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look software support for IBM Open Access for RPG

look software support for IBM Open Access for RPG. OA lnterface . Business Logic. DB Access. ROA natively supports multi-channel. smart. handler. thin. mobile. green. Web Services . 2 2. About look software. Modernizing apps since 1995. Pioneered dynamic architecture.

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look software support for IBM Open Access for RPG

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  1. looksoftware support for IBM Open Access for RPG

  2. OA lnterface Business Logic DB Access ROA natively supports multi-channel smart handler thin mobile green Web Services 22

  3. About looksoftware Modernizing apps since 1995 Pioneered dynamic architecture Reuse of existing IT assets is our niche 3000 customers and partners in over 50 countries Well over 1 Million seats installed

  4. Reuse Makes Business Sense Reduce Costs Increase Productivity Better time to value Increase project success rate Make your life easier Reduce carbonemissions

  5. looksoftware – The path forward newlook soarchitect lookserver for Open Access RPG RPG OA

  6. Rational Open Access: RPG Edition • Extend RPGto reach tonew interfaces Custom Devices Workplace Rich Client Future Devices RPG IV + Open Access Eclipse Rich Client Mobile Browsers SOA Interface Portal Web Browsers

  7. 5250 Modernization • 5250 datastream • Any extra data gathered by manual DDM / RPC or web service calls to get around the 5250

  8. RPG OA Modernization • Full Display file • Memory • Entire Subfile • All function Keys • All List items • Can still be further augmented by DDM / RPC / WS

  9. Separation of Business Logic from UI Layer User Interface User Interface Business Logic Business Logic DB Access True Multi Tier Architecture 5250 RPG Applications RPG OA Applications DB Access 1010

  10. Before Open Access Web services smartclient thinclient mobileclient newlook riaclient RPGDevelopment Tool RPGCompiler RPGRuntime 5250 Data Stream Device5250 Emulator • 5250 datastream constraints • 24 rows X 80 columns • No rich data types • Images etc.. • New requirements • Write new RPG and 5250 and reface? • Modern architecture needed to support emerging technologies/devices

  11. Web services Before Open Access smartclient thinclient mobileclient newlook riaclient RPGDevelopment Tool RPGCompiler RPGRuntime 5250 Data Stream Device5250 Emulator The native Open Access channel RPGDevelopment Tool RPG IVCompiler RPG IVRuntime Web services RPG OA RPG OA smartclient looksoftwareHandler • New OA channel removes 5250 datastream constraints • 1 copy of RPG business logicfor multiple devices/connections • Simple, clean architecture thinclient mobileclient riaclient

  12. Before Open Access RPGDevelopment Tool RPGCompiler RPGRuntime 5250 Data Stream Emulator newlook Web services smartclient thinclient The native Open Access channel mobileclient RPGDevelopment Tool RPG IVCompiler RPG IVRuntime looksoftwareHandler riaclient RPG Open IO RPG Open IO

  13. Why is RPGOA big news? • Native RPG support for new devices and tomorrow’s technologies • Removes the 5250 constraints • Existing RPG can become multi-tier

  14. Why is RPGOA big news? • Effective long term path forward for RPG • IBM’s recommended path forward • Handler architecture is open • Not tied to specific technology or vendor • Easy to implement • Code business logic in RPG • leverage handler for plumbing

  15. OA lnterface Business Logic dB Access ROA natively supports multi-channel smart handler thin mobile green Web Services 1616

  16. 5250 screens

  17. 1 for 1 ROA

  18. new style UI

  19. What the progammer needs to do? looksoftware delivers 2 comands: • Command CVTDSPFXML • Command CVTRPGROA

  20. Conversion of display file to XML

  21. Conversion of display file to XML

  22. Conversion of RPG to ROA

  23. Conversion of RPG to ROA

  24. The WYSIWYG Designer…

  25. … to overcome SDA

  26. A holistic approach to RPG OA

  27. A holistic approach to RPG OA designer wysiwig

  28. So what did looksoftware announce? • A single generic multi-channel handler • New IBM i version of lookserver • Updates to existing products • IDE for new RPG OA based development • multi-channel products to leverage OA • Automated OA enablement of existing RPG • Early access program open

  29. Why use looksoftware’s handler? • Complete & holistic solution • automated modernization of non OA to OA • new + old in same UI and same session • System displays + RPG displays in same session • Consistent UX even if no source code • Maximise native code potential • Use native RPG and DDS wherever possible • Generic handler supports Multi-channel • More than just a browser • Rich Windows client, RIA, thin, mobile, And web services • WYSIWYG Designer to overcome SDA • Broad, integrated product set • Front-end, back-end, + new • We’ve done it before

  30. Multi-channel • More than just a browser Rich Windows client, RIA, thin, mobile, web services

  31. looksoftware support for IBM Open Access for RPG

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