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Seeds significance of seed treatment and sowing methods. Previous. Next. End. Seeds significance of seed treatment and sowing methods.
Seeds significance of seed treatment and sowing methods Previous Next End
Seeds significance of seed treatment and sowing methods Raising seedling for transplanting for one hectare an area of 350 meter square nursery required generally raised nursery beds of size 7.5m × 1.2m × 0.1m are prepared. The beds are covered with a layer of farm yard manure and sand mixed in equal proposition during rainy season there will be heavy incidence of damping off . Previous Next End
Seeds significance of seed treatment and sowing methods So the nursery bed should be drenched with 0.2% diathane M -45 about 300-350g of seeds would required in the case of varieties. While for hybrids a quantity of 150g will be sufficient to transplant one hectare. Previous Next End
Seeds significance of seed treatment and sowing methods Treat the seeds with Trichoderma viride or Psedumonas fluorescens 10g or carbendazim 2g per kg of seeds 24 hrs before sowing. Just before sowing the seeds have to be treated with azospirilliun 3-3.5g / 300-350 g of seeds. Previous Next End
Seeds significance of seed treatment and sowing methods The treated sees have to be sown in lines drawn 10cm aprt in the raised beds and covered with sand. A thin layer of paddy straw can be spread on these beds and the beds are watered every day by rose can. Previous Next End
Seeds significance of seed treatment and sowing methods Protected nursery for hybrids: (seedlings raised in protrays.) Prepare the nursery area of 3 cents with a slanting slope of 2%. Cover the nursery area with 50% shadenet cover the sides using 40/50 mesh insect proof nylon net. Next Previous End
Seeds significance of seed treatment and sowing methods From raised beds of 1m width and convenient length. Place HDPV pipes once in 2m interval for further protection with polythene sheets during rainy months. Mix sterilized cocopeat @ 300kg with 5 kg of neem cake along with azospirilliyum nad phospobacteria each @ 1 kg. approximately 1.25 kg of cocopeat mixture is required for filling one portrays. Previous Next End
Seeds significance of seed treatment and sowing methods A total number of 238 protays are required for producing 23, 334 seedlings which is required for transplanting one hectare at a spacing of 90cm 60 cm × 60 cm in paired row system. Sow the treated seeds on protarys @ 1 seed per cell. Previous Next End
Seeds significance of seed treatment and sowing methods Cover the seeds with cocopeat and keep the trays one above the other and cover with a polythene sheet till germination starts. After 6 days, place the germinated portrays individually on the raised bed inside the shade net. Water with rose can every day upto seed germination drench 19:19:19 NPK complex @ 0.5% (5g/lit) at 18 days after sowing. Previous Next End
Seeds significance of seed treatment and sowing methods Main field preparation: Plough the land to a fine tilth thoroughly prepare the field with the addition of FYM @ 25t/ha. Form ridges and furrows at a spacing of 60cm . apply 2kg of azospirillium and 2kg of phosphobacteria by mixing with 50 kg of FYM for one hectare. Irrigate the furrows and transplant 25 days old seedlings with the ball of earth on the ridges. Life irrigation to be given on 3rd days. Previous Next End
Seeds significance of seed treatment and sowing methods Mulching and weed control: Black LDPE sheets 25 microns thickness may be buried at both the ends into the soil to a depth of 10cm before mulching apply pendimethalin 1.0kg a.i/ha. As a pre emergent herbicide just before transplanting. Previous