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MALI. income Generation in Mali by Adama BARRY Analyst sutenaible Development Ministry of Economic Industry an Commerce CT/CSLP Bamako Mekong Institute, 16 March 10 April 2009 Khon Kaen (Thailande). REPUBLIC OF MALIA Welcome in our Country. Coat of Arms. Flag. General presentation.
MALI income Generation in MalibyAdama BARRYAnalyst sutenaible DevelopmentMinistry of Economic Industry an CommerceCT/CSLP BamakoMekong Institute, 16 March 10 April 2009Khon Kaen(Thailande)
REPUBLIC OF MALIA Welcome in our Country Coat of Arms Flag
General presentation Share international boundary : Algeria, Mauritania, Niger, Côte d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Senegal, Area : 1 241 238 km² Capital : Bamako Official langage : French Type of government: Republic Population : 12 051 000 Life expectancy : 56 years Population growth rate: 2.2% population Density : 10 inhabitants per km Per capita real growth rate of Gross National Product 2.5% Per capita Gross National Product in US $486$ US Climatic condition: hot and wet Principal religions : islam (90%), christian (2%), animist (3%) Ethnicity: Bambara peulh Malinke Senoufo, minianka, bobo Sarakolé, Dogon, Songhaï, Bozo, somono, tamasheq Arabes Motto: " Un Peuple, un But, une Foi" (One Nation, One Goal, One Faith)
Tableau de bord suite . - Independence: September 22, 1960. Constitution: February 25, 1992 -Political parties: multiparty democracy. - Mali has a tripartite system of government * Executive: president (head of state and commander in chief of the armed forces). * Legislative: National Assembly is the sole legislative arm of the government; currently consisting 147 member* * Judicial: Supreme Court with both judicial and administrative powers. -Administrative subdivisions: Mali is divided into 8 regions 1 district , each under the authority of an appointed governor. The regions are divided into 49 Circles, administered by commandants. Circles are divided into 703 communes, which, in turn, are divided into villages or quarters. - Currency FCFA (1 £=655,957 fcfa)
Development sector Agriculture • 70 % of population are farmers • It contributed about 37.3 % of the Gross National Product against, 21.6 % from the secondary sector and 42.1 % from the tertiary sector. • Production • A cereal production :3 millions tons (among which 965 000 tons of rice) • A cotton production of 620 000 tons in 2003/2004, making of Mali the first African cotton producer.
The Potentialities • the Global productive potential is 46,6 millions of hectare (ha) among which: • 12,2 million ha of farmlands, • 30,0 million hectares of lands of pastures, • 3,3 million reserves of fauna, • 1,1 million forest reserves. • Vast easily flooded zones: 2,2 millions of ha irrigable
the breeding • the wealth of livestock constituted in 2002/03 of: • 7,1 million cattle; • 8 million ovine races; • 11 million goats; • 0,6 millions of camels; • 25 million poultry
The peach (fishing) Fishing accounts for 3% of the gross national product and exports of fishery products account for 8% of total exports. The annual production exceeds 100 000 t (fresh fish). . The major constraints on fishery development are the dispersion and nomad character of the fishermen and the large number of middlemen in the marketing circuit.
Some realizations & Process Rice culture • Implemented a contract-plan ( Etat-ONG-Producteurs); • Granting of the land titles(securities); • Organized an interprofession in the sector(network) rice; • Systematization of a stock exchange(grant) in zone Office Niger; • Adequacy offers of rice to the needs of the current consumers; • Disengagement of State in the sector ; • Government as giving in the CEN-SAD organisation 100 000 ha; Breeding • Creation Ministry of breeding and peach; • Development policy breeding by the Government in January, 2004; • Policy of Privatization and modernization of slaughterhouses; • Development and management of the natural courses • Creation office of vegetables protection
cotton production • Creation Mission of restructuring of the Sector Cotton ( MRSC); • Adoption: in June 6th, 2001, Letter of Politics(Policy) of the Sector Cotton ( LPDSC);? • Worked out for show Cotton varieties witch adapted to the agro-climatic zones; • Program of repair of the rural tracks and the constructions; • Increase capacity and importing program of equipment; • Creation of fund for natural disasters; • Creation of an electronic market for the cotton • creation of a sub-regional cotton stock exchange(cotton grant) (financing UEMOA)
Food securities • Improvement system of observation and information (SAP-OMA-OPAM and the National Agency of Sanitary Security of Food); • Implemented 160 municipal plans of food securities; • Extension of the Special Program of Food securities (PSSA) to the whole Country
Development of Infrastructures • In order to support the development of productive sectors, the key measures will concern:; • the development of energy supply; • the construction of 4,600 kilometres of roads ; • facilitation of the renewal of the vehicle pool; • the construction and rehabilitation of airports, the extension of the landing strip of Bamako-Sénou airport; • the development of industrial zones, including 200 hectares of the industrial zone of Bamako-Sénou airport; • the extension of the telephone and Internet network to rural areas under the public-private partnership; • continued TV/FM coverage of areas not yet covered
Objective (s) of Millennium Development (MGD) • The rate of poverty hqs decreased from 68 % in 2001 to 56 % in 2006 (Objective target of MGD: 34 % in 2015); • The rate of malnutrition is also decreqsing: 38 % in 2001, 37,7 % in 2006 (Objective tqrget of MGD: 17 % in 2015). • Rate of schooling increasing: 64 % in 2002, 75 % in 2006 (Objective tqrget of MGD: 100 % in 2015) • Mortality rate of the children of less than 5 years: 229 per thousand in 2001 in 191 per thousand in 2006 (Objective tqrget of MGD: 83 per thousand in 2015). • Rate of prevalency of the HIV / AIDS: 1,7 % in 2001 in 1,3 % in 2006. • Proportion of the persons living without access to drinking water: 43 % in 2002,33% in 2006 (Objective tqrget og MGD: 21% in 2015
Micro-finance Micro-finance development will be supported by: (i) implementation of the 2005-2008 action plan, (ii) consideration of the operational action plan of the conclusions of the meeting of the Head of State with all the stakeholders of the micro-finance sector in March 2006, and (iii) establishment of a sectoral working group to monitor the implementation of micro-finance aspects. The reform initiatives taken by the Financial Sector Development Programme (PDSF) should be supported by the strengthening of non-banking financial institutions, namely insurance companies, and restructuring of social security.
Incom generation first Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper of Mali (PRSP I), which covered the 2002-2006 period, was;adopted in May 2002. The new generation Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP II 2007 - 2011), which could be defined as the Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, describes the policies and programmes which the country intends to implement at the macro-economic, structural and social levels Objectives: * Accelerate growth: + 7% per year over the 2007-2011 period. * Improve the well-being of the Malian populations.Strategic Orientations Strategic orientations: * I.Development of infrastructures and the productive sector; * II.Pursuance and consolidation of structural reforms; and * III.Strengthening of the social sector.
Institutional Monitoring-Evaluation Mechanism It is necessary to clarify and simplify the institutional mechanism. The PRSP institutional mechanisms will comprise: (i) a Policy Committee, (ii) a Mali -Development Partners Joint Commission, (iii) a National Steering Committee, and (iv) a PRSP Technical Unit, which will be strengthened. The PRSP process will be conducted and coordinated by the Ministry responsible for the Economy.
Recent macro-economic performance • Trends in real GDP growth Between 2002 and 2005, growth averaged 5.1 percent. Since starting to implement the PRSP, Mali Has posted positive growth, with 4.3 percent in 2002, 7.6 percent in 2003, 2.3 percent in 2004, and 6.1 percent in 2005. Sources: Economic Accounts of Mali (DNSI), Economic Prospects of WAEMU States for 2006 (BCEAO)
Trends in rate of inflation (HICP) The average inflation rate—measured by the annual change in the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) in Bamako—was 1.8 percent between 2002 and 2005. After reaching 5.1 percent in 2002, negative inflation growth was achieved in 2003 and 2004, with -1.3 percent and -3.1 percent, respectively. Inflation rebounded to 6.4 percent in 2005, however, as a result of the shortage of food supplies following the poor 2004/2005 crop season (Source: DNSI/MME_DNPD
300,00 30,0% 250,00 25,0% 200,00 20,0% 150,00 15,0% 100,00 10,0% 50,00 5,0% 0,00 0,0% 2002 2003 2004 2005 Années - Private GFCF (CFAF billion current) - Public GFCF (CFAF billion current s) Gross investment (I/GDPm) • Trends in public and private investmen These public investment efforts were supported by technical and financial partners and saw the gross investment rate increase from 16.0 percent in 2002 to 21.4 percent in 2005.t Source: DNSI/MME_DNPD
conclusions The macroeconomic framework of the PRSP was produced at a time when the department in charge of planning and development was updating its working tools, particularly those used for macroeconomic modeling and forecasting. The Forecasting and Modeling Committee