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Community Planning Group (CPG). Mission: The mission of the Missouri HIV/STD Prevention community planning body is to coordinate a comprehensive, community HIV/STD Prevention Plan. Community Planning Group (CPG).
Community Planning Group (CPG) Mission: The mission of the Missouri HIV/STD Prevention community planning body is to coordinate a comprehensive, community HIV/STD Prevention Plan
Community Planning Group (CPG) The National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) allocates money for HIV/STD prevention
HIV/STD/Hepatitis Prevention Community Planning Group (CPG) The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, through a grant process and with the assistance of the CPG, determines how much money to request and how this money is then allocated throughout the state.
Community Planning Group (CPG) Each of Missouri’s six lead agencies, with assistance from the Regional Prevention Advisory Groups (RPAGs), determine how the money is used on the regional and local level based upon intervention plans developed by the RPAG. In other words, the CPG sets the agenda for state plan and the RPAGs set the agenda for regional reflection of that state plan.
Community Planning At Work State CPG-(Community Planning Group) Big-picture planning sets the agenda for state reflection of the Regional Plan. RPAG-(Regional Prevention Advisory Group) Regional planning sets the agenda for regional reflection of the State Plan. Community Services
Community Planning Group (CPG)REGIONAL PREVENTION ADVISORY GROUPS Each regional advisory group is facilitated by the lead agency health department co-chair as well as a community co-chair. Members of these groups are expected to strive to meet regional Parity, Inclusion and Representation or PIR.
Community Planning Group (CPG)REGIONAL PREVENTION ADVISORY GROUPS Each regional group is responsible for developing intervention plans based upon regional needs of the state prioritized populations. The group has some room for flexibility to include up to two additional populations in regions that tend to be at special risk for HIV infection. All regional plans need to reflect the information obtained through the state-wide community assessment process.
Community Planning Group (CPG) The CPG’s main goal is to ensure that HIV prevention programs meet the needs of those most impacted by the HIV epidemic by developing a comprehensive HIV prevention plan.
Community Planning Group (CPG) The expectations of the CPG are to: • Involve members of the CPG in the planning of interventions that meet the needs of populations most at risk for HIV infection • Assess needs • Prioritize unmet needs • Identify effective interventions • Prioritize effective interventions • Evaluate effective interventions • Develop a comprehensive HIV prevention plan
Community Planning Group (CPG) Objectives of the CPG…
Community Planning Group (CPG) …Implement an open recruitment process (outreach, nominations, and selection) for CPG members. This is accomplished in the following ways: • There is a written procedure for nominations to the CPG. • There is a CPG committee responsible for nominations – the Membership Committee. • The CPG nominations process targets membership gaps as identified by the CPG. • There is a written document that assists with the selection of CPG members – the Membership Characteristic Survey given to CPG members twice a year to assess PIR needs.
Community Planning Group (CPG) …Ensure that CPG membership is representative of the diversity of populations most at risk for HIV infection. This is accomplished in the following ways: CPG members represent: • Populations most at risk for HIV infection • Persons living with HIV • The affected community in terms of race/ethnicity, gender/gender identity, sexual orientation, geographic distribution • Professional expertise in behavioral/social science, epidemiology, evaluation, service provision
Community Planning Group (CPG) …Foster a community planning process that encourages inclusion and parity among community planning members. This is accomplished in the following ways: • Host ad hoc subcommittees, panels and focus groups to gain input from members of groups who are hard to recruit to the CPG. • Accommodate or facilitate member input from those members who might face challenging barriers to their continued participation in the CPG.
Community Planning Group (CPG) …Foster a community planning process that encourages inclusion and parity among community planning members. This is accomplished in the following ways: • Clear decision making process that includes conflict of interest rules. • Orientation and mentoring process for new CPG members. • Meetings are open to the public and allow time for public comment via the gallery. • Ongoing training process is available for all CPG members.
Community Planning Group (CPG) …Carry out a logical, evidence-based process to determine the highest priority, population-specific prevention needs in the jurisdiction. This is accomplished through: • The state epidemiological profile that provides information about defined populations at high risk for HIV infection for the CPG to consider in the prioritization process. • The community services assessment that focuses on one or more high priority populations as identified in the state epidemiological profile.
Community Planning Group (CPG) …Carry out a logical, evidence-based process to determine the highest priority, population-specific prevention needs in the jurisdiction. This is accomplished through: • Data that is gathered which defines populations’ needs in terms of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and norms. • Data that is gathered which defines populations’ needs in terms of access to services.
Community Planning Group (CPG) …Ensure that priority target populations are based on an epidemiological profile and a community services assessment. This is accomplished because target populations are ordered by priority in terms of their contribution to new HIV infections.
Community Planning Group (CPG) …Ensure that prevention interventions for identified priority target populations are based on behavioral and social science, and have been adequately tested with intended consumers for cultural appropriateness, relevance, and acceptability. ….This is accomplished because Interventions are prioritized for risk populations and their ability to have the greatest impact on said risk populations.
Community Planning Group (CPG) …Demonstrate a direct relationship between the Comprehensive HIV Prevention Plan and the Health Department Application for Federal HIV Prevention Funding. This is done through a yearly review process with the full-body CPG.
Community Planning Group (CPG) …Demonstrate a direct relationship between the Comprehensive HIV Prevention Plan and Funded Interventions. Again, this is done through the yearly plan/grant review with the full-body CPG.
Local Schools Local Governments RPAG Consultants State Government Local Churches CPG Local CBOs Local Health Department Fiduciary Agents RPAG Reps And Persons Living with HIV/AIDS Community Planning Group (CPG) PARTNERS
Community Planning Group (CPG)State CPG Planner • The State CPG planner is an employee of the State Health Department and serves as long as he or she is employed. The State CPG planner shares information, votes, and facilitates the CPG process.
Community Planning Group (CPG) State CPG Evaluation Coordinator The State CPG evaluation coordinator is an employee of the State Health Department and serves as long as he or she is employed and does not vote. The State CPG evaluation coordinator ensures that lead agencies and community based organizations complete all necessary reports correctly, have the tools they need to evaluate interventions, receives the information they need to enter intervention data into the CDC mandated Program Evaluation Monitoring System (PEMS), and updates members on the ongoing evaluation of the CPG process.
Community Planning Group (CPG) Statewide Community Co Chairs • Statewide Community Co Chairs serve one, one year term with option of renewal for a second year and do vote. • There are two co-chairs to best represent the diversity of our state, one co-chair represents the urban regions and the other represents the rural regions of the state. • The Statewide Community Co Chairs assist with development and leadership of the CPG.
Community Planning Group (CPG) Regional Lead Agency Health Dept. Co Chairs Regional Lead Agency Health Department Co Chairs: • Share information but do not vote • Contract holders for the HIV Prevention grant and coordinate the RPAGs at the local level • Participate in local and state committees to assist with planning tasks. • Are employed by regional health departments and serve as long as they are employed.
Community Planning Group (CPG) At-Large • At Large CPG members share information and vote. At Large members first represent their at-risk population and second represent their region. Members are elected through the nominations process and serve one, two year term.
Community Planning Group (CPG) RPAG Representative • RPAG representatives share information and vote. Representatives must represent their region at the statewide CPG, and they must relay information from the statewide CPG meetings to their regional group. RPAG representatives are elected based on regional by laws and serve terms based on regional by laws.
Community Planning Group (CPG) Government Agency Representative • Government Agency Representatives share information and vote. Government Agency Representatives collaborate with the CPG; facilitate communication among representatives, co chairs, and the government; share resources and information with the CPG. They serve as long as they are employed.
Community Planning Group (CPG) Gallery • Gallery participants share information but do not vote. Gallery participants share their expertise and serve an important role at the subcommittee level, and share valuable information at the full body CPG meetings. The gallery is open to anyone; gallery participants serve no terms.
Community Planning Group (CPG) SUBCOMMITTEES • Structure to determine by laws, secure resources, develop resource inventories, prioritize target populations and interventions, strategize interventions and assist with implementation of the statewide needs assessment. All work goes to the full body CPG for approval. • At Large to recruit members, assist with the African American Emergency Response Plan, create the Hispanic statement of need and plan events for national days of awareness. CPG members must participate in Subcommittees. The Permanent Subcommittees are:
Community Planning Group (CPG) SUBCOMMITTEES CPG members must participate in Subcommittees. The Permanent Subcommittees are: • Missouri Prevention and Care Collaboration (MOPACC) to facilitate and support a process for coordinating HIV prevention and care planning resources and activities in order to maximize the outcomes of both groups, develop prevention and care conferences ideas, assist with the planning process and update – on a yearly basis – the MOPACC Recommended Strategies Document to ensure relevance and clear prevention and care coordinated activities
Community Planning Group (CPG) SUBCOMMITTEES CPG members must participate in Subcommittees. The Permanent Subcommittees are: • Membership to plan and implement new member and refresher orientation, ensure updated materials are used at orientation, ensure PIR for the CPG through membership analysis and Gallery recruitment, develop and implement point person and mentor programs, ensure RPAGs conduct appropriate local orientation, assist with removal of committee members who are not fulfilling obligations
Community Planning Group (CPG) SUBCOMMITTEES CPG members must participate in Subcommittees. The Permanent Subcommittees are: • STD to provide CPG and RPAGs with a master calendar of testing and community events, to disseminate a best practices document of STD prevention, to assess STD prevention and testing availability for Hispanic communities statewide, to develop and disseminate protocols on STD testing technologies available statewide, to ensure that one CPG member from each region serves on the STD Subcommittee.
Community Planning Group (CPG) SUBCOMMITTEES CPG members must participate in Subcommittees. The Permanent Subcommittees are: • Youth subcommittee: to provide recommendations to better serve statewide youth populations, to develop recommendations for comprehensive HIV/STD/pregnancy prevention programs for youth in schools and communities statewide, to develop partnerships with community organizations, to provide ongoing support to community partners and to utilize input from the statewide Youth Advisory Committees implement a more inclusive planning process.
Community Planning Group (CPG) Ad Hoc Committees CPG members must participate in Subcommittees. The Ad Hoc Committees are: • Urban to assist with the implementation of the needs assessment, serve as an approval board for the recommendations from the Structure Subcommittee and to share ideas • Rural to assist with the implementation of the needs assessment, serve as an approval board for the recommendations from the Structure Subcommittee and to share ideas
Community Planning Group (CPG) Ad Hoc Committees CPG members must participate in Subcommittees. The Ad Hoc Committees are: • Jail Collaboration to assess the need for HIV prevention information in statewide correctional facilities, provide assistance about HIV prevention initiatives in statewide correctional facilities and evaluate the success of such prevention initiatives • Mental Health to assist in statewide collaborative efforts, develop resources and intervention strategies for clients at risk for HIV who also use drugs, ensure client access to community resources, work with mental health providers to share information, provide assistance with mental health issues when planning interventions
Community Planning Group (CPG) Ad Hoc Committees CPG members must participate in Subcommittees. The Ad Hoc Committees are: • Women’s to address women's issues related to HIV and STD prevention in primarily the state’s African American community with a focus on HIV+ women
Community Planning Group (CPG) MEETINGS • CPG meetings are held quarterly • The CPG utilizes Roberts Rules of Order for meeting format. • RPAG meetings are held according to regional by laws
Community Planning Group (CPG) In summary, the Community Planning Group’s expected outcomes are: • To conduct an inclusive planning process that focuses on the achievement of Parity, Inclusion and Representation (PIR). • To include in the planning process a mechanism to prioritize populations most impacted by the disease, and to plan for scientifically sound interventions that will meet the HIV prevention needs of these populations. • To develop a comprehensive HIV prevention plan.