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RC Update Meeting April 30, 2014. Agenda . Introductions Updates Schedules 2014 Educational Session Demystifying Race Documents. Introductions . State your name What country would you most like to visit? and Sean wants to know why. Volunteer & Staff Changes .
RC Update Meeting April 30, 2014
Agenda • Introductions • Updates • Schedules 2014 • Educational Session • Demystifying Race Documents
Introductions • State your name • What country would you most like to visit? • and Sean wants to know why
Volunteer & Staff Changes • On the Water Director Jay Kehoe • Well known coach • Juniors • Stanford, Yale • Adults- Etchells, Swan 42, Farr 40, etc. • Regional Race Officer • Starts May 20 • Still has some other commitments through June
On the Water Reports • Frostbite, Finally! • Missed the first 4 weeks due to ice • Raced the next 4 weeks • Sonars, Laser/Vanguard and 420s • No J-70s – yet • Big breeze- lots of boats in the harbor • High School • Icebreaker cancelled due to ice • Team Race Invitational • 2 days, 42 races
On Land RC 101 Refresher Equipment
Updates • Policies have been posted • Check the website • Sign Up for Powerboat Course • Special Rate for RC volunteers
I’m Number 1 No, I’m Number 1
Up Next • Vlad Kobal Memorial Regatta • Saturday & Sunday, May 3 and 4 • Lasers, Vanguard 15s • Racing Yachts Fleet (RYF) • Starts May 10, most Saturdays • Wednesdays Nights- Belmont & Monroe • Starts May 21
NOOD, June 6, 7, 8 Sailing World is the Organizing Authority NOOD NOR is posted online. http://www.sailingworld.com/nood-regattas/chicago?dom=slw&loc=mainnav&lnk=chicago 3 Circles –all out of Monroe Station
NOOD J-70s Qualifier World Championships in Newport Distance Race North Sails Rally Race
Assignments • Janet B, Rick, Helle, Sean, Jay • Assign Race Officers first • Assign key positions next • Try to assign according to people’s stated preferences • On the sign up form • E-mail to all the assignments team • Verbal reminder
Race to Mackinac Bag Stuffing Registration Cruising Start Mac Start Island Team bus leaves Saturday afternoon, arrives about midnight Return is Wednesday
Island Team • Finish Trailer • Manage radio & record call in’s • Identify boats • Record finishes and times • Tent • Skipper Sign-Ins • Answer questions • Accept protests
More Island Team • Scoring • Enter boats and times on computer • Enter penalties • Track progress • Docking • Radio & Recording • Look up each boat’s preliminary assignment & decide if it will fit there • Get the boats in the assigned spot
Criteria for Mac Assignments • Availability • Skill-Set • Previous performance • Previous commitment to Race Committee, evidenced by days served in current and previous years • Chicago Yacht Club membership • Club Exchange
Key Dates NOOD: June 6, 7, 8 Mac Starts: July 18, 19 NACC: August 2,3,4 T-10 NAC and Offshore Verve: Aug 6-10 Inshore Verve: Aug 22-23 Optimist Midwest Champ: Sept. 6,7 Sheldon Clark: Sept. 13 Etchells North Am Champ: Sept. 18-21 Appreciation Dinner: Nov. 22
Race Documents Notice of Race Sailing Instructions Amendments Racing Rules of Sailing Class Rules
Race Documents • Written by • Race Committee • Approved by • Judges & Organizing Authority • Used by • Sailors • Race Committee • Judges • Organizing Authority
Writing & Publishing Race Documents • Notice • When sailors are deciding to attend • CYC-At least 90 days prior to Event • Sailing Instructions • Before the first race • CYC- two weeks before the Event
Notice of Race • Helps sailors decide to attend • Who, which classes, • what, a series of races or one race • when, dates and times • Where, body of water, registration • What rules will apply • How much it will cost
Rules, per the Racing Rules of Sailing The rules in this book, including the Definitions, Race Signals, Introduction, preambles and the rules of relevant appendices, but not titles; ISAF Regulations… the prescriptions of the national authority…; the class rules; the notice of race; the sailing instructions; and any other documents that govern the event.
1 RULES 1.1 The races will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing. 1.2 The following US Sailing prescriptions will not apply: 60, 63.2, and 63.4. 1.3 Appendix T1 will apply. The first two sentences of rule 44.1 are changed to: “A boat may take a One Turn Penalty when she may have broken one or more rules of Part 2 in an incident while racing or rule 31. However, when she may have broken one or more rules of Part 2 in an incident while in the zone around a mark other than a starting mark, her penalty shall be a Two Turns Penalty.” 1.4 Class rules prohibiting the use of marine band radios and cellular telephones will not apply. All boats are required to carry an operating VHF marineband radio while sailing in these events. This changes International Etchells Class Rule C.5.2(b)(8) and Shields Class Rule 10.9. 1.5 Class rules prohibiting GPS navigation devices will not apply. The following conditions will apply to the use of GPS navigation devices: when class rules prohibit the use of a GPS while racing, such a device may be used provided that it is installed in a position or covered in such a way that no data may be taken from it while sailing. Data produced by such device may be viewed only at the dock or on shore. This changes International Etchell’s Class Rules C.5.1(b) and Shields Class Rule 10.9.
2 ELIGIBILITY AND ENTRY 2.1 The Racing Yachts Fleets Series is open to boats of the Beneteau 36.7, International Etchells, J/70, J/111, Farr 40, Luders 16, Shields, and Tartan 10 classes whose owner is also an active member in good standing of the boat’s class and local Chicago fleet. 2.2 To be eligible for Chicago Yacht Club member fees, a boat shall be owned, coowned, or chartered by a Chicago Yacht Club member or pending applicant, and such owner, coowner, charterer, or pending applicant or a designated representative who is a Chicago Yacht Club member shall be on board while racing in Series races. 2.3 Eligible boats may enter at the event website at www.chicagoyachtclub.org/ryf.
3 Fees, 4 Schedule & Venue 4.1 All scheduled races are listed in Addendum A. 4.2 The races will be held in the open waters of Lake Michigan east of Belmont Harbor. 4.3 The scheduled time of the warning signal for the first race each day is 1055. 4.4 The warning signal for the first class in a start sequence will not be initiated after 1500. Subsequent classes in the start may receive a warning signal after 1500. Classes still racing at 1455 will not receive a subsequent warning signal. 4.5 A competitors meeting will be held on Saturday, May 10 at 0800 at the Chicago Yacht Club Belmont Station. 4.6 There may be boats entered in a separate competition sailing in the same race area as this series. ..These boats may use the same starting line, finishing line and
5 SAILING INSTRUCTIONS Sailing instructions will be available prior to the first scheduled event on the official notice board at the Chicago Yacht Club Belmont Station and, as a courtesy, on the event website at www.chicagoyachtclub.org/ryf.
6 HAULOUT RESTRICTIONS Drysail hoists shall not be used for boat cleaning, maintenance or repairs between 0800 and 1030 on the day that any drysailed class has a morning start. A boat breaking this rule may receive a scoring penalty in the next series race the boat completes of up to 40% (rounding 0.5 upward) of the boats entered in the series.
7 Prizes & 8 FURTHER INFORMATION 7 PRIZES Prizes are offered as shown on Addendum B. 8 FURTHER INFORMATION Chicago Yacht Club Race Coordinator 400 E Monroe Street, Chicago, IL 60603 3128617777 Phone / 3128611840 Fax racecoordinator@chicagoyachtclub.org Event website: www.chicagoyachtclub.org/ryf.
Sailing Instructions Rules that Apply Schedules Courses & how they are signaled Marks- type & color Time Limits, Start & Finish Windows Scoring details Location of the Official Notice Board Special requirements
1 RULES 1.1 The races will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing. 1.2 The following US Sailing prescriptions will not apply: 60, 63.2, and 63.4. 1.3 Appendix T1 will apply. The first two sentences of rule 44.1 are changed to: “A boat may take a One Turn Penalty when she may have broken one or more rules of Part 2 in an incident while racing or rule 31. However, when she may have broken one or more rules of Part 2 in an incident while in the zone around a mark other than a starting mark, her penalty shall be a Two Turns Penalty.” 1.4 Class rules prohibiting the use of marine band radios and cellular telephones will not apply. All boats are required to carry an operating VHF marineband radio while sailing in these events. This changes International Etchells Class Rule C.5.2(b)(8) and Shields Class Rule 10.9. 1.5 Class rules prohibiting GPS navigation devices will not apply. The following conditions will apply to the use of GPS navigation devices: when class rules prohibit the use of a GPS while racing, such a device may be used provided that it is installed in a position or covered in such a way that no data may be taken from it while sailing. Data produced by such device may be viewed only at the dock or on shore. This changes International Etchell’s Class Rules C.5.1(b) and Shields Class Rule 10.9.
2 NOTICES & 3 CHANGES TO SIs 2 NOTICES TO COMPETITORS Notices to competitors will be posted on the official notice board located at Chicago Yacht Club, Belmont Station and as a courtesy on the event website at www.chicagoyachtclub.org/ryf. 3 CHANGES TO SI Any change to the sailing instructions will be posted no later than 0830 on the day it will take effect, except that any change to the schedule of races will be posted no later than 1800 on the Wednesday before it will take effect.
4 SIGNALS MADE ASHORE 4.1 Signals made ashore will be displayed on the staff at the east end of Chicago Yacht Club, Belmont Station. In addition, signals made ashore will be distributed, as a courtesy, to the email or text addresslisted in a boat’s entry form. 4.2 When flag AP is displayed ashore, ‘1 minute’ is replaced with ‘not less than 60 minutes’ in the race signal AP.
5 SCHEDULE OF RACES 5.1 All scheduled races are listed in Addendum A. 5.2 The scheduled time of the warning signal for the first race each day is 1055. The warning signal for each succeeding race will be made as soon as practicable. 5.3 The warning signal for the first class in a start sequence (instruction 12.6) will not be initiated after 1500. Subsequent classes in the start sequence may receive a warning signal after 1500. Classes still racing at 1455 will not receive a warning signal. 5.4 Flag A displayed, with no sound, while boats are finishing means “No more racing today.”
6 CLASS FLAGS J/111 Flag J Farr 40 Flag F Beneteau 36.7 Flag 6 Etchells Class insignia J/70 Flag 7 Tartan Ten Flag zero Shields Class insignia Luders 16 Class insignia
7 RACING AREAS The racing area is located in Lake Michigan approximately two nautical miles east of the Belmont Harbor red nun buoy or as posted on the official notice board.
8 CHECKIN/ CHECKOUT 8.1 Each boat without an auxiliary engine shall check in by sailing past the signal boat, hailing or displaying her sail number, and receiving an acknowledgment from the race committee prior to her first race on each day of racing. A boat found to have broken instruction 8.1 may receive a scoring penalty for her first race that day equal to 20 percent of the number of competitors registered in her class. 8.2 Within one hour of the official race committee docking time, the person in charge of each boat without an auxiliary engine shall sign the class roster sheet located on the bulletin board outside the race committee room at Belmont Station to check out for the day. Boats may check out from the water by calling the race committee on the designated VHF channel and receiving an oral check out acknowledgment. A boat found to have broken instruction 8.2 may receive a scoring penalty in every race that day equal to 20 percent of the number of competitors registered in her class. This changes rule 63.1.
8 CHECKIN/ CHECKOUT- continued 8.3 A boat that retires from a race shall notify the race committee either before leaving the course or, if that is impracticable, immediately after arriving ashore. A boat found to have broken instruction 8.3 may receive a scoring penalty in every race that day equal to 20 percent of the number of competitors registered in her class. This changes rule 63.1. 8.4 VHF channel 73 will be the designated channel for courtesy broadcasts. The race committee may change the hailing channel by posting a signboard on the signal boat prior to the first warning signal for each race or by posting on the official notice board near the race committee room at the Chicago Yacht Club, Belmont Station.
9 THE COURSES • 9.1 Addendum B shows the courses, the approximate angles between legs, the order in which marks are to be passed, and the side on which the order in which marks are to be passed, and the side on which the marks are to be left. • 9.2 No later than the warning signal, the race committee signal boat will display on course boards: • approximate compass bearing to Mark 1 • The distance to Long Mark 1 • The distance to Short Mark 1 • The number of legs to be sailed • The course assignment for each class