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The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments. About the ten commandments. They appear in the Christian Bible and the Jewish Scriptures Jewish people call them the ‘Ten Sayings’ Most synagogues have them written on a wall plaque in Hebrew

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The Ten Commandments

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  1. The Ten Commandments

  2. About the ten commandments • They appear in the Christian Bible and the Jewish Scriptures • Jewish people call them the ‘Ten Sayings’ • Most synagogues have them written on a wall plaque in Hebrew • They are written in two lists to remind Jews that Moses received the ‘Ten Sayings’ on two tablets on mount Sinai

  3. Worship no God but me.

  4. Do not make yourselves images (to worship)

  5. Do not use my name for evil purposes

  6. Observe the Sabbath (holy day)

  7. Respect your father and mother

  8. Do not kill

  9. Do not commit adultery.

  10. Do not steal.

  11. Do not accuse anyone falsely.

  12. Do not be envious of other people’s possessions.

  13. Bibliography Information: • The Story of Moses; The Ten Commandments, 2006,http://www.topmarks.co.uk/judaism/commandments/tencomms.htm, viewed on 19/5/09 • S. Meredith The Usborne Book of World Religions London, Usborne Publishing Ltd 2004 pg 42 Pictures taken from: • http://scholarship.rice.edu/bitstream/handle/1911/13071/BaeEg7lxxxvii_a.jpg?sequence=2142 • http://www.therealpresence.org/essentials/images/eternal_father.jpg • http://radiofreecruze.com/blog1/pics/beer_jesus.jpg • http://www.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/5802711/2/istockphoto_5802711-shocked-boy-covering-mouth-with-hand.jpg • http://www.shield.org/assets/images/Girls%20Observe%20Jewish%20Sabbath%20at%20The%20Shield_ca%201950.jpg • http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3466/3370453316_9c8da263cd.jpg?v=1237555403 • http://www.halbright.com/slideshow/jewish-wedding-veil.jpg • http://www.bible-topten.com/ways_t11.jpg

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