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Spring WLA meeting April 18 & 19, 2008. Attended by Cheryl Wright, Julia Weaver, & Edie Phillips.
Spring WLA meetingApril 18 & 19, 2008 Attended by Cheryl Wright, Julia Weaver, & Edie Phillips
Pew is a charitable trust. The Pew Internet and American Life Project surveys how people use the Internet, libraries, and government agencies when they need help. Pew found most people go to the Internet for help (58%), Gen Y’s (age 18-29) use libraries the most for needed information. IMLS stands for Institute of Museum and Library Services, the grant money provider for workshops like the one we attended. Pew & You, IMLS
The problems Gen Y’s seek information for deal with serious illness or health concerns, school financing, changing a job, Social Security or military benefits, etc. etc., in other words, information that is usually found in government publications or websites. There’s still a digital divide because of Internet connectivity (dialup vs. broadband) We still need to remind patrons about databases and other resources.
We learned about a number of Internet government sites. We have provided notebooks for each library with these handouts. We’ve created a link on our website to see some of the government sites. http://wyld.state.wy.us/park Go to Park Library website, click on Research tab, click on Government Information You can Use; click on government-resources link.
Hyperion – what is it? • The Wyoming State Library is using a digital media management system to enhance public access to its collection of electronic Wyoming state and federal documents. • Show examples: career cluster or tourism • http://wyld.state.wy.us • Search in digital collections or the catalog • Remember to take off pop-up blocker!
Citizenship information • Meg Martin of the Wyoming State Law Library spoke about the difficulties of getting citizenship. • She handed out a list of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services quick links. This is also available through Web Junction. ww.webjunction.org/do/Home • Type USCIS quick links in search box, choose the second option (web page)
Growing Pains • The Governor’s 2008 Conference was entitled “Building the Wyoming We Want”. • The governor stated, “We have arrived at a unique point in time in Wyoming. Our economy continues to surge ahead, unemployment remains at a record low and we’re seeing an encouraging increase in the number of companies that are looking to move to Wyoming and set up shop…”
But with the benefits of growth come serious challenges. There is growing attention being given to the pace and pattern of growth in the state, especially as it affects our wildlife, our characteristic open spaces, our breathtaking mountain vistas and our wild and pristine places. • There are also mounting pressures for housing and infrastructure in cities, towns and counties around the state, where an influx of people and an increase in industrial activity have strained existing resources.”
Where is the information? • Sources available to communities to deal with the changes associated with “Growing Pains”. • http://www.wyomingbusiness.org/buildingwyoming/index.htm • Select the resources tab. • Here community assistance is available through the Wyoming Business Council.
Community Assessment-Kelley Grove State Library • How do I find this in WYLDCAT? • http://wyld.state.wy.us • Select all libraries and do a keyword search for rural assessment.
Planning Documents-Venice Beske, State Library • Helping Wyoming Communities use geographic information systems and planning support tools. • The Plan-It Wyoming Partnership was established in 2006 to promote the use of geographic systems (GIS) and other information technology planning support systems in community land-use planning and economic development activities. • What is a planning support system and who can use it? This is software offering mapped information that includes: land use, zoning, transportation, water and sewer, telecommunications, environmental constraints etc. It can be used by planners, commissioners, and elected officials to better evaluate project scenarios. • http://www.planitwyoming.com • Also available in the digital collection of the State Library.
Environmental Assessments-Venice Beske, State Library • NEPA-National Environmental Policy Act • NEPA levels of analysis • Back to Hyperion to find the information on projects and their impact on the environment. • http://wyld.state.wy.us
Plan Your Business Are you ready? Small Business Administration http://www.sba.gov/smallbusinessplanner/plan/getready/index.html Wyoming Business Council http://www.wyomingbusiness.org/business/starting.aspx Agribusiness http://www.wyomingbusiness.org/ag/agribusiness.aspx Kids and Business http://www.teachingkidsbusiness.com/how-to-start-your-own-business.htm
Local Legal Resources-Meg Martin, State Law Library • Excellent resource for legal information. • http://will.state.wy.us • The site may seem a bit intimidating, but never fear because the patron can contact Meg Martin via e-mail through contact information available on the State Law Library site.