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Evaluating & Critiquing Photography

Evaluating & Critiquing Photography . What are we going to be doing?. Discussing how we as photographers analyse our own images and that of others. Aiding you to carry out verbal or written discussion/ evaluation of you final work (defining the differences between P,M,D)

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Evaluating & Critiquing Photography

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  1. Evaluating & Critiquing Photography

  2. What are we going to be doing?....... • Discussing how we as photographers analyse our own images and that of others. • Aiding you to carry out verbal or written discussion/ evaluation of you final work (defining the differences between P,M,D) • Sharing and evaluating/critiquing one of our own final project images, discussing the aspects we have covered in the first part of the session. • Planning out our final steps as we come to the end of our studies

  3. Why as photographers do we Evaluate our own work ? The Evaluation assesses how your project has developed and been implemented. Some questions that could help to complete this part are: • What was your main idea behind the work you have presented? • Does your work show the things that you wanted to show, did everything go to plan? • What are the Positives and Negatives of the work you have? • How could you develop or improve what you have presented? • What would you change about the process that you went through to create these images?

  4. Some things to think about:- • How is the work presented, could it have been presented better? • Did you get all the pictures that you had wanted or could you have developed your idea more? • Did your planning for taking pictures work out, or did changes have to be made? • Have there been any problems, such as costs, errors and/or organisation and time issues?

  5. Why as photographers do we Critique our work and the work of others? When Carrying out a critique on work what things must we consider/ Look for ? Description & Analysis A general Description: Searching for Internal Clues • What do you see? What subject matter? What is happening in the picture? Look closely. • What art elements do you see? What lines dominate the art work? (straight, curvy, other) • What shapes dominate the artwork? (geometric, organic) • What colours/tones dominate the picture?

  6. AnAnalysis would be carried out on the following: Elements • How has the picture (art elements) been arranged? (repeat lines, shapes, colours, and patterns in exciting ways to make an artwork more interesting.) • How are the shapes arranged? (symmetrical, triangle, vertical, circular, grid, rule of thirds etc) what is the directional flow? • How are the colours/tones arranged? Are the colours predominantly light or dark? Are they bright or dull? • How is the space arranged? (flat, overlapping, or deep dimensional) Technique • How did the artist make this picture? • What materials did he use? (if applicable) • Interpretation: What does this image mean to you? • Is there an implied mood? • What symbols do you see? • Is there any symbolism? Judgment It is not important that we like or dislike an artwork, but that we try to understand why it has been created. What was the creator trying to represent. Think about this for your own work, what did you try and represent. • Imitative/ literal / representational. The artist tried to accurately describe the subject matter--the event, people, and objects. • Abstract The artist tried to distort/ change the subject matter--the event, people, and objects. • Formalistic: The artist experimented with the art elements (shapes, colours, space) in an unusual way. • Emotionalism. The artist emphasized the mood or symbols. • Functionalism: The artist intended the work to be useful, religious, educational, or propaganda. • Audience • Who would appreciate this work?

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