the energies from the different multi-paths • However, these simulations do not take into account cross-talk between the multi-paths • Will give incorrect and OVER optimistic results Jaiganesh Balakrishnan et al., Texas Instruments

  5. Multi-path Performance • In multi-path environments, the RMS delay spreads for a UWB channel can be large (14 ns for CM3, 25 ns for CM4). The performance of a DS-CDMA system in multi-path channel environments is determined by the following factors: • Multi-path Energy Capture: • Function of the number of RAKE fingers used. • Uncollected multi-path results in lost energy • Degradation due to ICI/ISI: • Depends on the severity of the channel • Increases as the data rate goes up Jaiganesh Balakrishnan et al., Texas Instruments

  6. Fading PDF Statistics of OFDM carriers versus DS-CDMA (03/344) 0.1 Large proportion of deep fades that cause bit errors 4 MHz OFDM carrier BW fading 0.08 0.06 PDF - 4 MHz Fading 0.04 0.02 0 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 Received Energy (dB) 1.368 GHz BW DS-CDMA Fading 0.4 PDF - 1.368 GHz Fading NO deep fades! 0.2 0 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 Received Energy (dB) Jaiganesh Balakrishnan et al., Texas Instruments

  7. 0 10 OFDM CM1 ODFM CM2 OFDM CM3 -1 -2 10 10 OFDM CM4 DS CM1 DS CM2 -3 DS CM3 10 DS CM4 AWGN BER -4 10 -5 10 ~4.5 - 5 dB -6 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SNR (dB) OFDM versus DS-CDMA with Rate ½ k=7 Code (03/344) Performance Differential for 4 MHz OFDM vs. 1.368 GHz DS-CDMA Jaiganesh Balakrishnan et al., Texas Instruments

  8. Multi-path Energy Capture (1) • Assumptions: • Optimal timing information. • Perfect channel estimation. • Largest RAKE fingers over the entire span of the channel impulse response are selected. • No shadowing • Does not reflect degradation due to ICI/ISI. • Loss in captured energy averaged over all 100 channel realizations. • Observations: • Average loss of 2.5 dB with a 16 finger RAKE for CM4 channel environment. • Average loss of 1.3 dB with a 16 finger RAKE for a CM3 channel environment. Jaiganesh Balakrishnan et al., Texas Instruments

  9. Multi-path Energy Capture (2) • The performance for the 90th %-ile channel realization is the metric of interest [03/031, 03/276]. • 03/031: Selection criteria document • 03/276: CE SIG requirements • Assumptions: • No Shadowing • Does not reflect degradation due to ICI/ISI. • Observations: • 90th %-ile channel realization has a loss of 3.8 dB with a 16 finger RAKE for CM4 channel environment. • 90th %-ile channel realization has a loss of ~2 dB with a 16 finger RAKE for a CM3 channel environment. Jaiganesh Balakrishnan et al., Texas Instruments

  10. Impact of cross talk (1) • Even if an infinite finger RAKE is used to collect all the multi-path energy, the DS-CDMA system will have a performance gap from AWGN due to the effect of ICI/ISI. • Assumptions for the DS-CDMA System: • Chip rate of 1368 MHz. • RRC pulse shape with 50% excess bandwidth. • R = 1/2, K = 7 convolutional code. • Information data rate of 114 Mbps aprocessing gain of 12. • No back-off at the transmitter due to ripples in the PSD. • CM3 channel environment. • No shadowing. • Perfect channel estimation. (Not realistic) • Optimal finger placement for the RAKE, i.e., the locations with the largest channel taps are picked. Jaiganesh Balakrishnan et al., Texas Instruments

  11. Impact of cross talk (2) • Assumptions for the OFDM system: • MB-OFDM system with 3-bands. • R = 1/2, K = 7 convolutional code. • Maximum uncoded data rate of 640 Mbps with QPSK modulation. • Information data rate of ~110 Mbps  a frequency domain spreading factor of 3. • No overhead due to the OFDM prefix. • CM3 channel environment. • No shadowing. • Perfect channel estimation. (Not realistic) • Observations: • Infinite finger RAKE has an average degradation of 0.7 dB over AWGN due to ICI/ISI. • OFDM system loses 1 dB over AWGN due to loss in frequency diversity. • A 16 finger RAKE has a 2 dB loss over AWGN. Jaiganesh Balakrishnan et al., Texas Instruments

  12. 0 10 OFDM CM1 ODFM CM2 OFDM CM3 -1 -2 10 10 OFDM CM4 DS CM1 DS CM2 -3 DS CM3 10 DS CM4 AWGN BER -4 10 -5 10 ~4.5 - 5 dB -6 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SNR (dB) Simulation comparison Simplistic simulations does not include spreading factor for M B-OFDM* Simplistic simulations ignoring multi-path cross talk for DS-CDMA *: Document 03/344 Jaiganesh Balakrishnan et al., Texas Instruments

  13. Impact of cross talk (3) • What happens when we look at the 90th %ile results rather than the average performance? • Observations: • The infinite finger RAKE has a ~1.7 dB degradation over AWGN performance. • The OFDM system has the same 90th %ile performance as the infinite finger RAKE. • The 16 finger RAKE has a ~4.5 dB degradation over AWGN and ~2.8 dB degradation over the OFDM system. MB-OFDM achieves infinite rake performance with implementable complexity Jaiganesh Balakrishnan et al., Texas Instruments

  14. Range of DS-CDMA System • Document [03/153] does not provide results for the 90% link success probability distance. Average range results are optimistic and does not provide the complete picture. • Impact due to ICI/ISI for the 90th %ile realization is nearly 1.7 dB for the 114 Mbps data rate. • Need a margin of 3.8 dB to compensate for the impact of log-normal shadowing to obtain the range for the 90th %ile link. * - Based on the results provided in document [03/153] MB-OFDM has a 90% link success probability of ~11.5 m (03/268) (70 % more than DS-CDMA with 5-finger rake) Jaiganesh Balakrishnan et al., Texas Instruments

  15. RAKE receiver for DSSS* Computational cost of correlators Each Correlator requires 24 additions/subtractions at the chip-rate (e.g., 1.368GHz) For RAKE of length 16, need 8 x 16 = 128 correlators for 16-BOK => 175,000 Madds per second !! Computational cost of MRC (this occurs at symbol rate. E.g., 57MHz) 16 vectors of length 8 need to be multiplied by the corresponding 16 complex conjugate channel tap weights (one complex tap weight per vector). 16 x 8 x 57 = 7296 MOPS (non-trivial complex multiplies) Overall 7296 M complex multiplies + 175000 M complex adds/sec!!) * Does not even include multi-path equalization complexity FFT for OFDM (MBOA) FFT part Conservatively, this requires 8 complex multiplies and 22.4 complex adds per clock cycle at 128MHz Looking at complex multiplies, we need 8 x 128 = 1024 MOPS Frequency-domain EQ 100 data carriers multiplied by their respective conjugate channel taps every 312.5ns Implies 100/0.3125 = 320 MOPS Overall: 1344 M complex multiplies/sec Complexity comparison (based on 03/343) MBOA OFDM has better performance and is computationally less expensive. Jaiganesh Balakrishnan et al., Texas Instruments

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