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CCS: Journal Club Presentation

CCS: Journal Club Presentation. Ocean Observing Ontology: Semantic Interoperability. Felimon Gayanilo Senior Software Engineer CCS, University of Miami Date: 30 October 2009. CCS: Journal Club Presentation. Ocean Observing Community

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CCS: Journal Club Presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CCS: Journal Club Presentation Ocean Observing Ontology: Semantic Interoperability Felimon Gayanilo Senior Software Engineer CCS, University of Miami Date: 30 October 2009

  2. CCS: Journal Club Presentation Ocean Observing Community Detecting and forecasting oceanic components of climate variability; facilitating safe and efficient marine operations; ensuring national security; managing resources for sustainable use; preserving and restoring healthy marine ecosystems; mitigating natural hazards; and ensuring public health. It is composed of 11 RAs and Fed. Systems; buoy, drifter, vessels, remote)

  3. CCS: Journal Club Presentation TABS TCOONS C-MAN COMPS LUMCON WAVCIS DISL USM LSU/ESL USF/ IMaRS MOTE Data Providers ? GCOOS Data Portal (server) Data Portal General Public Users Researchers/Scientist Power-Users Interfaces/Services Users (1) Oil and Gas Industry; (2) Emergency managers/responders; (3) HAB management; (4) Marine transportation; (5) Urban developers/planners; (6) Fisheries sector; (7) Search and rescue/USCG; (8) River discharge monitoring.

  4. CCS: Journal Club Presentation ? {heterogeneous: OS, Format}  • Standardize data exchange (Syntactic Solution) • OOSTethys/IOOS DIF SOS • SensorML • Other OGC/IEEE–related standards

  5. CCS: Journal Club Presentation ? {vocabulary}  For example: http://gcoos.rsmas.miami.edu/dp/sos_server.php?request=GetObservation&service=SOS&offering=urn:x-noaa:def:station:ndbc::42050&observedproperty=waterTemperature&responseformat=text/xml;schema=%22ioos/0.6.1%22 http://xxx.xx/sos.php?request=GetObservation&service=SOS&offering=C13&observedproperty=sst&responseformat=text/xml;schema=%22ioos/0.6.1%22

  6. CCS: Journal Club Presentation ? {vocabulary}  • Map/Annotate Vocabularies (Semantic Solution) • NSF-funded MMI ORR Project (Marine Metadata Interoperability Ontology Registry and Repository; http://marinemetadata.org/)

  7. CCS: Journal Club Presentation AquaticPhenomena subClassOf Hurricane Tsunami HAB instanceOf Katrina Gilbert  has has windSpeed corePressure 

  8. CCS: Journal Club Presentation Can easily become a complex structure – because you can Too much Java when defining OWL classes (Java: defining a method of a class, you specify its name and behavior; OWL: defining property of a class, you specify name and restrictions). Domain definition is pretty much the same across data providers

  9. CCS: Journal Club Presentation Registry Semantic/ Data Provider RDFGen/ Voc2RDF SPARQL Create & register vocabularies, mapping, ontology Reasoner VINE Data User/ Software Agent Search, query and resolve ontologies Ontologies URI Resolver RDFGen Example: http://gcoos.rsmas.miami.edu/dp/srv_gcoos_generateOWL.php NCBO BioPortal REST services http://www.bioontology.org/wiki/index.php/NCBO_REST_services Ontology browser: http://code.google.com/p/ontology-browser/

  10. CCS: Journal Club Presentation VINE: Vocabulary Integration Environment (http://marinemetadata.org/vine http://sourceforge.net/projects/vine/files/)

  11. CCS: Journal Club Presentation OpenIOOS: Putting it all together (http://openioos.org/real_time_data/gm_sos.html)

  12. CCS: Journal Club Presentation • Other ‘additional’ links of interest: • Ontology Browser: http://code.google.com/p/ontology-browser/ • Protégé Reasoner API: http://protege.stanford.edu/plugins/owl/api/ReasonerAPIExamples.html • Pellete OpenSource OWL Reasoner: http://clarkparsia.com/pellet/ • SKOS: http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/REC-skos-reference-20090818/ • W3C Semantic Web: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/ • Official Registry:  http://protege.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ProtegeOntologiesLibrary and http://www.schemaweb.info/schema/BrowseSchema.aspx • Search OWL: http://www.google.com/search?&q=owl+filetype%3Aowl • Search Protégé projects: http://www.google.com/search?&q=pprj+filetype%3Apprj

  13. CCS: Journal Club Presentation Thanks F. Gayanilo Slide 13 of 11

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