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This session at the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) discusses the significant contributions of Earth observations for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Examples of tangible outputs from 2018-19 are highlighted, such as the CEOS Earth Observation Handbook on SDGs. Recognized as a key partner in mobilizing space agencies for SDGs, CEOS is actively involved in UN events and indicator monitoring guidelines. The session outlines the CEOS Work Plan (2019-2021) focusing on solutions for existing challenges and engagement with relevant UN bodies on SDGs. Various options like continuing as an AHT or transitioning to a CEOS Working Group are deliberated for sustained efforts in supporting SDGs.
AHT on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG AHT) Committee on Earth Observation Satellites • Alex Held, CSIRO, Co-lead & SIT Vice Chair • Marc Paganini, ESA, Co-lead • Flora Kerblat, CSIRO, Executive Secretary • with the support of ArgyroKavvada(NASA, GEO EO4SDG) • CEOS SIT-34 • Session 4 Observations for End UsersAgenda #4.8 Observations for SDGs • Miami, FL, USA • 3-4 April 2019
Examples of 2018-19 tangible outputs • CEOS Earth Observation Handbook on SDGs • Officially released in March 2018, at the 49th Session of the UN Statistical Commission, during the “Statistical-Geospatial Integration Forum” • Very well received by the SDG community; high visibility for CEOS • GEO/CEOS at UN High Level Political Forum (HLPF) 2018 • HLPF theme: “Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies”. • Australia organised a special side-event on the use of Earth observations for SDGs at the UN Headquarters, followed by two hands-on workshops (Financing and Priority) at the Permanent Mission of Australia • GEO/CEOS special issues on EO for SDGs in scientific journals • RSE Special Issue on “Earth Observation for the Sustainable Development Goals” (UNSW, CSIRO, NASA, GEO) – editing phase • RS Special Issue on "EO Solutions to Support Countries Implementing the SDGs” (ITC, ESA, NASA, SANSA) – call for papers • Recognition of CEOS by the UN system as a key partner to mobilise Space Agencies’ efforts on SDGs • CEOS represented in the IAEG-SDGs Working Group on Geospatial Information (WGGI); • CEOS involvement in UN Expert Teams on Indicator monitoring guidelines. • CEOS participation to UN events/panels on SDGs.
CEOS Plenary 32 Decision(October 2018) 3 The SDG AHT co-leads invited CEOS Principals to: • Acknowledge the achievements of the SDG AHT in 2018 and the recognition of CEOS and its Agencies as key partners on SDGs by the UN system. • Welcome the GEO/CEOS alignment of activities withrespective roles and responsibilities and the efforts of the AHT to involve CEOS bodies when appropriate. • Embrace the decision taken by the AHT to prioritize its activities along the unique role that CEOS should play as a coordination body of the Space community efforts. • Ensure a favorable framework by encouraging CEOS Agencies to actively contribute to the work of the AHT, improving its workforces and achieving the necessary critical mass. • Encourage the implementation of a Roadmap from Plenary to Plenary, to develop the necessary structure, membership and implementation plan to justify a permanent structure within CEOS.
CEOS Engagement on SDGs Streamlined approach UN Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) Working Group on Geo-Spatial Information (WGGI) Task Stream II Application of satellite data for the SDG indicators UN Environment UN Habitat UNCCD 6.6.1 Waterrelated ecosystems 11.3.1 Sustainable Urbanization 15.3.1 Land Degradation Neutrality Surface Water Extent, Vegetated Wetlands, Water Quality Human Settlements, Population Density, urban/rural Land Cover, Land Productivity, Carbon Stock CEOS SDG AHT Satellite Data Continuity(inc. data requirements, ARD) LSI-VC EO Enabling Infrastructures(Platforms, Data Cubes) WGISS SEO Awareness & Capacity Building WGCapD EO Good Practice Guidance Level of Confidence on EO for national statistics WGCV GEO EO4SDG GEO Wetlands, Aquawatch GEO GLOWS GEO Human Planet GEO Land Degradation Neutrality
FOR DISCUSSION Option 1: Continue as an AHT, requesting renewal for another year at Plenary, and continue to use Agencies’ best efforts to support UN and GEO mainstreaming EO in the SDG processes (new co-leads?); Option 2: Continue as an AHT to ONLY act as a CEOS point of contact for external users, without undertaking new activities, and forward all specific requests to VC/WGs; Option 3: ‘Graduate’ and become a CEOS Working Group with a new work plan, governance system and reporting mechanisms, and therefore more sustained efforts and support (= commitment) from CEOS and WG/VC members to implement it Option 4: Consider what the AHT SDG achieved, and still needs to be done from a CEOS perspective, and phase out the AHT with transfer of all AHT activities to GEO EO4SDG (including CEOS Agencies support) Option 5: Create an “SDG Strategy” (given its cross-cutting essence, following the “Carbon Strategy” path), with a solid work plan and coordination body to map SDG activities to existing CEOS resources (VCs, WGs, etc.) and continue being the “SDG space arm” focal point for GEO Future outlook of the CEOS activities on SDGs
2 VIABLE OPTIONS, 1 DECISION • Create a cross-cutting “SDG Sub group” within the new proposed Working Group on Information Provision, to coordinate all CEOS activities related to SDG, while remaining the CEOS point of contact for external stakeholders. ROAD MAP TO PLENARY • Ensure a common vision with CEOS SIT. • Engage CEOS Bodies (VCs, WGs and SEO) in the new CEOS plan of work on SDGs, according to the new SDG engagement streamlining. • Mobilise a critical mass of agencies’ participation and secure resources commitment. • Select the most adequate option for the AHT SDG evolution and review the team’s governance & leadership accordingly. • Comply with CEOS processes, and work with CEOS SIT to fulfil the requirements before SIT TW (to be ready for decision at Plenary) ‘Graduate’ and become a CEOS Working Groupwith a new work plan, governance system and reporting mechanisms, and therefore more sustained efforts and support (= commitment) from CEOS and WG/VC members to implement it Future outlook of the CEOS activities on SDGs
Questions? • sdg-leads@lists.ceos.org • or • Alex.Held@csiro.au • Marc.paganini@esa.int • Flora.kerblat&@csiro.au Thanks for your attention
AHT SDG Background and Context
AHTs provide an important vehicle through which CEOS can manage resources to address emerging topics that don’t fit into the existing VCs and WGs. • The CEOS SIT Chair Team invited all AHTs to: • reflect and report on their group trajectory and lifecyclein relation to the initiatives they support. • present a clear outlook and the expected evolution of those initiatives. • Included, if appropriate, long-term sustained operations. • with the expected participation of CEOS Structures and CEOS Member Agencies. • Consider transition plans for ad hoc activities. Ad Hoc Teams - Lifecycle
AHT SDG History • CEOS 30 Plenary, Oct 2016: Creation of the SDG Ad Hoc Team (SDG AHT) for a year • CEOS 31 Plenary, Oct 2017: Renewal for a 2nd year • CEOS 32 Plenary, Oct 2018: Renewal for a 3rd year with the action to propose a way forward (SIT-34) • CEOS 33 Plenary, Oct 2019: Way forward proposed (amongst 5 AHT options provided SIT-33) • AHT SDG Organisation • 2 current co-leads : CSIRO (A. Held), ESA (M. Paganini) + Executive secretariat from CSIRO (F. Kerblat, away Aug 18-Jan 19) • Need to confirm a 3rd co-lead • Today ~45 members (mailing list), including associate members or observers (e.g. UNOOSA) • AHT SDG meetings since 32nd CEOS Plenary: • Regular co-leads or team conference call meetings as well as AHT SDG – GEO EO4SDG bilaterals • Side-meetings: SIT-34, Miami, 2019 • Participation to key SDG meetings with CEOS presence since 2018: UNSC-49 (Mar 2018, NYC); GPSDD Data for Development Festival (Mar 2018, Bristol), HLPF 2018 (Jul 2018, NYC); 8th session UN GGIM (Aug 2018, NYC); WDF (Oct 2018, Dubai); GEO XV Plenary (Oct 2018, Kyoto) AHT-SDG History
3.11 Support to Other Key Stakeholder Initiatives I. Facilitate the use of satellite data in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 2019-21: The SDG AHT will continue to: • Support GEO in its SDG-related initiatives, mainly through the EO4SDG, focusing on the unique role that CEOS should play as a coordination body of the Space community efforts; • Represent CEOS in SDG-related working groups such as the IAEG-SDGs Working Group on Geospatial Information (WGGI); • Produce, in cooperation with the GEO EO4SDG initiative, a “SDG satellite data requirement Table” for a number of SDG indicators; • Assist the SDG stakeholders, in cooperation with the GEO EO4SDG initiative, with their satellite data requirements and acquisition for the implementation of SDG indicators; • Liaise with CEOS permanent structures (VCs, WGs and SEO) to leverage CEOS collective expertise and maximize benefits; • Build and maintain a “Compendium on the CEOS Agencies engagement on SDGs”; • Develop communications material with SEO team’s support and in coordination with GEO CEOS Work Plan (2019-2021
Ongoing process – started in 2016 (creation of the team) • ~ 15 agencies have provided inputs and POC via the online survey or emailing • Multiple requests but not enough results - seems even harder for big agencies to collect information internally (several departments, delays, layers etc.) • SIT-34: PPT template sent out to CEOS agencies for SDG side-meeting, to encourage CEOS agencies to provide updates and promote their SDG activities • Current Compendium (table) available : Google sheet (editable by SDG co-leads only) + Excel sheet annually updated (CEOS internal document management system for everyone: Ad Hoc Teams > SDG AHT > CEOS SDG) • A better approach is needed, if the exercise is useful to CEOS and requires more updates • SDG-2 COMPLETED SDG-2: Compendium, where are we?
CEOS agencies responses: BOM, CSA,CSIRO, DLR, ESA, GA, JAXA, NASA, SNSA, SANSA • Inputs: variation in quality, level of details, out or up-to-date information • SDG focus: • MAIN: • But also: • Discrepancies between CEOS agencies SDG work or engagement, and CEOS POC involvement in our AHT -> harder to reflect agencies actual work on SDG • Cross-cutting activities with multiple partners (sometimes 2+CEOS agencies involved) • AHT decision for future work: FOCUS on Goals 6, 11, 15 and their EO requirements • What's’ next? Satellite data sources (incl. Landsat-8, Sentinels (1 & 2), ALOS, SPOT-5, GCOM, JERS-1, GOSAT, HIMAWARI, TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X…) >15 >10 Agencies (provided inputs or involved sofar) Goals where EO data or organisations play a role 8 SDG-2: Compendium, where are we?
CEOS Work Plan (2019-2021) SDG-3 EO contribution to the SDGs SDG-4 CEOS engagement plan on SDGs • Scrutinized in details all SDG indicators and assessed the relevance of EO to the Global Indicator Framework • Developed Indicator Factsheets based on the IAEG-SDGs metadata description to make it simpler to consult for countries • Outputs: Compendium on EO contribution to the SDG indicators (~200 pages) and Companion policy brief for decision makers (12 pages) • Compendium & Policy Brief to be reviewed by AHT SDG and GEO EO4SDG (Q3) • To be later channelled to IAEG-SDGs WGGI Task Stream on application of satellite data for the SDG indicators • SDG-3 to be completed in Q3 • Streamlined CEOS engagement on SDGs along CEOS mandate and unique role • Anchored CEOS plan of work in the UN processes on SDGs • Leveraged knowledge and expertise of existing CEOS bodies (VCs and WGs) • Draft engagement plan circulated to AHT members for comments/reviews at SIT 34 AHT side meeting • 2 options for AHT SDG evolution retained. • Decision will be based on the capacity to mobilise a critical mass of agencies’ participation and resources commitments • Proposal for AHT evolution to be presented at SIT TW in September • SDG-4 draft to be completed in Q3
CEOS Work Plan (2019-2021) SDG-5Analyse the SDG satellite data requirements SDG-6 Open Data Cube algorithms for the SDGs • New AHT deliverable in CEOS workplan • Linked to the IAEG-SDGs WGGI Task Stream on the application of satellite EO data for the SDG indicators • Useful for CEOS agencies to actively contribute to the SDG processes • Similar approach to GEOGLAM EO Requirements Table • Will be conducted for all SDG indicators where EO is relevant, starting with the WGGI primary indicators • Done in cooperation with CEOS VCs • CEOS task to be undertaken in consultation with GEO community • SDG-5 ongoing • Ongoing discussions with SEO to customise ODC workflows for reporting on SDG indicators. • Inclusive approach (no monopoly) • High transferability: benefits from national deployments of the Open Data Cubes • Demo Data Cube notebooks (Python algorithms) that directly address SDG indicators have been created • Further efforts required to post them in the Data Cube Application Library, and then to be usable • Discussions to link it to other initiatives • SDG-6 ongoing
Streamlining of CEOS activities on SDGs
Streamlining of CEOS activities on SDGs SDG 6.6.1 Water related Ecosystems SDG 11.3.1Sustainable Urbanization SDG 15.3.1 Land Degradation Neutrality As a demonstration of the effectiveness of the streamlining measures, the SDG AHT proposes to start with the 3 SDG indicators that are most ready to integrate EO in their processes. These 3 indicators are also the 3 primary indicators selected by the IAEG-SDGs WGGI for the Task Stream on satellite Earth Observation data for the SDG indicators
CEOS Ad-hoc team on SDGs (AHT SDGs) GEO Initiative on SDGs(EO4SDG) GPSDD WBG UN Habitat UNCCD UNEP UN Statistical Division WG on Geo-spatial Information (WGGI) SDG Stakeholders UN Specialized Agencies National Statistical Offices Line Ministries FAO UN ISDR Radiant Earth WHO ADB “Task Stream #2 will leverage partnerships with space agencies …to allow NSOs to uptake analysis or production ready satellite EO time series … with feasibility studies, pilot projects, guidance on methodology and training” IAEG-SDG WGGI, Work Plan 2018-2019 CEOS Agencies contribution to IAEG-SDGs WGGI • Created by IAEG-SDGs in April 2016. • ToR: Provide expertise and advice to the IAEG-SDGs and the larger statistical community as to how geospatial information and EO can reliably and consistently contribute to the indicators. • Chairs: NSO of Sweden and Mexico. • 25 Membersincluding NASA, JAXA and ESA (representing GEO EO4SDG and CEOS SDG AHT) • WGGI Task Stream 2 on “Application of satellite Earth Observation Data for the SDG indicators”co-chaired by Sweden and Colombia wit the support of NASA, ESA and JAXA. • 3 tasks: Provide guidance to IAEG-SDGs and Statistical Community on EO; Document EO national experiences and good practices; Enable uptake of analysis-ready and production-ready satellite EO. • More information: http://ggim.un.org/UNGGIM-wg6/
CEOS Ad-hoc team on SDGs (AHT SDGs) GEO Initiative on SDGs(EO4SDG) GPSDD WBG UN Habitat UNCCD UNEP UN Statistical Division WG on Geo-spatial Information (WGGI) SDG Stakeholders UN Specialized Agencies National Statistical Offices Line Ministries FAO UN ISDR WHO GEE UN OOSA “…a progressive methodology is proposed which promotes country-derived data collection to be complemented by other globally available datasets such as earth observations..” UN Environment, SDG Indicator 6.6.1. Monitoring methodology for SDG Indicator 6.6.1 CEOS Agencies contribution to SDG 6.6.1 (Water related Ecosystems) • Custodian Agency: UN Environment • Indicators 6.6.1 “Change in the extent of water-related ecosystems over time” • NASA, EC/JRC and ESA contributed to the revised monitoring methodology with explicit reference to EO on spatial extent of open waters / vegetated wetlands and WQ of lakes and artificial water bodies • UN Environment/NASA/JRC/ESA joint events • at UN GGIM High Level Forum, Mexico city, Nov 2017 ("Sharing experiences on indicator 6.6.1 on freshwater related ecosystems, and exploring opportunities for better monitoring”) • At WDF 2018, Dubai, Oct 2018 (“Opportunities for EO: Connecting water, land and people”) • Country consultation workshop convened by UNEP, NASA, EC/JRC and ESA on ”Using EO for monitoring SDG progress in regard to SDG 6 indicator 6.6.1 on water-related ecosystems”, Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Italy on 7-9 Nov 2018
CEOS Ad-hoc team on SDGs (AHT SDGs) GEO Initiative on SDGs(EO4SDG) GPSDD WBG UN Habitat UNCCD UNEP UN Statistical Division WG on Geo-spatial Information (WGGI) SDG Stakeholders UN Specialized Agencies National Statistical Offices Line Ministries FAO UN ISDR WHO GEE UN OOSA “…Data for this indicator is available for all cities and countries (UN DESA population data) and satellite images from open sources..” UN Habitat, SDG indicator 11.3.1 Metadata repository CEOS Agencies contribution to SDG 11.3.1(Sustainable Urbanization) • Custodian Agency: UN Habitat • Indicators 11.3.1 “Ratio of land consumption rate to population growth rate” • EC/JRC and NASA/CIESIN have contributed to the development of monitoring guidelines for SDG 11.3.1 • NASA and Conservation International (CI) are developing the Trends.Earth Urban Mapper (based on Q-GIS and GEE) for computing urban extent and population for 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015 epochs. • EC/JRC, DLR and ESA are producing global datasets on human settlements: Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL 1975, 1990, 2000, 2014), Global Urban Footprint (GUF 2012) and World Settlement Footrprint (WSF 2015, WSF Evolution, WSF 2018). • ESA and DLR are customizing the Urban Thematic Exploitation Platform (Urban TEP) for SDG reporting on 11.3.1. • National Data Cubes (e.g. Colombia and Mexico) are currently being developed with the support of CEOS SEO (NASA) and GeoScience Australia, with functionalities to report on SDG 11.3.1.
CEOS Ad-hoc team on SDGs (AHT SDGs) GEO Initiative on SDGs(EO4SDG) GPSDD WBG UN Habitat UNCCD UNEP UN Statistical Division WG on Geo-spatial Information (WGGI) SDG Stakeholders UN Specialized Agencies National Statistical Offices Line Ministries FAO UN ISDR WHO GEE UN OOSA “For each of the sub-indicators, countries can access a wide range of data sources, including Earth observation and geospatial information, while at the same time ensuring national ownership” UNCCD, SDG Indicator 15.3.1. Metadata CEOS Agencies contribution to SDG 15.3.1(Land Degradation Neutrality) • Custodian Agency: UNCCD • Indicators 15.3.1 “Proportion of land that is degraded over total land area” • CSIRO contracted by UNCCD to produce the Good Practice Guidance on SDG Indicator 15.3.1 • ESA and EC/JRC supported UNCCD LDN Target Setting Program (LDN-TSP) with global datasets on land cover/land cover changes and land productivity dynamics (120+ countries) • GEF funded project with CI/NASA on “Enabling the use of global data sources to assess and monitor land degradation at multiple scales” • New GEO Initiative on LDN (with CSIRO, ESA, NASA, EC/JRC and SANSA) to assist countries and regions to build national capacities for monitoring and reporting on land degradation. • LDN sub-team created under AHT SDG to lead the EO science of the GEO LDN Initiative.Lead by CSIRO and ESA with support from SANSA, INPE and NASA.
Streamlining of CEOS activities on SDGs