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Update from NNPHI. Building and Sustaining a Learning Community to Support Accreditation and Quality Improvement. Presentation Outline Project Staff & Consultants Building and Sustaining the Learning Community Program Objectives and Measures for Success
Update from NNPHI Building and Sustaining a Learning Community to Support Accreditation and Quality Improvement
Presentation Outline • Project Staff & Consultants • Building and Sustaining the Learning Community • Program Objectives and Measures for Success • Grantee Achievements & Lessons from Year 1 • Activities to Anticipate in Year 2 • Communications: Strategies and New Brand
Project Staff & Consultants: • Sarah Gillen, Program Director • Lee Thielen, MLC Chair and Consultant • Les Beitsch, MLC Consultant • Kay Edwards, QI Project Lead • Jennifer McKeever, Program Manager • Cliff Mintz, Communications Manager • Anooj Pattnaik, Program Coordinator • Isobel Healy, Program Assistant • Hua Quiang, Web Developer
Building and Sustaining the Learning Community • National Collaborative • 16 Participating Grantees (State / Local Partners) • National Partner Organizations • Grantees • Project teams / Lead contacts • Multiple partners, Task forces / Steering committees • Mini-collaboratives (each state has a unique configuration)
Program Objectives & Success Measures
Prepare for Accreditation • Number of states that conduct a ‘readiness assessment’ for accreditation • Number of local / state health departments among first to apply for and receive accreditation recognition from PHAB • Number of states with a statewide approach for receiving accreditation recognition • Number of grantees that support PHAB
Advance QI Practice • Number of QI projects at local, regional and state levels that address the MLC targets • Frequent teleconferences / communication with each state regarding their QI and project efforts • Broad dissemination of QI stories within the collaborative and to the public health practice community • Provision of resources and learning opportunities on accreditation and quality improvement
Intended Outcomes • Grantees identify benefits from the peer networking opportunities in the project. • Grantees identify that the project influenced their readiness for accreditation. • Grantees identify increased access to quality improvement resources and experts.
Intended Outcomes • Grantees will identify that there is an increased quality improvement capacity • Grantees demonstrate processes and resources that demonstrate sustainable quality improvement efforts
Grantee Successes and Lessons from Year One
OKLAHOMA Implemented STEP Up Performance Improvement program to all services areas in state health department Engaged wide spectrum of partners in collaboratives Built quality improvement process into the implementation of an evidence based intervention (CATCH) Developed overall health status indicators
INDIANA Partnership with Purdue HTAP and Indiana Public Health Association Participated in the PHAB alpha test of the standards at the state health department Launching two state and two local collaboratives
NORTH CAROLINA Considerable representation on PHAB workgroups Representative on Accreditation Coalition State health department is addressing two areas (research and budget) in preparation for national accreditation Nearing the completion of first collaborative, the Child Health Collaborative with the Cabarrus Health Alliance
WASHINGTON Created a communication plan and packet for support conversations and communications on national accreditation Put forward recommendations regarding the alignment of the WA processes with the National efforts Held a kick-off meeting for nine quality improvement teams that are addressing the following target areas: chronic disease prevention, prenatal care and immunizations.
MINNESOTA Established the Minnesota Public Health Collaborative for Quality Improvement Developed coordinated process to review standards and measures, including key messages and a communication plan 35 Teams involved in assessments for Health Improvement Planning 92 people participating in QI learning sessions
IOWA Modernizing Public Health in Iowa Initiative Crosswalk of standards Reviewed the Iowa Department of Health with outside team using Iowa state standards Funding Implementation Committee and Increase Knowledge Committee
MICHIGAN State Health Department Accreditation workgroup, including 3 state agencies Quality Improvement Supplement to the Local Public Health Accreditation Program Mini-collaboratives on Reduce Preventable Risk Factors and Health Improvement Planning using mentored by Genesee County Using working sessions on site
MISSOURI Vetting standards with locals and Department of Health and Senior Services 12 agencies are receiving QI training and working on workforce competency Regional collaboration for accreditation preparation with Oklahoma and Kansas.
FLORIDA Sponsored trips for representatives from 4 CHDs (NACCHO demonstration sites) to shadow accreditation site visits in North Carolina Piloting a customer satisfaction process in 3 central office Programs and 14 CHDs Kicked off pilot Performance Improvement process for Central Office Programs Completed crosswalk of PHAB draft standards with both Central Office pilot and CHD standards
KANSAS Developed significant resources and tools for managing QI Collaboratives: Collaborative Handbook Request for Proposals Virtual Storyboard Collaboration with University of Kansas AHEC to develop & implement QI Learning Sessions KHI Legislative Luncheons used as venue to inform legislators about accreditation
SOUTH CAROLINA Completed alpha review of the PHAB standards for State Health Agencies 5 DHEC staff received Lean Six Sigma Training & are preparing for Greenbelt Certification Strong collaboration with academia to train collaborative participants on QI Expertise following the IHI Breakthrough Series model to implement a collaborative
WISCONSIN 15 LHDs completed Operational Definition assessment process Utilizing a web-based portal for sharing information among collaborative participants and stakeholders Developed regional assessment tool Implementing evaluation of project
NEW JERSEY LHD assessment instrument was revised and piloted in 8 LHDs. It is based upon the Operational Definition Prepared crosswalk of NJ Practice standards and draft PHAB standards Developed mini-collab project planning template and RFA review guidance document
MONTANA Mini-collaboratives underway and extensively trained BOH orientation completed with 49 of 51 boards; accreditation prominently featured Curriculum available Plans for state level accreditation process in development
ILLINOIS Intensive activity in revision of their evolving voluntary accreditation program Nearly half of metrics under review, possible pilot Developing an “Interpretation of Measures Guide,” which may serve as a model for PHAB Survey of all LHDs assessing their capacity to meet a consolidated set of ILL and NACCHO Operational Definition standards. Most LHDs felt they could pass and provide evidence to document their ability to meet standards.
NEW HAMPSHIRE Using modified Operational Definition Metrics to assess regional PH capacity 3 Quilts have been selected (Quality Improvement Learning Teams) as MC Each Quilt represents a regional group of organizations NH is utilizing a new tool, PARTNER. The tool is designed to track power, influence, contribution of resources, and involvement of partners in Quilts
Overarching thoughts • Grantees are fully engaged in the MLC and doing innovative work on accreditation and QI • Some states started with a focus on accreditation while others had an initial focus on quality improvement
Prepare for accreditation • Grantees desire to learn more about how to prepare the state health department for accreditation • Grantees with existing accreditation or formalized assessment programs are seeking to understand where they will fit with national program
Advance state and local quality improvement practice • There is tremendous diversity in the approaches taken for implementing the mini-collaboratives • QI training… • should be just in time • should include practical public health examples and opportunities for application
Facilitate the collaborative / practice community • Opportunities for sharing amongst collaborative members are critical • In person meetings • Webinars • Wiki • Small groups • Site visits • 1:1 communication
Accreditation • Encourage grantees to vet the PHAB Standards • Encourage grantees to apply to be a beta-test site • Collaborate with PHAB, National Partners and participate in Accreditation Coalition Meetings
Advance Quality Improvement • QI Resources – Collect and Make Available • Provide cross-cutting technical assistance • Collect and Synthesize Information from QI Grantee Projects
Collaborative Activities • Quarterly Webinars • Grantee Participant (2) & Open Forum (1) Meetings • Communicate and Disseminate Findings • Maintain both the nnphi.org/mlc and wiki.nnphi.org sites
Communications – Strategies • Wiki – online collaborative tool for grantees • nnphiweb.pbwiki.com (organized by target and topic) • Create a bank of compelling accreditation and quality improvement stories • Create an evidence base for quality improvement
Communications – Strategies • Work with grantees to promote their activities • Work with partners to disseminate lessons and resources of MLC-3 • Create a brand for MLC-3
Communications - New Brand • Why Now? • Enhance connectivity of collaborative participants by establishing a brand • In order to unify the look of the MLC materials • Increase the recognition MLC products
Communications – Style Guide • Provides guidance on how to use the logo and accompanying materials • Co-branding • In-state documents – may use your own logo, also include MLC logo • National collaborative events (e.g. APHA group presentation) - use MLC slides, branding materials
Communications –Support Statement The Multi-State Learning Collaborative: Lead States in Public Health Quality Improvement is managed by the National Network of Public Health Institutes with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
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