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THz-BRIDGE Workshop " Tera-Hertz Radiation in Biological Research, Investigation on Diagnostics, and study on potential Genotoxic Effects ". Palazzo dei Congressi – Capri - Italy September 29 – October 2, 2002. Hosted by. Monday – 30 th September 2002.
THz-BRIDGE Workshop " Tera-Hertz Radiation in Biological Research, Investigation on Diagnostics, and study on potential Genotoxic Effects " Palazzo dei Congressi – Capri - Italy September 29 – October 2, 2002 Hosted by
Monday – 30th September 2002 Time Code Title Presenting author 9.00 Welcome to participants 9.10 Mo 1 Opening Talk: Restrahlen to T-Rays - 100 Years of Terahertz Radiation M.F.Kimmitt • Sesssion: SPECTROSCOPY I • Chair: P. Dumas 9.40 Mo 2 Infrared Spectroscopy used to Probe Proteins and Biological Membranes: What do we learn from the Mid-IR and the Far-IR W. Mäntele 10.00 Mo 3 Far Infrared Spectroscopy on Biological Material A. Matei 10.20 Mo 4 Determination of Glucose Concentration in Whole Blood using Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Y. Shen 10.40 Mo 5 FTIR-spectroscopic investigation of protein conformational changes and drug action in signaling by a g-protein-coupled receptor K. Fahmy 11.00 – 11-30 Coffee Break Session: SPECTROSCOPY IIChair: E. Linfield 11.30 Mo 6 Phonons and hydrogen bonding in biomolecular systems P. Jepsen 12.00 Mo 8 THz-spectroscopy of biological molecules T. Globus 12.20 Mo 9 Terahertz Spectroscopy of skin P. Taday 12.40 Mo 10 Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy of glucose and uric acid P. Upadhya 13.00 – 15.00 Lunch break
Monday– 30th September 2002 - afternoon Time Code Title Presenting author Session: BIOLOGICAL EFFECTSChair: E. Berry 15.00 Mo 11 Biological effects in the microwave, THz and infrared regions B. Veyret 15.30 Mo 12 THz exposure of whole blood for the study of biologica l effects on human lymphocytes O. Zeni 15.50 Mo 13 Genomic stability following exposure of human lymphocytes to THz radiation R. Korenstein 16.10 Mo 14 Effects on Human Primary Keratinocyte Differentiation and Viability induced by THz exposure R. Clothier 16.30 – 17-00 Coffee Break Session: INTERACTION MECHANISMSChair: A. Ramundo 17.00 Mo 15 Interaction models for the propagation of the e.m.f. in biological systems G. D'Inzeo 17.30 Mo 16 Terahertz Surface Modes in Nanometer-sized Liquid Droplets D. Mittelman 18.00 Mo 17 Two methods for modelling the propagation of terahertz radiation in a layered structure G. Walker 18.20 Mo 18 Damaging DNA bases by radiation over a wide spectral range C. Cefalas
Tuesday – 1st October 2002 Time Code Title Presenting author Session: MICROSPECTROSCOPYChair: A. Schwettman 9.00 Tu 1 Biological and biomedical applications of synchrotron infrared microspectroscopy P. Dumas 9.30 Tu 2 Mid and Far-Infrared Microspectroscopy Studies of Biological Tissues with a Synchrotron Source L. Carr 10.00 Tu 3 Infrared Near Field Microscopy F. Keilmann 10.30 – 11-00 Coffee Break Session: THz IMAGING & DIAGNOSTICSChair: M. Koch 11.00 Tu 4 T-Ray Imaging and Tomography X.C. Zhang 11.30 Tu 5 Transient photo-induced optical elements: A. Schwettman 11.50 Tu 6 Electro-optic detection of sub-wavelength THz spot sizes in the near-field of a metal tip P. Planken 12.10 Tu 7 Genetic diagnostics with integrated THz systems H. Kurz 12.30 Tu 8 Terahertz Pulse Imaging of skin cancer in the time and frequency domain R. Woodward 12.30 – 14.30 Lunch LINK TO INTERNATIONAL PROJECTSChair: G.P. Gallerano, M.R. Scarfi 16.30 Tu9 Presentation of COST 281: challenge through new technologies G. Friedrich 17.00 Tu10 Terahertz Research in a European Context M. Chamberlain 17.30 – 18.30 Panel discussion: Perspectives of THz applications in biomedical research Steered by M. Chamberlain - Contributions by: H. Kurz, D. Mittelman, P.Taday, M. Usami, M. Wilkki, X.C. Zhang et al
Tuesday– 1st October 2002 - afternoon 14.30 – 16.30 POSTER SESSION (Coffee & drinks will be available throughout the session) Code Title Presenting author Tu P01 Catalogue of human tissue optical properties at Terahertz frequencies A. Fitzgerald Tu P02 On-chip THz detection of biomaterials: a numerical study M. Koch Tu P03 Optical and electro-optical properties of nematic liquid crystals 5CB and PCH5 in the THz range C.L. Pan Tu P04 The basic hybrid millimeter wave radio-spectrometer for physical-chemical and bio-medical applications E. Saidov Tu P05 Light-Induced Difference Terahertz Spectroscopy Y. Shen Tu P06 Near field microscopy devices in the THz spectral region for biological investigations A. Coniglio Tu P07 THz Near Field Imaging and Sensing L. Wang Tu P08 Broad band FEL Terahertz radiators I. Spassovsky Tu P09 Compact, medium energy, grating-based THz source H. Andrews Tu P10 Performance Characteristics of a Smith-Purcell Tunable Terahertz Source M. Mross Tu P11 Modulation doped Si/SiGe heterostructure THz laser M. Odnoblyudov Tu P12 Properties and the planned use of the intense THz radiation from ELBE at Dresden-Rossendorf W. Seidel Tu P13 The synchrotron infrared activities at BESSY U. Schade TuP14 "Terahertz radiation at ANKAthe new synchrotron light source in Karlsruhe“ D. Moss TuP15 "Propagation of THz pulses in photoexcited media: a new insight into time-resolved THz experiments“ P. Kuzel Tu P16 Design and performance of a THz emission and detection setup based on a semi-insulating GaAs emitter P. Planken Tu P17 THz emitters using linearly tapered slot antennas integrated with traveling wave photodetectors H. Han Tu P18 Electrical Transport Measurements of Nanomaterials using THz Spectroscopy J. Federici Tu P19 Tunneling processes induced by terahertz electric fields S. Ganichev Tu P20 THz-Optical Interactions in Semiconductor Nano-Rings: Enabling Technologies for THz Spectroscopy and Sensors D. Citrin Tu P21 Absorption and diffusion measurements of biological samples using a THz Free Electron Laser E. Giovenale Tu P22 Studies on Cell Membrane Model functionality: an experimental set-up for liposomes irradiation M. D’Arienzo
Wednesday – 2nd October 2002 Time Code Title Presenting author Session: RISK PERCEPTION AND SAFETY ISSUESChair: B. Veyret 9.00 We 1 "Perception Of Risks From Electromagnetic Fields: Lessons For The Future" P. Vecchia 9.30 We 2 In vivo terahertz pulsed imaging? Applying the international safety guidelines E. Berry 10.00 We 3 Synchrotron radiation-based Fourier transform infrared (SR-FTIR) spectromicroscopy M. Martin 10.30 – 11-00 Coffee Break Session:THz SOURCES AND SYSTEMSChair: C.L. Pan 11.00 We 4 Very high Power THz radiation from Relativistic Electrons G.P. Williams 11.30 We 5 "Powerful, Steady State, CoherentTHz-Synchrotron Radiation at BESSY II" G. Wüstefeld 11.50 We 6 Generation of narrowband tunable THz radiation via optical rectification in periodically poled nonlinear materials R. Beigang 12.10 We 7 Progress in microFEL development J.H. Brownell 12.30 We 8 Tunable CW and pulsed THz lasing of strained p-Ge I. Yassievich 12.50 – 13.20 Concluding Remarks X.C. Zhang