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On a Sunday morning…. A letter is read to the congregation.

On a Sunday morning…. A letter is read to the congregation. 7 Churches of Asia (Revelation). 7 Churches of Asia. 3. 4. 1 Ephesus 2 Smyrna 3 Pergamos 4 Thyatira 5 Sardis 6 Philadelphia 7 Laodicea. 2. 5. 1. 6. 7. www.Studylight.org. Letter to Evans.

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On a Sunday morning…. A letter is read to the congregation.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. On a Sunday morning…. A letter is read to the congregation.

  2. 7 Churches of Asia (Revelation) 7 Churches of Asia 3 4 1 Ephesus 2 Smyrna 3 Pergamos 4 Thyatira 5 Sardis 6 Philadelphia 7 Laodicea 2 5 1 6 7 www.Studylight.org

  3. Letter to Evans What if Jesus composed a letter to this church ? Rev. 2 &3

  4. The Evans Community Columbia County - 1790 Christopher Columbus 9,525 = 1950 100,000 + =2000 Gen. George W. Evans 2000 Census = 17,727

  5. The Evans Church of Christ 1989 = from Wheeler Road 15 charter members Building completed 1989 88 members 75 PM 67 Wed. 89 AM

  6. I. Introduction of Speaker “And to the angel of the Church at Evans write: These things saith he who hath his eyes like a flame of fire and his feet are like fine brass.” Thyatira

  7. II. Words of commendation “I know thy works, and thy determination to stand for the truth in this day of liberalism, and how thou hast emphasized the need for Bible Study.”

  8. I Know thy works Outreach Compassion Mission Work Jamaica, Caribbean, India, Panama TV - Search - House to House Personal Evangelism

  9. I Know thy stand for the truth Liberalism Change Agents Tit. 1:9 Will not tolerate

  10. III. Complaint “Nevertheless I have a few things against thee, because you have some who have left their first love, some who have become worldly and covetous, a few who have fallen away in need of being disciplined, and some who would tolerate error.”

  11. Left first love Worldly - 1 Jn.2:15-17 Fallen Away II Thes. 3:6 Tolerate Evil

  12. IV. Words of Advice & Warning “Repent and do the first works, take a stand for what is right, or else I will remove thy candlestick out of its place.”

  13. Repent Come back to first love Turn from worldliness Give as we are prospered Get Involved in work

  14. V. Words of Praise “I do have some things about the church at Evans which are worthy of praise. You are a friendly, united congregation. You have a group of members who give liberally. You have several with great ability. ...

  15. V. Words of Praise ... Your worship services are meaningful. You have some faithful Bible class teachers. Your families are for the most part doing a good job rearing their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”

  16. Friendly - United Brotherly Love Liberal givers Worships in Spirit & Truth Bible Class teachers Good Families

  17. VI . Promise “Those who overcome the problems of sin and remain faithful shall receive a crown of life.”

  18. Letter to Evans “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.”

  19. Sermon by Arthur Pigman Evans Church of Christ 515 Gibbs Road Evans, Ga. 30809 706-855-1249 arthurpigman@cybrtyme.com Sunday Evening Jan. 15, 06

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