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IPPC Review EC

IPPC Review EC. Beyond Regulatory Compliance Incentives to improve the environmental performance of IPPC installations. EC DG Environment. E.P.Schenk. Januari 2006. Beyond Regulatory Compliance?.

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IPPC Review EC

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  1. IPPC Review EC Beyond Regulatory Compliance Incentives to improve the environmental performance of IPPC installations EC DG Environment E.P.Schenk Januari 2006

  2. Beyond Regulatory Compliance? BRC = Companies that achieve higher environmental performance than requiered by their IPPC permits Examples are companies that are using • EMS (eg EMAS/ISO 14001 (Akzo Sassenheim NL)) or • product stewardship (VNCI, Chemical Industry Netherlands; U.S.) to perform beyond the basic requirements that are in their permit. Other tools or instruments are: • covenants, tax reliefs, differentiation in enforcement, name and fame publicity, etc.

  3. Key objectives • illustrate scope for environmental performance beyond regulatory compliance (BRC) • inform EC about what are measures and levels of success to promote BRC • indicate IPPC supports/barriers on promoting BRC • Outline of possible changes IPPC directive

  4. Overview ofphases & activities

  5. Questionnaire: respondents List of all country members of IPPC-Advisory Group - adding other contacts? • Relevant persons of authorities: • national level • regional level • - local level • Relevant industries: • different sectors of industry • - various sizes country level

  6. Interviews in the selected cases Depending on the findings from the questionnaire (sent to all EU countries) and the desk study results: • A visit of maximum 10 countries, however more interesting cases can be selected! Criteria: • Good geographical coverage • Old and new EU members • Big and small countries • Different IPPC installations

  7. Output • Analysis of existing instruments and tools used by companies to go • beyond regulatory compliance • Overview of levels of successes, bottlenecks, pitfalls and failures • Recommendations for possible changes of the IPPC Directive

  8. Roles of the AG • 1st stage: • examples of exisiting tools and measures • Later: • Answer questionnaire + contacts for further distribution of questionnaire • Views on selected cases, support for identification of key contacts for interviews • Comments on deliverables such as reports

  9. January 2006 AG meeting 1 February Mid March: final questionnaire End of April: AG meeting 2 June August September: AG meeting 3 November: AG meeting 4 December Planning

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