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“The contribution of school space in the formation of ‘place identity’ of the child as eco-semiological bridge between individual and society-from the local to the global community”. Sevasti Apostolou & Konstantinos Sachinidis
“The contribution of school space in the formation of ‘place identity’ of the child as eco-semiological bridge between individual and society-from the local to the global community” Sevasti Apostolou & Konstantinos Sachinidis Department of Science of Preschool Education and Educational Planning , University of Aegean Rhodes, Greece, 2014
Place Identity, Place Attachment and The school space as a system • Place Identity:as a component of self-identity, it constitutes the entire cognitive-emotional context of our behavior in relation to space • Place Attachment:refers to the fact that the place brings all our experiences through which we attach emotionally to it (emotional bond with the place) • Characteristics of the system : • organizing (subsystems) • size (scale) (Bronfenbrenner, 1979) • form (on-off) • structures (material non-material) • functions (preservation) • change (change-progress) • Structures:social (living potential) and material (material element) structure-interdependence (Vayer, 1991)
Aim of the research • This research project aims to: • study the concepts of 'place identity‘, 'place attachment' and ‘sense of community’, as emerging entities in the social system of the school through transformative processes (participatory action) in the context of interaction among place (ecology), culture and behavior (appropriation and emotional attachment) • bring out the role of school space in the shaping of 'place identity' of the child through the process of emotional bond with the school environment and to emphasize its importance to the flourishing of the positive side of 'localism' or else of love and the bond to a place • convey the vision of the school space as eco-semantic bridge between the local society and the individual and as the 'common ground' between individuals of the ecumenical community with different socio-demographic characteristics for the harmonious coexistence of different morals, languages, cultures within the current 'home' both on a local as well as on a global scale
Hypothesis-Research question • We consider that the shaping of 'place identity' of the child in the school community is the 'conceptual bridge' for the development of the emotional bond with his or her wider local community • The hypothesisis that through actions of appropriation of school space can be cultivated the emotional attachment to the wider local community, of which the school community is an integral part, and so the school space to operate as eco-semiological bridge between the individual and the local society • To what extent participatory action (principal, teachers, pupils, parents and local community) in the school community contributes to the emotional attachment of the child to the wider local community?
Sub research questions • What features exhibit educators as employees of the school unit and as residents of the local society? • What features exhibit pupils-metics from abroad and within the country? • What differences exhibit pupils-metics compared with pupils-indigenous of the local society? • What characteristics as criteria exhibit programs consolidating emotional bond with the school community and the local society for transit pupils and educators? • What differences exhibit the 'transit' educators compared to 'non-transit' educators as to their contribution in shaping the emotional bond of 'transit' pupils with the school community and the local society?
Method • Research technique: Structured interview-accompanying answer sheet for closed questions • Technique of analysis: interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA)
Method • Schedule of questions-data concerning: • the teacher as an employee and as a resident • pupils as metics (change residence) from abroad and metics within the country of residence • their disputes with pupils-permanent residents of the local community • conducting programs to consolidate the emotional bond of metics-pupils with the school community and the local society • the description of these programs and their specific characteristics, such as interconnectedness and institutional support • differences between 'transit' and 'non transit' teachers as to their contribution in facilitating the emotional bond of metics-pupils with the school community and the local society
Procedure-participants • Case study of primary school education unit in a village in the southern part of the island of Rhodes • 10 participants-members of teaching staff of the school unit • Individual interviews with the principal and the teachers of the school unit • Data collection-in person visit to the school unit
Results-master themes • Characteristics of educator as an employee • Characteristics of educator as a resident • Characteristics of metics-pupils from abroad • Characteristics of metics-pupils within the country • Differences of metics-pupils and the indigenous-pupils of the local society • Conduct of programs consolidating emotional bond with the place • Content of appropriation programs for metics-pupils with the local society • Characteristics of implementation of programs for appropriation with the local society • Contribution of educator in shaping the pupil’s emotional bond with the community
Results-subthemes-educators • Characteristics of educator as an employee: service in the school unit, specialty, service on the island, type of employment contract • Characteristics of educator as a resident: type of residence on the island, hailing from the island, staying on the island, staying in the spatial zone of the school unit, type of ownership of residence, relationship with the local society • Contribution of educator in shaping the pupil’s emotional bond with the community: contribution difference between 'transit' and 'not transit' educators, reasons of differentiation between them
Subthemes-pupils • Characteristics of metics-pupils from abroad:ratio of their population to all members of the class, grade of class teaching, their studies since first grade of primary school on the island or in the present school unit • Characteristics of metics-pupils within the country: their presence in the classroom, the classroom population, their studies since the first grade of primary school on the island or in the present school unit • Differences of metics-pupils and the indigenous-pupils of the local society:there is a difference between metics and indigenous, reasons for diversification, differentiation criteria
Subthemes-programs • Conduct of programs consolidating emotional bond with the place:conducting programs, time of conducting programs • Content of appropriation programs of metics-pupils with the local society:at the school level, at the level of classroom • Characteristics of implementation of programs for appropriation with the local society: interconnectedness of programs at administrative and pedagogical work, reasons of interlocking, institutional support of programs and freedom of choice at the administrative and pedagogical duties, reasons of support by institution or within the school unit, combination of institutional support of programs and their implementation at the level of administrative and pedagogical tasks
Results-Characteristics of educator as employee • The majority of educators serve a few years in the school unit • All of them belong to the field of teachers • The majority of educators serve a few years in the island of Rhodes • The majority of educators are permanent
Characteristics of educator as resident • Slightly more than half of educators are permanent residents of the island • Most do not originate in the island • The majority live on the island a few years • Slightly more than half do not live on the spatial zone of the school unit • Slightly more than half rent the dwelling staying • Regarding their relation with the local community, this is shaped in equal proportion, for some as only social, for some asonly personal, for some as personal and social, and for some as personal, social and professional
Characteristics of metics-pupils within the country • In more than half of the teaching classes metics-pupils within the country attend • The general population ranges between 1-4 individuals in teaching classes, therefore far fewer than the percentage of metics-pupils from abroad attending the same classrooms • It appears that by the metics-pupils within the country attending the teaching classes concerned, most attended the 1st grade of primary school in the present school unit
Characteristics of metics-pupils from overseas • In more than half classrooms the ratio of metics-pupils from abroad to the total of pupils in class is ½ • In the sample all the classrooms of the primary school were represented, most classrooms were of the upper grades • In most teaching classes metics-pupils from abroad attended the 1st grade of primary school in the present school unit
Differences between metics-pupils and the indigenous ones of local society • Most educators report that there are differences between metics-pupils and indigenous-pupils • Those who do not report differences among the above pupils attribute this to factors such as multiannual stay of metics and the familiarity with the phenomenon of relocation • In case discrepancies are found among the pupils, they are due to factors such as the process of adapting and integrating, the recent arrival, the individual behavioral and personality traits, the ethnicity and the socio-cultural context of origin • Of the educators that mention differences among the pupils, it is found that those differences relate to only social interaction, to cognitive skills and social interaction, and to the adequacy of language knowledge and the psychosocial family environment
Conducting programs for consolidating emotional bond with the place • The majority of the educators report that programs for the development of emotional bond with the place are carried out • In most cases these programs are carried out during the school year
Content of programs for the appropriation of metics-pupils with the local community • At the level of school unit the content of programs regards issues such as: • highlighting the cultural element through social gatherings, writing samples and Laography (suggested by half of the educators) • preparatory, integration classes, parental counseling and collaboration between school and cultural association • ‘diversity’ and ‘place’ through a program with social, environmental and cultural dimensions and interface with other places
Content of programs for the appropriation of metics-pupils with the local community • At the level of school classroom the content of programs regards issues such as: • development of social network with parents’ involvement in thematic actions • cultivation of culture through arts and literature • highlighting the cultural element through social gatherings and production of educational material • education in acceptance of diversity through alternative pedagogical teaching methods • project of acquaintance with the place, the local society, the history and Laography, pupil counseling and program of engaging pupils to the integration process • self consciousness of place identity and cultural identity, interface of cultural elements through samples of Laography • project in team collaboration and interface of cultures and places through the seeking of common cultural elements in the context of Laography • structuring-promoting profile of the countries of origin
Characteristics of program implementation for the appropriation to the local community • All educators mentioned that programs for the development of emotional bond with the place should be interrelated, namely those planned at the school unit level and at the school classroom level • The reasons for their interrelation concern the efficacy of actions, the broader acceptance and the positive self esteem of children, the social cohesion, the collegiality and the teamwork in the school community, the communication, the collaboration and the solidarity among the members of the teaching staff • Regarding the institutional support of these programs all educators agree on this • Yet nearly half of them refer only to the institutional support • The rest note that carrying out such programs depends on the combination of the institutional support and their implementation at administrative and pedagogical level in the school unit at the initiative of participants • The reasons considered as necessary the inside school support of them concern an inadequate and incomplete institutional provision for planning, the differentiation of human / pupil dynamic among the school units and the optional and non obligatory character of program implementation
Contribution of educator in shaping the pupil’s emotional bond with the school and local community • The majority of educators reports that there is a difference among 'transit' and 'non transit‘ teachers in facilitating the appropriation of metics-pupils to the school community and the local society • However are noted, in an attempt to mitigate the difference, the linkage of appropriation to the school community with the existence of a stable teaching staff in the school unit and the argument that in case of planning the appropriation as a common educational objective of the teachers' association, there is no question of dispute in the effectiveness of the action • The reasons of diversification among 'transit' and 'non-transit‘ educators relate to factors, such as personal adjustment, short stay, distrust from the local community, the discontinuity in the actions, the non-time investment, the desire to return to their homeland, the aversion of integrating in the present place of residence, the non-interest about the culture of the place, the negative correlation of the appropriation with the feeling of temporary, the non-emotional involvement, commitment and identification with the place by the 'transits‘ • It is noted that the 'non-transit' teachers are more effective in managing the integration of metics-pupils due to the absence of the challenge of personal adjustment and the inspiration of familiarity to the children
Overall conclusions-culture versus place? • as a key reference for the program planning is the cultural element • the reference to the place element is underrepresented • the school space is not mentioned on the use in terms of environmental conditions that may give opportunity to the children for actions relating to it (preparation, reconstruction, maintenance), which will contribute to the appropriation initially to the school space through nonverbal forms of space use (territoriality, personal space, privacy) • emphasis is placed on the different cultural element as a positive point of attention, however, is stressed the point of differentiation among members (in spite of the seeking common) and the attention is shifting from the place to the individual
Overall conclusions-a ‘bridge’ towards creating new roots • the metics do not disclaim their cultural identity, however, they need to create new roots and solely the acceptance of their cultural identity by others is not sufficient in the process of the development of the emotional bond with the new place of residence • is therefore necessary a semiological bridge that will unite them to the particular place initially and subsequently will create the basis for the forming of social ties with the rest of the community • the social ties with the community require some context and initially this context apart from the people (community), the purpose (action, appropriation) and the time (systematically and consistently), is shaped by the space as well, initially by the space of school and then by the place that the school space belongs to
Overall conclusions-the match point between individual and local community • the completion of the process of the emotional bonding with the local community is not just about the acceptance of different cultural identity, but about finding a common code, a common language, a 'common ground', and none other than the school space can be a match point with both the place and the local community • the connection with the local community passes through the place and the relationship with the school space (appropriation), which is a key element with which the child has a systematic and close interaction, a suitable condition for creating appropriation
Overall conclusions-interdisciplinary direction • it is striking that no mention was made in concerning oneself with the school space, although the physical environment of the school gives to the child evidence for the location, the history, the culture, the climatic / environmental conditions through the architectural design • the procedure of emotional attachment to the place is a continuous process • it was observed more preoccupation with the idea of tolerance of cultural diversity and less with the tangible material element which nevertheless forms the environmental perception and attitude through the apperceptions • is needed interdisciplinary in the programs and besides getting to know a place it is essential to address the preoccupation with, the involvement, so that commitment to be obtained
Proposals for further research • Participation of additional educational units in the research project presenting high population rate with demographic moving, whether it concerns the pupils or the educators • Conducting action research, which will be completed in three stages: a) the identification of field concerning the conditions prevailing in each school unit as regards to the conducting programs for the development of emotional attachment to the place, b) the implementation of programs per se towards this direction and c) the evaluation of the effectiveness of these programs • Particularly at the stage of programs implementation can be two experimental conditions for implementation of actions, a condition during which the program will be designed with some standard criteria and a condition during which the program will be designed freely • Accordingly will be feasible a comparative study between the two categories which may result in substantial feedback to the participants in the implementation of programs and in shaping more drastically attitudes and perceptions regarding this particular topic
Acknowledgements • Thank you all for attending our research work! • Our research team • Sevasti Apostolou, Substitute Psychologist in Special Education, Dr University of Aegean • Konstantinos Sachinidis, Teacher, Principal of Primary School of Lardos, Rhodes • Thank you the Department of Sciencesof Preschool Education and Educational Planning, School of Human Sciences, University of Aegean, Rhodes, Greece for the beautiful ‘journey’ during the years of my doctoral research • Dr S.A. Apostolou