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2-3-1 “Idaho” or “Iowa”. A1. M1. A2. A3. M2. M3. A3 a) passes and cuts, through low OR b) clears alley as M3 receives pass from M2 M3 quickly dodges down alley that is now clear OPTIONS: 1- shoot 2- feed A1 sneaking or M1 curl
2-3-1 “Idaho” or “Iowa” A1 M1 A2 A3 M2 M3 A3 a) passes and cuts, through low OR b) clears alley as M3 receives pass from M2 M3 quickly dodges down alley that is now clear OPTIONS: 1- shoot 2- feed A1 sneaking or M1 curl 3- roll away and kick back to M2 *If ball goes to A1 and he has no shot he should look to M2, if covered then attack back side (move to A2)
2-3-1 Triangle Offense “Any Color, #” A1 M1 A2 A3 M2 M3 • # indicates player that will initiate the play • Pull out as if for isolation, then initiate play • (M3 is initiating this play) • M3 passes and cuts through for give and go • A3 looks for 2nd cutter curling in behind (M2) • M1 sets back pick for M2 and then stays up top
2-3-1 “Shoelace” A1 A3 A2 M1 M3 M2 As M2 sweeps with the ball: M1 fills up top off of crease to be the reversal if needed A1 curls from “x” to be an outlet A2 drop to back door M3 curls up looking for pass if M2 doubled
1-4-1 Set Play “14” A1 M2 M3 A2 A3 M1 • The 4 across must get low (on GLE) • Mids outside, attack on the crease • M1 dodges looking to score, but has multiple options • M3 drops low and flat to be an outlet • A1 curls tight to near pipe for sneak or outlet • A2 curls to high crease, A3 steps across to back pipe • M2 fills top to cut fastbreak • M1 looks to shoot, feed A2/A3 or outlet to M3/A1 • If outlet to M3, A1 drops, receives and attacks backside • M1 can also roll away from pressure and reverse to M2
1-4-1 Set Play “41” A1 A2 A3 M2 M3 M1 • Wings/crease must all set up high • Attack outside, mids inside on high crease • A1 initiates opposite the side he plans to dodge • M3 dives to back pipe as A3 fills below GLE to back up/outlet • M2 follows slide into open slot • A2 drops and flattens for outlet • OPTIONS: 1- feed M2 or M3 • 2- outlet to A2 who immediately sends to M1 • 3- roll away from pressure and reverse to A3
2-2-2 Basic Set “22” A1 A2 A3 M3 M2 M1 • Attack and middies move in triangles • 2-2-2 set for middie and attack dodges down/up sides
2-2-2 Set Play “22 Side” A1 A2 A3 M3 M2 M1 • A3 & M3 are 5 yards apart and are setting side picks for each other. • Attack and middies move in triangles • 2-2-2 set for middie and attack dodges down/up sides • M2 initiates dodge looks for shot. • M3 picks for A3 for quick shot. • A2 slides up for pass and shot. • If not open, A2 swings to A1 and M1 cuts hard to net • A3 sets pick for M3 looking for quick shot.
2-2-2 Set Play “22 Stack” A1 A2 A3 M3 M2 M1 • A3 & M3 are 3 yards apart and are stacked in “I” setting picks for each other & cutting to posts. • Attack and middies move in triangles • “22 stack” is used for low and high picks to free man with the ball. • M1 initiates from top with pick set by M2. • A2 can also initiate with pick set by A1 on “x”. • Picker is not moving or bringing player to the ball. • Picker gets to mid spot and is stationary.
Man Up 2-3-1 “Purple” A1 M1 A2 A3 M2 M3 • Ball moves once around clockwise • M2 reverses to initiate play • M2 then cuts for give and go • M1 must be very low to give space • M3 read top defender • If D holds, give it to cut M2 • If D goes with cutter, reverse to A2 quickly
Man Up 2-3-1 “Purple” A1 M1 A3 M2 A2 M3 • If Ball reverses to A2, he should: • Step in for quick shot • Force 2v1 with A1 coming around for pass • A3 must back up shot.
Man Up 2-3-1 “Gold” A1 A2 A3 M1 M2 M3 • Ball moves counterclockwise • 2nd time A3 touches the ball, M3 cuts through • A3 reverses to M2 sliding over • A2 moves up for pass, A1 creeps wide from “x” • M3 comes all the way around as 2nd man through