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Conducting An Effective

Conducting An Effective. JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS. JHA Key Terms. What is a Job?. Work or task. What’s a Hazard?. Danger or chance event. JHA Key Terms. What’s an Exposure?. Contact, effect, or influence. What is Analysis?. Breaking down the whole into separate parts.

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Conducting An Effective

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Conducting An Effective JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS

  2. JHA Key Terms • What is a Job? • Work or task • What’s a Hazard? • Danger or chance event.

  3. JHA Key Terms • What’s an Exposure? • Contact, effect, or influence. • What is Analysis? • Breaking down the whole into separate parts.

  4. JHA Purpose • Taking a job or task and breaking it down into steps to identify hazards and correct that may cause injury to employees. • Effective JHA’s help the employer recognize and control hazards and exposures in the workplace.

  5. Form Teams • All are team leaders • All are spokesperson • Everyone is a recorder

  6. How might the employee’s perception of a “hazard” differ from that of the employer or supervisor (or safety person)? • Why is it important to involve the employee? • Why do new workers have a higher rate of disabling claims. • Why is a JHA more effective than walk-around inspections in reducing accidents in the workplace?

  7. Job Hazard Analysis Select the job to be analyzed Watch the work being done Break the job down into steps/tasks Describe the hazards in each step of the task Develop Control Measures Develop and Implement Safe Operating Procedures Evaluate and improve

  8. 1. Select the job to be analyzed Prioritize HIGH MEDIUM LOW

  9. 1. Select the job to be analyzed • OSHA 300 Log • Near Miss Log • Accident/Incident Reports • Workers’ Compensation Information

  10. 1. Select the job to be analyzed Determine Probability and Severity How hazardous is the job?

  11. The chance that a given event will occur. Probability 1. Select the job to be analyzed

  12. Probability 1. Select the job to be analyzed Can be determine based on the following: • The number of employees exposed; • The frequency and duration of exposure; • The proximity of employees to the danger zone; • Factors which require work under stress;

  13. Probability 1. Select the job to be analyzed • Can be determine based on the following: • Lack of proper training and supervision or improper workplace design; or • Other factors which may significantly influence the degree of probability of an accident occurring.

  14. 1. Select the job to be analyzed • The probability rating is: • Low - If the factors considered indicate it would be unlikely that an accident could occur • Medium - If the factors considered indicate it would be likely that an accident could occur • High - If the factors considered indicate it would be very likely that an accident could occur

  15. Severity 1. Select the job to be analyzed • The degree of injury or illness which is reasonably predictable.

  16. Severity 1. Select the job to be analyzed SERIOUS HAZARDS: Could cause an accident or health hazard exposure resulting in serious physical harm. OTHER THAN SERIOUS HAZARDS: Lack the potential for causing serious physical harm, but could have a direct impact on employee safety and health.

  17. 1. Select the job to be analyzed Decision Making Matrix 4

  18. Job Hazard Analysis Select the job to be analyzed Watch the work being done Break the job down into steps/tasks Describe the hazards in each step of the task Develop Control Measures Develop and Implement Safe Operating Procedures Evaluate and improve

  19. 2. Watch the work being done Spray Painting

  20. Job Hazard Analysis Select the job to be analyzed Watch the work being done Break the job down into steps/tasks Describe the hazards in each step of the task Develop Control Measures Develop and Implement Safe Operating Procedures Evaluate and improve

  21. 3. Break the job down into steps/tasks • Spray Painting • Identify/select equipment to be painted • Assess the area items are to be painted in • Select Paint • Select PPE • Paint

  22. Job Hazard Analysis Select the job to be analyzed Watch the work being done Break the job down into steps/tasks Describe the hazards in each step of the task Develop Control Measures Develop and Implement Safe Operating Procedures Evaluate and improve

  23. 4. Describe the hazards and consider potential accident in each step of the task

  24. Identifying types of hazards • Acceleration • Toxic • Radiation • Pressure • Mechanical • Flammability/Fire • Biological • Workplace Violence • Explosive • Electrical Contact • Chemical Reaction

  25. Identifying types of hazards Ergonomic Factors: • High Frequency • High Duration • High Force • Posture • Point of Operation • Mechanical Pressure • Vibration • Environmental Exposure

  26. Accident Types • Struck-by • Struck-against • Contact-by • Contact-with • Fall-to-surface • Fall-to-below • Over-exertion: • Bodily reaction: • Over-exposure: • Caught-on • Caught-in • Caught-between

  27. Form Teams • All are team leaders • All are spokesperson • Everyone is a recorder

  28. Spray Painting

  29. Job Hazard Analysis Select the job to be analyzed Watch the work being done Break the job down into steps/tasks Describe the hazards in each step of the task Develop Control Measures Develop and Implement Safe Operating Procedures Evaluate and improve

  30. 5. Develop Control Measures • Engineering controls • Safe Work Practices • Administrative Controls • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The Hierarchy of Controls

  31. Engineering Controls • Consist of substitution, isolation, ventilation, and equipment modification. • These controls focus on the source of the hazard, unlike other types of controls that generally focus on the employee exposed to the hazard. • The basic concept behind engineering controls is that, to the extent feasible, the work environment and the job itself should be designed to eliminate hazards or reduce exposure to hazards

  32. Safe Work Practices • General workplace rules and other operation-specific rules • Respiratory Protection • Lockout/Tagout • Confined Space Entry • Hazard Communication • Blood borne Pathogens • Hearing Conservation

  33. Administrative Controls • Measures aimed at reducing employee exposure to hazards • Providing variety in jobs • Adjusting work schedules and work pace • Providing recovery time • Modifying work practices • Ensuring regular housekeeping • Maintenance of work spaces, tools & equipment • Encouraging exercise Used in conjunction with other controls

  34. Personal Protective Equipment • When exposure to hazards cannot be engineered completely out of normal operations or maintenance work, and when safe work practices and administrative controls cannot provide sufficient additional protection from exposure, personal protective clothing and/or equipment may be required.

  35. Form Teams • All are team leaders • All are spokesperson • Everyone is a recorder

  36. Job Hazard Analysis Select the job to be analyzed Watch the work being done Break the job down into steps/tasks Describe the hazards in each step of the task Develop Control Measures Develop and Implement Safe Operating Procedures Evaluate and improve

  37. 6. Develop and Implement Safe Operating Procedures A narrative or written summary of the JHA worksheet findings.

  38. 7. Evaluate and Improve

  39. Job Hazard Analysis Select the job to be analyzed Watch the work being done Break the job down into steps/tasks Describe the hazards in each step of the task Develop Control Measures Develop and Implement Safe Operating Procedures Evaluate and improve


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