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Downstream GMES Project 13 Partners from 6 EU countries. 14 End-Users from ROI

Downstream GMES Project 13 Partners from 6 EU countries. 14 End-Users from ROI Region of Interest Europe, Africa, Caribbean User-driven: system developed based on the requirements of a broad group of users

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Downstream GMES Project 13 Partners from 6 EU countries. 14 End-Users from ROI

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  1. Downstream GMES Project • 13 Partners from 6 EU countries. 14 End-Users from ROI • Region of Interest • Europe, Africa, Caribbean • User-driven: system developed based on the requirements of a broad group of users • Organisations with statutory responsibility for advising governments during volcanic crise • Volcano Observatories • Geological Surveys ... • Volcanic Ash Advisory Centres Coordination: Steve Tait, Fabrizio Ferrucci, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris – French Volcano Observatories

  2. Funded in the FP7 2nd call Space with G.A. 242535 CP Focussed on thehigher end of volcano dynamics (sustained unrest to eruption), scaled on major crises experienced 1995-2010 Supra-regional operational theatres: spatially scattered, long lasting crises (months to years); Intelligent Business model to be developed Very-high temporal resolutionis given priority over high spatial resolution. Automation of acquisition and processing based on robust physical models Sustainability of data provision has priority: the cost of space-borne data is increasingly incompatible with the duration of major unrest cycles, especially at explosive volcanoes. EVOSS builds on the achievements of ESA’s GlobVolcano project, completed in 2010

  3. Thermal Ground deformation Atmospheric: Ash, SO2

  4. Relation to GEO..... • … From the Geohazards Community of Practice Road Map • The Strategic Target for the Disaster SBA emphasizes the focus of GEO and GEOSS on coordination of observing and information systems. The GHCP, which brings together data providers, scientists, and decision makers can: (1) support the implementation of GEOSS through links to relevant S&T communities; (2) provide updated user requirements for application related to geohazards and the risk management cycle; (risk assessment, mitigation, event management, post-event recovery) (3) ensure the delivery of information to the end users and facilitate the use of the information.

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