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Digital marketing is essential in today's world. With both competitors and potential customers constantly online, digital marketing is the only way to stay ahead. When you're a small business owner the online world can seem intimidating. Here is a some simple digital marketing strategies that any business owner can implement to help their business grow. <br><br>Info:http://www.ishir.com/blog/4177/digital-marketing-strategy-helps-get-quality-leads.htm/<br>
T Th he e D Di ig gi it ta al l M Ma ar rk ke et ti in ng g S St tr ra at te eg gy y t th ha at t h he el lp ps s y yo ou u g ge et t q qu ua al li it ty y l le ea ad ds s In a recent study done by Asend2, we discovered that marketers by and large say they would be okay with sacrificing the number of leads they’re ge?erati?g if it meant they could find higher quality leads. This is very telling of how digital marketing works today. With such a disparity between 54% desiring more leads and 70% wanting to increase their lead conversion rate, it’s ?o ?ig ?ystery that so?e of the ?ethods ?arketers use today have become less potent. And with online analytical tools finally becoming fully streamlined and understood it’s easier to see, than ever, that the success of an online lead generation strategy boils down to getting the right traffic in the right places.
If you want to get a feel for how important getting the right traffic is, filter down your segments by URL in your website analytics tool a?d ?e’ll ?et you’ll fi?d something like this: (KISSmetrics funnel tool) This sample was taken from just about 150,000 visitors. Looking at this, it’s really not hard to see that more traffic does not equal more leads. Yet the whole ?I ?eed more traffi? to ?y ?e?site!? is all so ?a?y lead generation strategies are still focused on. Q Qu ua ali lif fie ied d l le ea ad ds s a an nd d q qu ua ali lif fie ied d t tr ra af ff fic ic g go o h ha an nd d i in n h ha an nd d w wh he en n i it t c co om me es s t to o y yo ou ur r w we eb bs sit ite e. .
Although it has been said time and time again for the past few years, the principals of what has been established as ?i??ou?d ?arketi?g? are the ?ost effective at penetrating the digital channels where your target audience spends their time. There are all kinds of inbound marketing techniques that people use today. The most common are listed on this graphic: S So o w wh ha at t i is s y yo ou ur r o on nli lin ne e s st tr ra at te eg gy y f fo or r f fin ind din ing g l le ea ad ds s? ? Perhaps you’re fu??eli?g i? a fe? dollars i?to Google ads, so?e “EO ?ork, a ?log ?riter to raise ?isi?ility, or e?e? a Li?kedI? sales rep to de?elop your ?usi?ess’ B2B leads.
While these strategies do ?ork, you’ll likely fi?d that so?e ?ork ?etter than others for each company. Most importantly, generating qualified leads is always an overarching strategy; it’s far fro? a o?e tri?k po?y. Fi?di?g the ?est ?o??erti?g traffi? sour?es is o?ly half the ?attle. Chu?ki?g ?hat does?’t ?ork a?d bettering your strengths is the only way to move forward. However, it is worth mentioning that combining traditional online advertising methods like PPC ?ith i??ou?d ?arketi?g ?a? ha?e a po?erful effe?t if you’re i? the right industry and you leverage local traffic sources. For example, if you own a small shoe ?ra?d that you’re tryi?g to get off the ground, it is doubtful investing in Google ads will turn a profit with so many big competitors. But a local PPC campaign would be highly beneficial for a company that does something specialized like selling bio solid drying equipment. But at the end of the day, business developers and marketers alike will continue to funnel money into the wrong methods of acquiring qualified leads simply ?e?ause that’s that ?ay it’s ?ee? do?e i? the past. But it does?’t ha?e to be completely on your shoulders to discover what you need to do and how to do it. We can take a deep look into your analytics and find ?here you’re losi?g a?d ?here you ?ould ?e ?i??i?g. Want to learn more about analytics or inbound marketing? We recommend this:
1)With few examples of how inbound strategies have worked for people and how to leverage them, this article does a great job of explaining some inbound strategies. 2)The chart with conversion data that we showed earlier can easily give you i?sights i?to ?hat’s ?orki?g, a?d ?hat’s ?ot. You ?a? fi?d out ho? to do this in Google Analytics here.