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Training and Methodological Centre. INTRODUCTION TO IPPC. The philosophy and the principles Name Expert. Training and Methodological Centre. Content. Acronyms The IPPC directive The general principles Time table Permits Annexes. Training and Methodological Centre. IPPC acronyms.

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  1. Training and Methodological Centre INTRODUCTION TO IPPC The philosophy and the principles Name Expert

  2. Training and Methodological Centre Content • Acronyms • The IPPC directive • The general principles • Time table • Permits • Annexes

  3. Training and Methodological Centre IPPC acronyms • IPPC: Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control • BAT: Best Available Techniques (# technologies) • BREF: Bat Reference Notes • ELV: Emission Limit Value

  4. Training and Methodological Centre IPPC Directive • Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control • Council directive 96/61/EC • Purpose • To achieve a high level of protection for the environment taken as a whole • To achieve integrated prevention and control • of pollution arising from the activities listed in Annex I

  5. Training and Methodological Centre IPPC Directive • IPPC Directive is an important milestone • Flexible and integrated framework • Integrated approach • Public access to information • IPPC is an EC Directive • It has to be transposed into the national law

  6. Training and Methodological Centre IPPC General Principles • Prevention against pollution by integrated • permitting (to air, land and water) • Using BAT (Best Available Techniques) • Waste management (avoiding, recovering or safely disposed) • Efficient use of energy • Accident prevention • Site restoration

  7. Training and Methodological Centre IPPC Timetable • Sept 1993: Commission proposal • Sept 1996: adoption of the IPPC directive • Oct 1999: IPPC applies to all new installations as well asexisting installations undergoing significant changes • 2001: start of ELV reporting • 2003: start of implementation and EPER reports • 2006: second implementation and EPER report • Oct 2007: IPPC applies to all installation

  8. Training and Methodological Centre Commission reports on implementation of Directive MS implemen-tation reportsto be submitted Sep 2006 Jun 2007 Jan 2003 Sep 2003 June 2004 May 2004 Jan 2005 June 2005 Dec 2005 Oct 2007 Enlargement Amendmentallowing green-house gasemission tradingcomes in effect Firstedition of all BREFsshould beready Latest com-pliance datefor existinginstallations Amendment strengtheningpublic partici-pation comesin effect

  9. IPPC permits Training and Methodological Centre Site specific permit conditions (1) • Emission Limit Values on the substances from annex III (based on BAT) • Equivalent parameters or technical measures • Requirements ensuring protection of soil and ground water

  10. IPPC permits Training and Methodological Centre Site specific permit conditions (2) • Measures concerning management of waste • Monitoring requirements, specifying measurement methodology and frequency • Evaluation procedure and an obligation to supply the competent authority with data • Conditions other than normal operating conditions

  11. Training and Methodological Centre “Best Available Techniques”(1) “Best” means: “the most effective in achieving a high general level of protection for the environment as a whole”. But how high is “high”?

  12. Training and Methodological Centre “Best Available Techniques”(2) It incorporates the consideration of the economic viability of implementing a technique, taking into account the `costs and advantages’ of implementation, when deciding whether that technique is available. BAT Reference documents (BREFs)

  13. Training and Methodological Centre The Annexes • List of industrial activities • List of directives • List of main polluting substances • Consideration BAT

  14. Training and Methodological Centre Annex I (1) Energy industries Combustion, refining, coke ovens, coal gasification and liquefaction Production and processing of metals Ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals Mineral industry Cement, asbestos, glass, minerals, ceramics

  15. Training and Methodological Centre Annex I (2) Chemical industry Organic, inorganic, fertilisers, plant health, pharmaceuticals, explosives Waste management Incineration, disposal and recovery, landfill Other activities Pulp, paper, food and drink, textiles, hides and skins, slaughter, intensive pigs and poultry, surface treatment, carbon

  16. Training and Methodological Centre Annex II List of Directives Referred to in Articles 18 (2) and 20 e.g. There where there are no ELV’s from the Commission, the ELV’s contained in these directives shall be applied as minimum ELV’s

  17. Training and Methodological Centre Annex III Indicative list of main pollutants by media to be taken into account when setting ELVs • Air - SO2, NOX, CO, VOCs, dust, metals etc, etc • Water - Cyanides, organotin, biocides, arsenic, substances with a negative impact on oxygen balance etc,etc

  18. Training and Methodological Centre Annex IV(1) Considerations for assessing BAT • low waste technology • use of less hazardous substances • recovery and recycling of substances and water • alternative techniques tried with success on an industrial scale

  19. Training and Methodological Centre Annex IV(2) • technological advances in science and knowledge • nature, effects and volume of emissions • commissioning dates for new and existing installations • time to introduce BAT • consumption of raw materials including water and energy efficiency

  20. Training and Methodological Centre Annex IV(3) • prevention or minimisation of the impact of emissions on the environment • accident prevention and minimisation • information published by the commission concerning BAT, associated monitoring and developments

  21. Questions ? Training and Methodological Centre

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