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Blood Composition & Functions: Anatomy & Physiology

Learn about the composition and functions of blood, including hematocrit, erythrocytes, plasma, and formed elements. Discover the physical characteristics, volume, and importance of plasma proteins. Dive into the details of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Understand hematopoiesis and the role of bone marrow in blood cell production.

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Blood Composition & Functions: Anatomy & Physiology

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  1. Human Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 10 BLOOD

  2. I.Composition and Functions of BloodA.Components hematocrit erthrocytyes Buffy coat • . • Only fluid tissue in body • A __________________ in which the cells-formed elements are the _____________________in a _______________matrix known as ________________. • Fibrin strands apparent during blood clotting • For a blood sample spun in a centrifuge,elements to bottom and plasma to top,RBCS=________________________@ bottom and wt.___________ between them and plasma….=___________________=WBC’s and platelets(cell fragments that help stop bleeding • RBC’s=45% of the blood fraction(_________________)/WBC’s<1%/plasma~ 55% Living blood cells Non-living matrix plasma Connective tissue leukocytes

  3. B.Physical Characteristics and Volume • Sticky,opaque fluid fluid • Metallic taste • Color varies from scarlet(O2 rich to dull red--- O2 poor • Heavier than water and 5x more viscous • pH 7.35-7.45 • 38 C or 100.4 F • 8% body weight • Volume in healthy men is ________________________________ 5-6 L or ~ 6 quarts

  4. C. Plasma • 90% water-liquid part of blood • Dissolves about 100 different substances-______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nutrients,salts,respiratory gases,hormones,plasma proteins,various wastes and products off cell metabloism

  5. ______________________--most abundant solutes most made by liver,except antibodies and certain hormones • Example:___________________-carrier to shuttle certain molecules through the circulation,is blood buffer,contributes to osmotic pressure of blood,keeping water warm in blood stream. albumin Plasma proteins

  6. Clotting proteins • Antibodies to fight pathogens • Liver is stimulated to make more proteins when level falls to low and respiratory and urinary system are stimulated to come to bat when blood is too • acidic or alkaline

  7. D. Formed elements • 1)________________________or RBC’s-function to ferry O2 in blood to all cells of the body • _______________----lack a nucleus and have few organelles • A Hb bearing molecule • Lack mitochondria,so make ATP anaerobically…saving on the O2 they carry • Biconcave discs(donuts)-great for gas exchange Erthrocytes FYI----Hb=hemoglobin anucleate

  8. Sickle-cell anemia 1000 to 1 anemia • Outnumber wbc’s_________________and main reason behind blood viscosity • 13-18 g/mL Hb male • ___________=decrease in O2 –carrying ability of the blood • _________________=abnormal shape in Hb is formed ,thus not allowing as many O2 molecules to unload • ______________=an increase in # of RBC’s and may result from bone marrow cancer or from living at high altitudes-increases blood viscosity Polycythemia

  9. 2.Leukocytes=WBC’s • 4000-11,000wbc/mm3(<1%total blood volume) • Complete cell • Can go in and out blood vessels to form protective army • ____________________-leaping across • ________________________________allows them to find damaged cells and they move to spot by ameboid motion diapedesis Positive chemotaxis

  10. _______=total WBC count above 11,000-indicating a bacterial or viral infection • _____________=low WBC count usually caused by drugs such as corticosteroids and anticancer drugs • ___________=bone marrow becomes cancerous and huge numbers of WBC’s are immature and incapable of carrying out normal protective function-so you are prey to infection and rbc’s are outnumbered as well as platelets leukemia leukopenia leukocytosis

  11. TWO GROUPS OF WBC’S:-GRANULOCYTES and AGRANULOCYTES • GRANULOCYTES:granule containing,lobed nuclei,several rounde nuclear areas,cytoplasm stains w/ Wright’s stain • Neutrophils-most numerous;multilobed nucleus and very fine granules;phagocytes of esp. bacteria and fungi • ______________-blue-red nucleus that looks like phone receiver,lysosome-like,brick-red cytoplasmic granules/ increases much during allergies and parasitic infections • _____________________-rarest-has lg,histamine granules that stain dark blue(Histamine is an _____________________________________________________ Basinophils Inflammatory chemical that makes blood vessels leaky and attracts other WBC’s the inflammatory site Eosinophils

  12. AGRANULOCYTES:lack visible cyoplasmic granules,more of a normal nucleus • ________-large dark purple nucleus that occupies most of the cell volume-goes to lymphatic tissue;2nd most numerous wbc • __________________-largest WBC;u-shaped nucleus;when they go into tissues they chanhe into macro phages lymphocytes monocytes

  13. Never (neutrophils) • Let (lymphocytes) • Monkeys(monocytes) • Eat (eosinophils) • Bananas(Basinophils)

  14. Platelets-not cells=megakaryocytes---needed for clotting

  15. E.Hematopoiesis • In red bone marrow-myeloid tissue-in skull and pelvis,ribs,sternum.humerus,and,femur • ______________________---common stem cell-see chart p.347 • As young cell has produced lots of hemoglobin,the nucleus and most organelles are ejected and cell collapses inward and you have a _______________,still having some_____________ • They enter bloodstream to transport O2 and will eject ER w/in 2 days(Maturation 3-5 days) • __________________________is the hormone controlling RBC production rate-produced by the liver and mostly the kidneys Hemocyto-blast erthropoietin ER reticulocyte

  16. F.Formation of WBC’s and Platelets • Stimulated by hormones:__________ and _____________-not only prompt red bone marrow to tun out WBC’s,but also assemble an army of WBC’s to ward off attacks by helping WBC’s protect • ________________--accelerates production of platelets • _____________-Long needle used in red bone marrow to test for such as aplastic anemia or leukemia Colony stimulating factors (CSF’s) and interleukins thrombopoietin Bone marrow biopsy

  17. II.Hemostasis=stoppage of bleeding-3 phases • 1)Vascular spasms occur-immediate release of blood to blood vessel injury is_____________-causes spasms…narrows at that point,decreasing blood loss,until clotting can happen • 2)Platelet Plug forms-repelled by intact endothelium,but when broken and collagen is exposed,platelets become sticky and cling to site.They release chemicals to enhance spasms and attract more platelets-a _______________forms • 3)Coagulation events occur……… Platelet plug or white thrombus forms vasoconstriction

  18. Coagulation cont’d • a.TF(tissue Factor)-helping clotting--- is released • b. PF3________________-interacts w/TF and other blood clotting proteins activating a clotting cascade • c. prothrombin activator---converts prohtrombin in plasma to thrombin-an enzyme • d. Thrombin joins soluble fibrinogen proteins into insoluble____________________----forms a mesh work that traps RBC’s and begins a clot----read p.350…..happens 3-6 min. A phospholipid fibrin

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