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The case of Publicspending.gr : Greek public spending in a nutshell

The case of Publicspending.gr : Greek public spending in a nutshell. M. Vafopoulos , M. Meimaris , A. Papantoniou , I. Anagnostopoulos , G. Alexiou , I. Avraam , I. Xidias , G. Vafeiadis and V. Loumos National Technical University of Athens

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The case of Publicspending.gr : Greek public spending in a nutshell

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  1. The case of Publicspending.gr: Greek public spending in a nutshell M. Vafopoulos, M. Meimaris, A. Papantoniou, I. Anagnostopoulos, G. Alexiou, I. Avraam, I. Xidias, G. Vafeiadis and V. Loumos National Technical University of Athens USING OPEN DATA: policy modeling, citizen empowerment, data journalism, Brussels, 19,20/6/12

  2. Apps, Apps, Apps…..

  3. WHERE MY MONEY GOES in Greece publicspending.gr • the first LOD App in Greece • daily updates • open spending linked data, endpoint & visualizations

  4. WHERE MY MONEY GOES in Greece publicspending.gr • Input 1.“Diavgeia” (all public spending decisions online daily ) ΕΧ-ΑΝΤΕ, API, average data quality, rich information • Payer, payee (amount, VAT number, name) • CPA 2008: Classification of products by Activity • CPV 2008: Common Procurement Vocabulary • Original decision text in pdf 2. TAXIS (official Tax Information System) VAT number validation and profile request

  5. Just numbers… Spending decisions: 1.521.556 Spending amount: ~ 27 billion euros RDF Triples: 42.252.565 Payers: 31.115 Payees: 374.729 Active CPV categories: 6.323/ 9.454 Active CPA categories: 1.642/(~10.000)

  6. Website live

  7. Classification of products by ActivityPAYERS

  8. Classification of products by ActivityPAYEES

  9. Query for top CPV Code 45000000-7 “Construction Works” and its substituent cpvcodes

  10. WHERE MY MONEY GOESlocal spending in EU level demo • Litchfield district • NUTS LAU1 region • population ≈100k • Find places with similar characteristics in Greece (Dbpedia)

  11. Dbpedia query http://dbpedia.org/sparql select * where { ?mundbpprop:popMunicipality ?a . FILTER(?a>90000 && ?a <120000)}

  12. Comparative statistics

  13. public spending SPARQL Query about Kalithea in publicspending.gr and in the Litchfield endpoint • not compatible product/service classifications (ontology alignment needed) • Litchfield decisions: >500 £ • Kalithea decisions: no limitations

  14. public spending: results

  15. public spending: comparisons • Litchfield repair expenses = 0.44% • Kalithearepair expenses = 0.54% • Can you think of others?

  16. WHERE MY MONEY GOESinterlinking business in global scale • building a Greek business repository (ongoing) • examining global interconnections (e.g. Open Corporates, CPA->NAICS)

  17. some last thoughts • first App on the Greek LOD • try to initiate the virtuous cycle of creation • co-operations & interconnections are in the top of our agenda • get people to be involved

  18. ?

  19. appendix

  20. Checklist • Ontology – enriching with core vocub. • Basic visualizations • SPARQL endpoint - thedatahub • Interconnections • Product classifications • Open Corporates • Greek LOD (e-proc, geodata, dbpedia) • EU and US (CPV -> NAICS) • Demos & services • Public awareness - working with the media , hackathons, courses, theses

  21. Counting spending decisions

  22. publicspending.gr architecture

  23. Ontology • build on the approach of the UK payment ontology and Core Bus. Voc. • CPV, CPA • WESO PSC ontology, OC, data cube, Organization ontology, …

  24. publicspending.gr ontology

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