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Chapter 19: The First Three Commandments. INTRODUCTION TO CATHOLICISM. 1. The First Commandment ( pp. 428-435 ). ANTICIPATORY SET Lead an examination of conscience for the First Commandment ( p . 436). 1. The First Commandment ( pp. 428-435 ). BASIC QUESTIONS
Chapter 19: The First Three Commandments INTRODUCTION TO CATHOLICISM
1. The First Commandment (pp. 428-435) ANTICIPATORY SET Lead an examination of conscience for the First Commandment (p. 436).
1. The First Commandment (pp. 428-435) BASIC QUESTIONS What is the First Commandment in light of the theological virtues? What are the sins against the First Commandment in relation to the theological virtues? What is the First Commandment in light of the virtue of religion? What are the sins against the First Commandment in relation to the virtue of religion? KEY IDEAS The First Commandment requires wholehearted love of God exercised through the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love. Sins against the First Commandment include doubt and incredulity contrary to faith; despair and presumption against hope; and indifference, ingratitude, sloth, lukewarmness, and hatred against love. The virtue of religion entails honor and worship due to God through adoration, prayer, sacrifice, and promises or vows.
1. The First Commandment (pp. 428-435) FOCUS QUESTIONS What is one way a person can know instinctively human beings have dignity? People do not like to be treated disrespectfully. Why does God deserve infinite respect from people? God possesses infinite dignity and thus deserves infinite respect from his creatures.
1. The First Commandment (pp. 428-435) FOCUS QUESTION What is the essence of each of the first three Commandments? Respect for God is the essence of the first three Commandments. Extension: The First Commandment is about respect for God’s nature as the one true God. The Second Commandment centers on respect for God’s name. The Third Commandment requires respect for God by worshiping him properly.
1. The First Commandment (pp. 428-435) FOCUS QUESTION In the ancient world, what was distinctive about the Jewish religion? The Jews alone were monotheistic. They believed in one God who completely transcends the material world. Extension: The pagan world, by contrast, was polytheistic, believing in many gods.
1. The First Commandment (pp. 428-435) FOCUS QUESTIONS What relationship did God demand from his people? He demanded that they worship and love only him. How are the Ten Commandments divided into two groups? The first three Commandments concern each person’s relationship with God, while the last seven pertain to the treatment of neighbor.
1. The First Commandment (pp. 428-435) GUIDED EXERCISE Perform a paragraph shrink on the selections from Deus Caritas Est(pp. 429-430) on the concept of faith between Jews and Christians.
1. The First Commandment (pp. 428-435) FOCUS QUESTIONS How is the First Commandment the basis of both Judaism and Christianity? Both Judaism and Christianity share the belief that there is but one God who is above all else, and he alone should be worshipped. What is the relationship between the First Commandment and the theological virtues? In Baptism, the new Christian is given the gifts of faith, hope, and love. His or her relationship with God is a return of these theological virtues to him expressed through worship. What are the two divisions of sins against the First Commandment? They are (1) sins against the theological virtues and (2) sins against the virtue of religion.
1. The First Commandment (pp. 428-435) GUIDED EXERCISE Complete the following table, based on the Catechism, no. 2086, to articulate why faith, hope, and love should be a natural response to God.
1. The First Commandment (pp. 428-435) FOCUS QUESTIONS What are the origin and purpose of the theological virtues? God infuses the theological virtues at Baptism. Their purpose is to give Christians the ability to act as God’s children and merit eternal life. How can Christians cooperate with the graces of the theological virtues so they will grow in them? They can cooperate through prayer, sacrifice, celebrating the Sacraments, and virtuous practices.
1. The First Commandment (pp. 428-435) GUIDED EXERCISE Work with a partner to write and answer three Focus Questions that get to the heart of what the Church teaches about the moral right to religious freedom.
1. The First Commandment (pp. 428-435) FOCUS QUESTIONS What is the virtue of faith? Faith is a stable disposition of the soul that enables a person to believe truths, revealed by God, that exceed the light of natural reason, on God’s authority. What is the virtue of hope? Hope is the stable capacity to trust that God, in his mercy, will give all the graces needed not only to reach salvation but also to reach full union with Jesus Christ. What is the virtue of charity? Charity is the stable ability to love God and neighbor with the very heart of Jesus Christ.
1. The First Commandment (pp. 428-435) FOCUS QUESTIONS According to Pope Benedict XVI (p. 432), how does hope for future happiness assist people living in the present? Everyone should embrace present difficulties because suffering leads to the happy goal of redemption, which is an eternal reward far outweighing temporary hardships. According to St. John (p. 433), why are love of God and neighbor related? St. John taught that a person cannot love God if he or she hates his or her neighbor.
1. The First Commandment (pp. 428-435) FOCUS QUESTIONS What duty does each person have to care for his or her own faith? He or she should reject everything that opposes or puts personal faith at risk. Extension: He or she should also properly form his or her faith. What are healthy challenges to a person’s faith? Learning how to defend the Faith from attacks and ignorance can be good. What should a person do when something attacks the Faith and he or she does not know how to respond? He or she should find the answer in the Catechism or another reliable source of Catholic teaching.
1. The First Commandment (pp. 428-435) FOCUS QUESTION With respect to the Faith, what problem exists in many modern movies, books, and television programs? Many have no redemptive value and tempt people to sin. Extension: Western culture posits many ideas antithetical to the Catholic Faith. While the Faith can overcome every intellectual challenge to it, individual Catholics may fall prey because of ignorance, the apparent soundness of certain ideas, or fallen human nature. People must therefore approach contemporary culture carefully and critically.
1. The First Commandment (pp. 428-435) GUIDED EXERCISE Work with a partner to create a Graphic Organizer that lists, defines, and gives an example of the sins against faith, hope, and charity.
1. The First Commandment (pp. 428-435) HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT Study Questions 1-6 (p. 447) Practical Exercises 1-2 (p. 448) Workbook Questions 1-15 Read “The Virtue of Religion” through the sidebar “Examination of Conscience: The Second Commandment” (pp. 435-439)
1. The First Commandment (pp. 428-435) CLOSURE Write a paragraph discussing the meaning of the First Commandment with respect to the virtues of faith, hope, and love.
1. The First Commandment (pp. 428-435) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT Work with a partner to analyze three of the points in the examination of conscience based on the First Commandment (p. 436). For each point, identify what sin might be behind it, why, and what virtue the sin violates. (For some points, more than one sin can be attributed.)
2. The Second Commandment (pp. 435-439) ANTICIPATORY SET Incorporate the examination of conscience for the Second Commandment (p. 439) into the Opening Prayer.
2. The Second Commandment (pp. 435-439) BASIC QUESTIONS What is the Second Commandment? What are sins against the Second Commandment? KEY IDEAS The Second Commandment enjoins people to show the utmost respect for the name of God. Sins against the Second Commandment include disrespect through blasphemy or false oaths.
2. The Second Commandment (pp. 435-439) FOCUS QUESTIONS What is the virtue of religion? It is the moral virtue by which a person gives God the honor and worship due to him through adoration, prayer, sacrifice, and certain promises or vows. What is idolatry? It is treating or addressing a finite being as if it were divine. What are common, contemporary versions of idolatry? Common, contemporary versions of idolatry include obsession with professional work, wealth, power, celebrity, achievement, sports, or even another person.
2. The Second Commandment (pp. 435-439) FOCUS QUESTIONS What is the most dreadful sin against the virtue of religion? Satanic worship is the worst sin against the virtue of religion. What is superstition? It is any belief or practice that offers improper worship to God, including a belief that using certain trinkets, mantras, or rituals will secure a supernatural effect or help a person avoid bad luck.
2. The Second Commandment (pp. 435-439) FOCUS QUESTIONS What is divination? It is the use of occult powers in an attempt to predict the future or to obtain information that cannot be discovered through normal channels. Why is divination dangerous? Besides being a sin, it may also invite involvement of dangerous demonic powers.
2. The Second Commandment (pp. 435-439) FOCUS QUESTIONS What is magic? Magic is seeking occult forces through rituals or formulas as a means to obtain either a good or evil effect. Examples include witchcraft and New Age practices. What is irreligion? Irreligion is disrespect or mockery of God’s goodness and sacred dignity.
2. The Second Commandment (pp. 435-439) FOCUS QUESTION What are the two kinds of irreligion? Sacrilege is grave disrespect, insensitivity, desecration, or malicious action toward the Sacraments, sacred persons, sacred places, or sacred objects. Simony is the buying or selling of spiritual goods such as indulgences or the administration of a Sacrament.
2. The Second Commandment (pp. 435-439) FOCUS QUESTION How is respect for a person’s dignity related to the proper use of his or her name? An important aspect of recognizing a person’s dignity is addressing him or her by name, whether a human or divine person. Extension: This is verified by a plethora of derogatory nicknames.
2. The Second Commandment (pp. 435-439) FOCUS QUESTIONS How did the Israelites show their utmost respect for God? They refused to speak God’s name, instead referring to him as “Lord,” “the Name,” or using initialisms like Yhwh. How did St. Paul reflect Christians’ respect for God’s name? St. Paul emphasized the importance and power of God’s name in the Person of Jesus Christ and the power of the invocation of his name as an effective means of prayer.
2. The Second Commandment (pp. 435-439) GUIDED EXERCISE Work with a partner to come up with three common examples of ridicule of the Faith or using God’s name in vain.
2. The Second Commandment (pp. 435-439) FOCUS QUESTIONS How do sins against the Second Commandment involve the virtue of religion? The Second Commandment is a practical application of the virtue of religion, requiring the proper use of promises and vows and forbidding any irreverent use of God’s name. What is a false oath or promise? A false oath involves calling upon God as a witness to what that person says or promises to do without having any intention of telling the truth or doing what he or she promises. What is blasphemy? Blasphemy is the act of speaking contemptuously of God or his perfections, or of the saints, including the Blessed Virgin Mary.
2. The Second Commandment (pp. 435-439) GUIDED EXERCISE Think/Pair/Share using the following question based on the Catechism, no. 2148: How can the use of God’s name to cover up criminal practices, enslave people, torture people, or put people to death lead others to repudiate religion?
2. The Second Commandment (pp. 435-439) HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT Study Questions 7-12 (p. 447) Practical Exercises 1-2 (p. 448) Workbook Questions 16-33 Read “III. The Third Commandment” through “Conclusion” (pp. 439-442)
2. The Second Commandment (pp. 435-439) CLOSURE Write a paragraph summarizing the meaning of the Second Commandment and major sins against it.
2. The Second Commandment (pp. 435-439) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT Work with a partner to identity a sin against each of the points of the examination of conscience based on the Second Commandment (p. 439).
3. The Third Commandment (pp. 439-442) ANTICIPATORY SET Incorporate the examination of conscience for the Third Commandment (p. 441) into the Opening Prayer.
3. The Third Commandment (pp. 439-442) BASIC QUESTIONS How do Christians fulfill the Third Commandment? What are the sins against the Third Commandment? KEY IDEAS Catholics fulfill the Third Commandment by attending Mass and resting on Sunday. Sins against the Third Commandment include failure to attend Mass and to observe the Sunday rest.
3. The Third Commandment (pp. 439-442) FOCUS QUESTIONS How did the Chosen People of the Old Testament learn the proper way to worship God? God himself instructed them how to worship him through a detailed set of laws, which included the institution of a priesthood, the construction of a temple, principal feasts, practices of worship, and the observance of the Sabbath. Why did the people of Israel rest on the Sabbath, or seventh day? They and everyone and everything under their authority, including animals, were ordered to rest in imitation of God’s rest on the seventh day of creation. How did the first Christians worship God? They practiced the Jewish form of worship in the Temple or the synagogue on the Sabbath before celebrating the Eucharist in private in their homes on the Lord’s Day, or Sunday, the day of Christ’s Resurrection.
3. The Third Commandment (pp. 439-442) FOCUS QUESTIONS What are the two offenses against the Third Commandment? They are failing to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation and failing to respect the Lord’s Day as a day of rest. Why is the Sunday obligation serious? Attending Mass and receiving the Eucharist on Sunday is central to the Christian life and serves as the principal means by which people receive instruction in the Faith and the graces of Christ’s redemption.
3. The Third Commandment (pp. 439-442) FOCUS QUESTIONS What can excuse a person from the Sunday obligation? He or she may only miss Mass for a serious reason. What are two serious reasons to be excused from the Sunday obligation? Two serious reasons for missing Mass include illness and the care of infants.
3. The Third Commandment (pp. 439-442) FOCUS QUESTIONS If one is unsure whether he or she has sufficient reason to miss Mass, what should he or she do? He or she should consult his or her parish priest. What is an example of a situation in which it is impossible to attend Mass? A soldier in battle may not be able to attend Mass, and this would be sufficient reason to miss Mass. Why can the Sunday obligation be fulfilled on Saturday evening? A feast officially begins on the preceding evening. Extension: The Jewish reckoning of a day begins at sunset and lasts until the next sunset.
3. The Third Commandment (pp. 439-442) FOCUS QUESTIONS What are the benefits of Sunday rest? Rest on Sunday gives a person time to worship God, replace lost energy, enjoy family and friends, and take part in cultural and recreational activities. What kind of work is permitted on Sunday? Work that is required for the welfare and safety of the individual and for the common good—health care workers, police, firefighters, pharmacists, etc.—is permissible on Sundays. Extension: This is usually referred to as “necessary work.” Does necessary work excuse a person from the Sunday obligation to attend Mass? No. Time must be made to worship God.
3. The Third Commandment (pp. 439-442) GUIDED EXERCISE Complete a paragraph shrink on the quote from Dies Domini, no. 52 (p. 441), about the spirit of the Sabbath rest.
3. The Third Commandment (pp. 439-442) GUIDED EXERCISE Work with a partner to complete Practical Exercises 5-6 about the proper use of the Sabbath.
3. The Third Commandment (pp. 439-442) HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT Study Questions 13-18 (p. 447) Practical Exercises 2-3, 5-6, 8 (p. 448) Workbook Questions 34-42
3. The Third Commandment (pp. 439-442) CLOSURE Write a paragraph summarizing the obligations of the Third Commandment.