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CEI PILOT PROJECTS TO PROMOTE RESEARCH AND INNOVATION THROUGH CENTERS AND GROUPS OF SCIENTIFIC EXCELLENCE • IN WEST BALKANS, DANUBE REGION, OTHER CEI COUNTRIES • Presentationby • Giorgio Rosso Cicogna • Special Advisor to CEI SecretaryGeneral • Meeting of CEI National Focal Points for Science and Technology • Trieste, 8-10 July 2013
THREE CEI PILOT PROJECTS “CLONED” CEI Secretariat launched three Pilot Projects of regionalcooperation to promote state of artscientific research transfer of technology know-how potential of innovation for industry Concerning all CEI member countries through a bridge betweenmacro-regions the Western Balkan region the Danube macro-region the Eastern neighbourhood Overlapping among the three projects will be adjusted on the basis of a variable geometry of different resources made available by the European Commission to EU members and Non-EU countries and according to the different respective eligibility of each CEI member country: i.e. structural funds, Horizon 2020, IPA 2, ENPI, etc. 1
OBJECTIVES OF THESE PILOT PROJECTS CEI intends to contribute to the initial implementation of a comprehensive strategy fostering regional cooperation on Research and Innovation in Western Balkans, in cooperation with EC, RCC, World Bank, as it has been defined by the latter. Many years of experience with the CEI S&T Network will contribute to enhance capabilities of centresofexcellence and other advanced research groups in the region (they will get 85% of project resources). In this context (WBC), a three year collaborative regional research project, building on the strengths of the CEI S&T Network, can start immediately, i.e. as soon as funded, with limited financial resources (€15,5 mil.)if compared with the ambitious target of World Bank strategy (€200 mil.) From this first priority, CEI Secretariat has “cloned” a second pilot project to contribute to the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) in the field of S&T: thus covering 17 of its member states. The third “clone” covers also Belarus These pilot projects will disseminate scientific knowledge, transfer technology and promote innovation, while testing on the field most actions of WB strategy. 2
CEI SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY NETWORK Centres which are international by statute ICTP International Centre for Theoretical Physics (UNESCO/IAEA) ICGEB International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (intergovernmental organization of the UN family) Centres which are international by vocation Elettra Synchrotron Lab and Fermi Free Electron Laser Lab SISSA International School of Advanced Scientific Studies OGS Institute for Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics AREA Science Park For these pilot projects the Centres of global excellence of the CEI Network have identified ten scientific programmes with a strong multidisciplinary component, all based on their world recognised strengths. Training by AREA will promote technology transfer / innovation related to these programmes. For West Balkans overall objective is complementary to that of WB; for Danube strategy emphasis is put on smart specialization. 3
PROPOSED FIELDS OF ACTIVITIES FOR CEI PILOT PROJECTS Synchrotron radiation and free electron laser to develop innovative materials, including new technologies for conservation of cultural heritage; molecular and structural biology tools including microscopy and 3D analysis (Elettra and Fermi) Environment protection modelling and climate change (ICTP+OGS) Condensed matter physics and advanced materials (ICTP+SISSA) Biotechnology for food and energy (ICGEB) Regenerative medicine with specific reference to cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disorders (ICGEB+SISSA) Cognitive neurosciences; Computational biology; Applied mathematics (SISSA) Secure energy (OGS) Cross-sectoral support: promotion of technology transfer and coaching of innovative start-ups (AREA) 4
ENVISAGED SUPPORT THROUGH CEI PILOT PROJECTS The CEI Pilot Projects will provide support through several actions, stimulating regional joint initiatives, aiming at a larger participation to Horizon 2020. Fellowships to be spent in Trieste (30 months each); Scholarships (30 months each) and grants for group leaders to be spent in own countries; Support for scientific travel, organisation of scientific events subscription to literature, consumables, software; Support for training and coordination by Centres of the CEI Network, including funding for joint research projects (also in view of participation to Horizon 2020); Support for e-learning, e-laboratory, tutoring, networking, etc. Access to advanced instrumentation and lab facilities 5
FOCUS ON RESEARCH EXCELLENCE AND TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY The CEI Pilot Projects focus on excellence in research and on best practices in transfer of know how, disseminating knowledge about different roles, in joint efforts, for research, development and innovation In most CEI Countries there is a variable need for specific measures in order to support the itinerary from research to technology transfer and development, finalized to innovation To reach this objective, these Pilot Projects envisage a “tailor made” advanced training by AREA, which has a specific experience in this field since its establishment, and will train many fellows in technology transfer related to the ten programmes above, also ensuring a post-course tutoring and monitoring 6
EXPECTED IMPACTS FROM THE CEI PILOT PROJECTS • Larger number of collaborative projects and co-publications with CEI S&T Network, also in high impact journals and by young researchers • Larger number of trained young researchers with promising careers, turning the trend from brain drain into brain gain • Targeted transfer of technology in larger number of innovative applications to industrial production • Broader participation to Horizon 2020 projects from scientific communities in WB Countries and efficient use of advanced instrumentation • Better public/political awareness about the advantages of research programmes, also in regional dimension/cooperation 7
NEXT STEPS TOWARDS IMPLEMENTATION OF CEI PILOT PROJECTS • Building overall consensus and support at all CEI levels, among stakeholders • EC/RCC/World Bank Steering Committee for the WB Strategy (May 2013, Vienna) • WB Steering Platform for S&T (June 2013, Budva) • lobbing in Brussels with DG Research, DG Enlargement and DG Regio • Today: meeting in Trieste (9-10 July) of CEI S&T Focal Points, other government officials, EC representatives and prominent scientists from CEI countries, directly involving CEI S&T Network • Mapping matching Centers, groups and infrastructure in CEI Member Countries, and testing outline with ESFRI (contribution to roadmap?) • Meeting of CEI Ministers for Science and Technology already scheduled in October 2013 in Trieste, like every year, to establish a • Steering Committee with CEI S&T Focal Points, representatives of EC, RCC, World Bank, WBC INCO-Net, but no need of a new implementing structure. 8
CEI S&T PILOT PROJECTS IN A NUTSHELL • CEI rationale in promoting these pilot projects • CEI Secretariat as collective catalyser of needs and expectations of scientific communities and Industry in member countries • driver from brain drain into brain gain, facilitating/increasing participation to Horizon 2020 through access to state of the art instrumentation / other lab facilities and cooperation with CEI network • testing on the field more ambitious strategies (for instance, most actions proposed by World Bank for the Balkans or recommended by the European Commission for the Danube region) • CEI Secretariat’s role as implementer of these pilot projects, once they will be (progressively) funded by the European Commission • own experience in management of EU funded projects • long specific experience of partners of CEI S&T Network • no need for a new implementing structure 9
Your suggestions and support are most welcome! As a precondition, WB Countries must include S&T among the priorities in their respective national IPA 2 programmes; EU members in the Danube Region must emphasize smart specialization in their national approach to regional cooperation to promote research and innovation. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Giorgio Rosso Cicogna SpecialAdvisorto CEI SecretaryGeneral asg@cei.intwww.cei.int