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SECURITY RESEARCH in FP7 Securing Europe through knowledge and technology. Security Research and Development. Demonstration Programmes. Mission driven R&D: Users first Adaptation of existing technology for novel fit for purpose security solutions,
SECURITY RESEARCH in FP7 Securing Europe through knowledge and technology Security Research and Development Demonstration Programmes
Mission driven R&D:Users first • Adaptation of existing technology for novel fit for purpose security solutions, • The security market is increasingly private-public, • Support to the structuring of a supranational market/procurement, • Technological solutions to be tested and demonstrated in appropriate scenario.
Security research is mission driven.Vision for implementation
DP: a peculiar instrument Collaborative project(s) with indicative Community funding of over € 20 million. Duration: up to 4 years. Successful demonstration of appropriateness and performance of (novel) solutions is a key factor for the take-up of output of research and for its implementation by security policies and measures. Step towards the (re)-structuring of the European Security Industrial Sector and a contribution to the opening up of a more open EU wide market. Policy related actions: the management of the grant agreement(s) will not be externalised to the REA.
DEMONSTRATION PROGRAMME (DP)A flagship initiative Topic SEC-2010.2.1-1 Security of mass transportation - phase II
Securityof infrastructure Monitor / Protect / Improve
Berlin workshop, 18 March http://www.bmbf.de/de/13481.php Organized by Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) jointly with European Commission Participants nominated by delegates of FP7 Member States and by Commission services 130 experts attended
CONTEXT The term ‘security of mass transportation’ covers both security of transport infrastructures and services and security of the passengers using transport services. Objective is focused towards urban and regional public transportation (metro, tram, short distance regional rail transport) A holistic and systematic all risks approach to assess, prevent, detect, prepare for and manage threats to mass transportation/urban and regional transport security is being sought. Key aspects are the very high numbers of passengers served on a daily basis and being “open” with many points of access (hard to protect) and incidents at critical “neuralgic” nodes. The project should aid the standardisation of solutions, to allow the creation of a European common market for future mass transport security solutions. Freight transport is excluded except for considerations of the risk-inducing role that transport of dangerous goods may have as a threat against passenger transport.
Areas identified for the DP Security systems designed to meet specific requirements for mass transportation networks, transfer nodes and platform interiors; Interoperability of different security systems managed by different operators and/or between different EU countries; Comprehensive threat detection systems, fusing data across diverse and distributed networks and analysing threats via spatial/pattern recognition techniques. Detecting, tracking and tracing individuals, crowds and objects within, and across, transport systems, while respecting the personal integrity of individuals; Exploring ways of interconnecting urban transport data systems based on electronic ticketing/payment with other security systems; Preparedness and design for resilience, post-event situation analysis systems capable of rapidly accessing and piecing together different multimedia and digital data to re-enact a sequence of events; Common operational picture, integrating and displaying data from a diverse set of sources on optimised man machine interfaces, handling the interagency aspects of mass transport security and utilising intelligence-based risk assessment and alert systems ; Neutralisation and containment systems for attack avoidance, suppression or nullification. Optimized interactions with passengers, with regard to newest consumer IT technology. Intervention and operations technologies wherever appropriate to cover synergies of security and safety and cost-effectiveness. Improving the protection, hardening and resilience of existing and new infrastructures New tools (e.g. simulation, virtual and augmented reality) to improve training of staff. Recommendations for operation procedures in case of a security situation
Impact of the DP It should provide a demonstration of solutions for typical big and mid-sized cities (>0.5 million inhabitants) to be benchmarked according to impact on improved security. Systems / technologies should be demonstrated with 'real hardware' in a number of relevant places, in addition to modelling and simulation, European dimension required, with best use of pertinent projects conducted within national and /or European frameworks, focusing on their possible integration to better meet operational challenges. It should bring together private and public end users from many countries, able to provide the input data of the pertinent scenarios as well as assessment (validation/test) criteria.
DEMONSTRATION PROGRAMME (DP)A flagship initiative Topic SEC-2010.3.1-1 European-wide integrated (maritime) border control system (Phase 2)
3) Border security Coordinate / Monitor / Detect / Track
National border guards Coast guards FRONTEX Biometrics Containers scanning UAV surveillance
Bruxelles workshop, 12 March http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/security/events/border_control_workshop.htm Participants nominated by delegates of FP7 Member States and by Commission services; > 140 experts attended; Active input from ESRIF WG3 (Border Control): a clear message to focus DP on maritime border surveillance.
CONTEXT A key aspect of the implementation of the EU Integrated Border Management is the development of a European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR). The competent national authorities and FRONTEX are expected to be the main end-users of this DP. Border police and Customs are important national authorities, while EMSA is a relevant EU Agency.
Areas identified for the DP Detection of small craft: Detecting, identifying and tracking small craft in vast areas of open seas as well as in closed waters of archipelagos. Another challenge is the detection of low flying aircraft. Different sensor solutions (including, if appropriate, patrolling assets and coastal surveillance capabilities) to be demonstrated and integrated to provide adequate performance. Fusion of information and establishment of a situational picture at regional and European level in order to detect anomalies both at sea and land/sea interfaces and to assess different threat levels. Presentation of the information: Measures to present the fused information to provide decision support to the operators would need to be demonstrated. Interoperability: The demonstrated solutions need to provide interoperability between different organisations in different States. Furthermore, integration of some legacy systems will have to be demonstrated. Systems will eventually have to prove to be affordable. Solutions shall be tested in selected areas of the EU external maritime border, showing – from a technical point of view – a contribution to both technological integrationand the development for a more effective common information sharing environment.
Definition and Assessment of DP. Institutional end users are in the best position to define and assess the performances to be demonstrated, particularly in terms of capabilities to improve security solutions. Solutions to be experimented in a pre-operational scenario. Mechanism to be set up ensuring that pertinent private and public end users (“first buyers”) would be integrated to the assessment and the follow up of the work,bringing together representatives of EU authorities (and agencies) and representatives (both public and private) appointed by the MS. This panel should be involved in the establishment of assessment and demonstration criteria as soon as the project starts.
Impact of the DP It should demonstrate key elements for a future operational integrated system providing situational awareness of activities (in particular those unlawful) with continuity from high sea, to coastal waters and ports, on the basis of sharing and pooling maritime surveillance assets (at MS and EU levels), in compliance with sovereign prerogatives and information ownership requirements. The research nature implies restricting the perimeter to one or a number of exercises identified in place and time, specifying the target (or targets), the threats and associated scenarios. It would nonetheless be required to have a fully European dimension, making best useof pertinent projects conducted within national, regional and/or European frameworks. It should make it possible to bring together from many countries private and public end-users able to provide input data of the pertinent scenarios as well as the assessment (validation/test) criteria. Strong end user involvement would be particularly important to demonstrate how modern technology can facilitate the needed interagency cooperation inside and between States.
Not a call for Tender: ImplementationOne or a number of individual Demonstration Projects ? • How to test the resulting new techniques and technologies (e.g. interoperability, fitness for purpose etc.)...? • How to technically implement development taking into account steps that have to follow: e.g. agreed procedures, (pre-) procurement guidelines…? • How to prepare the ground for certification and/or standardization (if/when appropriate) ...?
Not a Call for Tender:How to maximise impact? • … during and/or after end of Project(s)? • … by relevant (ad-hoc) Authorities? • … by (national / international) end-users?
4th European Security Research Conference (SRC09) • Stockholm 29-30 September 2009. • Organized by Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems under EU Presidency. • More than 1,200 expected attendees. • http://www.src09.se/
THANK YOU ! paolo.salieri@ec.europa.eu