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Unit 3 . Rubrics & Homework Assignments. English II Unit 3 : Frankenstein & Poetry. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Assessments. HSAP Focus. E2 5.2 Narrative Writing – Memoir Poem Nov 11 Mini Research Collage – writers in text --- due Nov 22
Unit 3 Rubrics & Homework Assignments
English II Unit 3: Frankenstein & Poetry 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
Assessments HSAP Focus • E2 5.2 Narrative Writing – Memoir Poem Nov 11 • Mini Research Collage – writers in text --- due Nov 22 • Midway Test __ Dec 2 Unit Test ___ Dec 15 • Reading Inventory due Dec 16 • HSAP-Work 3.1 (11/17) 3.2 (12/1) 3.3 (12/15) • View the Art – Paragraph Construction – Due _______ • Character Sketch - Due _______Dec 9 • Book of Poetry Due Dec. 16 • Quizzes _______ ________ ________ __________ • Participation – on time and in time and in class (working in desk before the bell rings), prepared (id, books/journal/notebook/paper/pen), on task (note-taking, reading, working on assignments as they are given…), responsible, respectful. Keep 100% [Standards: E2 1.1,2,3,5,6;2.2,4,7;3.1,2,3;4.1,2,3,5,6;5.2,3;6.2,3,5,7,8
Define these terms – study these terms - • Rhyme/rhyme scheme ________________________ • Simile _____________________________________ • Metaphor ____________________________________ • Imagery ______________________________________ • Symbols/symbolism ____________________________ • Personification _________________________________ • Alliteration _____________________________________ • Lyric Poetry _____________________________________ • Repetition ______________________________________ • Onomatopoeia ___________________________________
Narrative Poem Assignment • Turn your short story that you wrote in unit 2, into a narrative Poem • See rubric for grading details
My granddad played with other kids The dogwood trees climbed they Like bear cubs in the little limbs They tussled while they played A noise they heard A rumble and a roar A dragon? a lion? They wondered And down from the trees they poured And granddad with other kids Had nothing much to say Looking down that long long road With curiosity and tenacity – and a little bit afraid And then in the cloud a dust A machine with wheels appeared Goggles and A long white scarf adorned the man who steered And still today I can hear my granddad as he tells the tale I hear it near and far About the day that he and his friends Saw the very first car A poem that tells a story. Characters and plot are important. Sample Granddad and the Car Narrative Poem Sound Devices Techniques used to appeal to the ear. Used to enhance rhythm, to emphasize sounds, or to add to the musical quality of the particular work. Examples: assonance, alliteration, onomatopoeia, and consonance
Rubric Narrative PoemName ____________ Date _____ • Organization • Events in logical order • Content • Important details from the life of the character • Theme evident • A series of events that come to a conclusion • A clear description of the character or characters • A setting. • A conflict that is developed • Poetic Form • At least three stanzas of four lines each • A basic rhythm or meter • A rhyme scheme that is the same in each stanza • Poetic Language • At least one metaphor • At least one simile • Manuscript Form - Must be typed • Times New Roman, _ Size 12 font, _ regular style, _ proper margins and form, _ title • Writing Process Observed • Pre-writing – The Planning Page • Rough Draft • 2nd Draft with Revision Notes • Final Edited Copy • Rubric Attached • Turned in on time • On time (10 points) • 5 days late (5 points) • How You Will Be Graded
Assignment Character Sketch Following the writing process and in proper MLA format, write a character sketch of one of the characters in Frakenstein. In the first sentence, name the character (5), the story title (5), & the author’s name (5). Then, with great detail and giving specific references to the text, write a physical description (12 pts :: 4 pts for 3 aspects) of the character. Describe the community that surrounds the character (3 pts). Write about what the character does (12 pts:: 4 pts for specific actions or thoughts), Name and explain the conflict that the character faces (3).State your feelings about what kind of individual your character is. Finally, describe the outcome of the story(5) and the character’s part in it (5). See rubric for details. Complete Rough Draft for Homework
Rubric for the Character Sketch - Romantics Name: __________ Assignment: Choose a character from Frankenstein. Following the writing process, write a character sketch. See the rubric for guidelines.
Assignment Work with one other person to gather photos pertaining to assigned author to make ONE collage. (Get materials today and assemble it in class tomorrow on provided card stock) Collage must have: Author’s Name Basic portrait photo Birth and death date A quote or two from a famous work Symbols pertaining to literary work & life 2 or 3 Bio. photos. Attractive quality a Border A 7 ½ * 8 ½ ” dimension TEAM Names ON BACK
Collect Information for each writer – Write it on a sheet of paper. • Author’s Name • Basic portrait photo • Birth and death date • A quote or two from a famous work • Symbols pertaining to literary work & life • 2 or 3 Bio. photos. • Attractive quality • a Border • A 7 ½ * 8 ½ ” dimension • TEAM Names ON BACK worth 100 Points
View the Art page 621 Bopping at Birdland. Romare Bearden. Describe this painting and then compare and contrast it to the painting and the poem on page 621.
Invisible Afghan with Apparition on Beach of Face of Garcia in Form of Fruit Dish with 3 Figs, 1938. Salvador Dali View the Art page 483 Describe this painting. In what ways is this painting similar to and different from the way the speaker in the poem “sees” creatures?
View the Art Page 494 Describe the painting in detail. Compare and contrast it with the photo and the poem on page 494. The Reaper by VanGogh
Describe this Painting. How does the woman in the painting compare with your image of the speaker in the poem or with the young Miss Rosie? View the Art page 596 Yellow Hat, 1936. Norman Lewis.
View the Art page 621 Bopping at Birdland. Romare Bearden. Describe this painting and then compare and contrast it to the painting and the poem on page 621.
In reflection, talk about how you used the following elements: Rhyme/rhyme scheme Simile Metaphor Imagery Symbols/symbolism Personification Alliteration Lyric Poetry Repetition Onomatopoeia Front Cover- (title, design) Table of Contents 6 original poems - one poem on a page Definition Page (define the 10 terms) and Personal Reflection Paragraph (on poems and the elements you used) Back Cover (Your name and Photo and a brief summary of the book, and a bit about you as editor.) Book of Poetry Directions:Create a poetry book with a reflection paragraph (reflect on how the following terms are used in your poems) Notes:Each poem must be at least 8 lines. One page per poem, a cover, a table of contents, a definition and reflection page, and a back cover all make up a total of 10 pages. USE the grammar and punctuation and line design that the poet uses. DETAIL IS IMPORTANT!!! Due Date: ________ -10 pts for each day late.
Homework – assigned each Monday, due each Thurs. • Between Monday and Thurs., Read about the assigned poets and all of their poems in your text book. • Take Notes on the bios, literary elements, and the poems • On a separate paper, Copy and define the vocabulary terms for that poet. – Keep a running list of all vocabulary each week and study for weekly cumulative quizzes. Keep in Voc. Section of Binder. • On a separate page, Write 1 poem in response to one of their poems. You can copy cat their style and stanzas or you can write on a similar theme in your own style. • Turn notes and poems in on Thurs, Place in your poetry folder before class begins. Make sure your name is on it.
Homework Week 13 Nov. 7 -11 REVIEW PROMETHEUS - THE MYTH And Frankenstein - The Letters I – IV (available online) Read Bio , Intro, and Poems and take notes on: Hayden, Collins, Shakespeare Write a poem in Response: You can copy cat their style and stanzas or you can write on a similar theme in your own style. Copy and Define the Vocabulary: Page 476 Page 481 Chronic Indifferently Austere Submerged Bureau Melancholy Grimace Fissure Temperate Page 486
Homework Week 14 Nov. 14 - 18 • Review : Frankenstein Chapters 1 -4 • Read Bio ,Intro, &Poems & take notes on: Toomer, Neruda, Solzhenitsyn, Momaday • Write a poem in Response: You can copy cat their style and stanzas or you can write on a similar theme in your own style. • Copy and Define the Vocabulary: page 492 page 496 Reaper Scythe Hone Immense Decrepit Sacred Remorse Searing chaos gorge Serpentine Primal Meticulous Cipher Glyph Infirmity Conflagration page 504 page 510
Homework Week 15 Nov21 -25 page 516 Review: Frankenstein Chapters 5 - 6 Read Bio , Intro, & Poems & take notes on: Basho, Lady Ise, Divakaruni ,Dickinson Write a poem in Response: You can copy cat their style and stanzas or you can write on a similar theme in your own style. Copy and Define the Vocabulary: page 521 page 525 Querulous Disgruntled Translucent Fleck Ceremonious Recollect Stupor Lag page 535
Homework Week 16 Nov. 28 – Dec.2 Review: Frankenstein Chapters 7-10 Read Bio , Intro, & Poems & take notes on: Roethke, Yeats, Baca, Cummings Write a poem in Response: You can copy cat their style and stanzas or you can write on a similar theme in your own style. Copy and Define the Vocabulary: page 541 page 547 page 554 Miniscule Hapless Embroidered Tread Mature Dense Syntax Parenthesis page 559
Homework Week 17 Dec. 5 - 9 page 563 Review: Frankenstein Chapters 11-16 Read Bio , Intro, & Poems & take notes on: Brooks, Dove, Alexie, Randall Write a poem in Response: You can copy cat their style and stanzas or you can write on a similar theme in your own style. Copy and Define the Vocabulary: page 568 page 572 Oblivion Crest Affirmation China Aglow Nostalgic Marvel page 576
Homework Week 18 Dec 12 - 16 page 594 Review: Frankenstein Chapters 17-24 Read Bio , Intro, & Poems & take notes on: Clifton, Frost, Nye, Hughes Write a poem in Response: You can copy cat their style and stanzas or you can write on a similar theme in your own style. Copy and Define the Vocabulary: page 599 Bough Essence Hoary Russet Grounds Offering Deferred page 607 page 618