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Understand how a female’s reproductive system works, from ovaries to fertilization, with detailed explanations and visual aids. Learn about the menstrual and ovarian cycles, fertilization process, and embryonic development.
Human Anatomy/Physiology Reproduction Slides
HUMAN REPRODUCTION 27.2 Reproductive anatomy of the human female • Ovaries • Contain follicles that nurture eggs • Produce sex hormones • Oviducts • Convey eggs to the uterus Ovaries Oviduct Corpus luteum Follicles Uterus Wall of uterus Endometrium(lining of uterus) Cervix(“neck” of uterus) Vagina Figure 27.2A
Development of fertilized egg • Opens into the vagina • Vagina • Receives penis during intercourse • Forms the birth canal • Uterus Ovaries Oviduct Corpus luteum Follicles Uterus Wall of uterus Endometrium(lining of uterus) Cervix(“neck” of uterus) Vagina Figure 27.2A
An egg cell is released from a follicle at the surface of an ovary • The orange mass below the ejected oocyte is part of the ovary • Ovulation Eggcell Figure 27.2B
Oviduct Ovary Uterus Bladder(excretory system) Rectum(digestive system) Pubic bone Cervix Urethra(excretory system) Shaft Vagina Glans Clitoris Prepuce Bartholin’s gland Labia minora Labia majora Vaginal opening Figure 27.2C
Bladder(excretorysystem) Seminalvesicle(behindbladder) Prostate gland Bulbourethralgland Urethra Erectile tissueof penis Scrotum Vas deferens Epididymis Testis Glans ofpenis Figure 27.3B
Bladder(excretorysystem) Seminal vesicle Rectum(digestive system) Pubic bone Vas deferens Erectile tissueof penis Ejaculatoryduct Prostate gland Urethra Vas deferens Bulbourethral gland Glans of penis Epididymis Testis Scrotum Prepuce Figure 27.3A
Stimuli from otherareas in the brain Hypothalamus Releasinghormone Anteriorpituitary Negative feedback FSH LH Androgenproduction Testis Spermproduction Figure 27.3D
Degeneratingcorpus luteum Start: PRIMARY OOCYTE within follicle • Development of an ovarian follicle CORPUS LUTEUM Growingfollicles Mature follicle SECONDARYOOCYTE Ovary OVULATION Ruptured follicle Figure 27.4C
(1) Inhibited by combinationof estrogen and progesterone CONTROL BY HYPOTHALAMUS Hypothalamus Stimulated by highlevels of estrogen Releasinghormone Anterior pituitary FSH LH (2) PITUITARY HORMONESIN BLOOD LH peak triggersovulation andcorpus luteumformation LH FSH FSH LH Figure 27.5
(3) OVARIAN CYCLE Corpusluteum Degeneratingcorpusluteum Growingfollicle Maturefollicle Ovulation Post-ovulatory phase Pre-ovulatory phase Progesteroneand estrogen Estrogen (4) OVARIAN HORMONESIN BLOOD Estrogen Progesterone Progesteroneand estrogen Estrogen (5) MENSTRUAL CYCLE Endometrium Days Figure 27.5 (continued) Menstruation
PRINCIPLES OF EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT 27.9 Fertilization results in a zygote and triggers embryonic development • The shape of a human sperm cell is adapted to its function Middlepiece Neck Head Plasma membrane Tail Mitochondrion(spiral shape) Nucleus Acrosome Figure 27.9B
Only one of these sperm will penetrate this human egg cell to initiate fertilization • Fertilization is the union of a sperm and an egg to form a diploid zygote Figure 27.9A
1 The spermapproachesthe egg 2 The sperm’sacrosomal enzymesdigest the egg’s jelly coat 3 Proteins on thesperm head bindto egg receptors SPERM • Process of fertilization 4 The plasma membranesof sperm and egg fuse Spermhead The spermnucleus enters the egg cytoplasm 5 Nucleus Acrosome Acrosomalenzymes Plasmamembrane Afertilizationenvelopeforms 6 Receptor protein molecules Plasmamembrane Spermnucleus Vitellinelayer Cytoplasm Eggnucleus Jellycoat The nucleiof spermand egg fuse 7 EGG CELL Zygotenucleus Figure 27.9C