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Integrated English -3

Integrated English -3. Unit Fourteen Father Forgets. Pre-reading questions. What kind of father do you have? How do you think a father should treat his son or her daughter?. Topics for oral discussion (Unit 14). My father/mother and I How to be a good parent

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Integrated English -3

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  1. Integrated English -3 Unit Fourteen Father Forgets

  2. Pre-reading questions • What kind of father do you have? • How do you think a father should treat his son or her daughter?

  3. Topics for oral discussion (Unit 14) • My father/mother and I • How to be a good parent • Chinese/Western parents’ child-rearing style(s) (Refer to Page 212 Oral activity 2) • Comment on “It is a wise father that knows his own child.” (Shakespeare) • Comment on “There’s no vocabulary for love within a family” (T. S. Eliot)

  4. Questions for general understanding • What’s the main idea of the text? • What type of writing is the text? • How is the text narrated? /How does the father narrate? • How many parts can we divide the text into? What are they? What does each part tell us?

  5. Main idea • The text is about a confession made by a harsh father. • confession: a statement that you have done something wrong, illegal, or embarrassing, especially a formal statement

  6. What type of writing is the text? • Narration. • How is the text narrated?/How does the father narrate? • In the chronological order: • from the early morning when the boy rose, washed, and had breakfast, to the late afternoon when the boy came back from school, to the night when the son kissed him goodnight, and finally, to the moment when his son was soundly asleep.

  7. Text structure • 3 parts • Part I (Paragraph 1) • is the introductory part: an affectionate father is ready to make a confession. • Part II (Paragraphs 2 – 8) • The father recalls his harsh and inappropriate behavior towards his son. • Part III (Paragraphs 9-15) • The father has made aresolution to be a real daddy.

  8. Part I -- Introduction: an affectionate father filled with remorse comes to his son who is in sound sleep and is ready to make a confession. • How does the author describe his son? • Why was the father filled with remorse?

  9. How does the author describe his son? • With the description, "one little paw crumpled under your cheek and the blond curls stickily wet on your damp forehead,” the author creates the image of • a son who is tender and weak and who needs care and love.

  10. Language work • 1. crumple: -- to (cause to) become wrinkled; to fall apart; to collapse 压皱;垮掉,崩溃 • The side of the car had crumpled where it had been hit. • The Nazi regime finally crumpled.

  11. Sentence -1 • …as you lie asleep, one little paw crumpled under your cheek and the blond curls stickily wet on your damp forehead. • 独立主格结构(absolute construction):逻辑主语与句子主语不同;一般有逗号与主句分开; • Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow. • He came out of the library, a large book under his arm. • with+ noun/pronoun + present (past) participle/adjective/adverb/infinitive/prep. phrase • He stood there, (with) his hand raised.

  12. 2. stifling: -- very hot or stuffy almost to the point of being suffocating; causing a feeling of repression, or suffocation令人发闷的,令人窒息的 • She can hardly breathe in this stifling hot weather. • The atmosphere in the crowded hall became so stifling that two of the women passed out. • 拥挤不堪的大厅里闷得令人窒息, 两个妇女晕了过去。 • stifle v.: to cause difficulty in breathing properly; to repress; to keep in or hold back窒息;压/抑制 • The smoke filled the room and almost stifled the firemen. • 屋里浓烟弥漫呛得消防队员喘不过气来. • 她强忍住笑. • She tried hard to stifle her laughter.

  13. 3. remorse:-- a strong feeling of guilt and regret about something one has done懊悔, 自责, • The man showed no remorse for his crime. • In a fit of remorse she burnt all her lover's letters. 她在一阵悔恨之中把情人的信都烧了. • without remorse 毫不后悔地,无情地

  14. sweep over • vi. To look quickly at all of sth 环视四周,扫过,掠过;overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli • Her eyes swept the room. • 她的眼睛扫视了一下那个房间。 • 一阵惊恐袭上她的心头。 • A wave of panic swept over her.

  15. 2. Why was the father filled with remorse? • He was feeling remorse for his rudeness toward his son. • He has always been unhappy with his son and formed a habit of complaining, of finding fault, of reprimanding.

  16. Part II (Para. 2-8) -- The father recalls his harsh and inappropriate behavior towards his son. • What were the things that the father found fault with? • How would you describe the father? • What made the father repent (feel regret or sorrow)? • What diction (use of words) helps create the image of the father?

  17. cross • Adj. 1. ~ (with sb) (about sth) (infml口) rather angry 生气的; 恼怒的 • What are you so cross about? • 你为什么发那么大的火啊? • 他迟到了, 我很生气. • I was cross with him for being late. 2. [attrib 作定语] (of winds) contrary; opposed (指风)逆的, 反向的 • Strong cross breezes make it difficult for boats to leave harbour. • 逆风很强刮得船难以离港.

  18. take sb. to task • take/call/bring sb. totask --责备(批评)某人 • find fault找岔子;挑剔,吹毛求疵 • I can't find fault with the new restaurant: the food is good and the service is excellent. • 我无法对那家新餐馆吹毛求疵:食品很好,服务也是一流的。 • 他总是对我的工作吹毛求疵。 • He's always finding fault with my work.

  19. 4. gulp: -- to swallow greedily or rapidly in large amounts; to choke back by or as if by swallowing 快速或贪婪地吞咽(食物或饮料): • gulp one‘s food 狼吞虎咽地吃东西 • gulp down a cup of tea一口气喝下一杯茶 • She gulped back her tears and tried to smile. • 她咽下眼泪, 强作笑容. • She crawled onto the river bank and lay there gulping in air. • 她爬上河岸, 躺在那里喘着大气. • (idm 习语) at a gulp with one gulp 一口气吞下: • emptya glass at a gulp一口气喝完一杯

  20. Hold your shoulders back! • 收腹,挺胸,肩向后,抬起头。 • Stomach in, chest out, shoulders back, head up • 肩并肩 • shoulder to shoulder / side by side • 面对面 • face to face • 手拉手 • hand in hand • 臂挽著臂 • arm in arm

  21. 5. snap: • (1) to speak abruptly or sharply厉声说(话)(通常指生气时) • “You are late again!” he snapped at the boy. • (2) to close the jaws quickly; to bite一下子咬住 • The big dog snappedat her ankles. • (3) to break suddenly off or in two 使断裂 • A branch snapped off the tree in the wind. • (4) take a quick photograph of (sb) (很快地)给(某人)拍照 • I snapped you sunbathing on the beach. 我给你拍了一张海滩日光浴的照片.

  22. 6. tempestuous: • tempest n. violent storm 暴风雨; 风暴 • a tempest in a teapot (US) = a storm in a teacup • --a lot of fuss, excitement, disturbance, etc about sth unimportant 茶杯里的风暴(小事惹起的轩然大波) • (1) of, relating to, resembling a tempest; stormy • Dark and tempestuous was night. • 夜色深沉,狂风肆虐,暴雨倾盆。 • (2) (of emotions) very strong and passionate 剧烈的,狂暴的 • She is in a tempestuous mood. • 她心理很乱。 • She burst into a tempestuous fit of anger. 她勃然大怒。 • Word derivation: tempestuously ad., tempestuousness n.

  23. bloom v • 1 (a) produce flowers; flower; blossom 开花 • Daffodils bloom in the spring. 水仙花在春天开放. • (b) (fig比喻) flourish; prosper 茂盛; 繁荣: • Our friendship is blooming. • 我们之间情长谊深. • 2~ (with sth) (a) (of a garden, etc) be full of plants or flowers in bloom (指花园等)长满茂盛的花木: • The garden is blooming with spring flowers. 园内春花盛开. • (b) (fig 比喻) be in a healthy or flourishing condition (because of sth) (由於某种原因)处於健康或隆盛状态: • They were blooming with health and happiness. 他们既健康又快乐.

  24. 7. sickening:-- causing or liable to cause a feeling of disgust or nausea使人恶心的; 令人作呕的 • a sickening stench (unpleasant smell) of blood • The child hit the ground with a sickening thud.可怕的闷响 • sicken v.to (make somebody) feel disgusted or appalled使恶心或厌恶 • I was sickenedat/by the sight of the dead body. • 我看到那死尸感到很恶心. • Cruelty sickened everyone present. • 我们每个人都对残暴行为十分愤慨

  25. Sentence -2 • Para. 8 • Suddenly I saw myself as I really was, in my horrid selfishness, and I felt sick at heart. • Paraphrase: At that moment I realized what I was really like, i.e., an awfully selfish man. I was so ashamed of myself.

  26. Pair discussion • What were the things that the father found fault with? • How would you describe the father? • What made the father repent (feel regret or sorrow)? • What diction (use of words) helps create the image of the father?

  27. What were the things that the father found fault with? • The father found fault with almost everything the boy did. Even though some of the things his son did were perfectly all right for a child, he would reprimand the son.

  28. How would you describe the father? • This is a father who is at times so harsh that even if the son has done nothing wrong a whip is cracked on his back.

  29. What made the father repent? • Though the father was cross and unreasonably fussy about trivialities, the son didn‘t bear grudges (怨恨 a deep-seated feeling of resentment). Instead, he showed his deep affection toward his father. This awakened his father, made him feel ashamed and led him to his introspection.

  30. 4. What diction (use of words) helps create the image of a harsh father? • The author uses words like "frowned," "spied," "humiliated," "impatient" and "snapped" to show how cross and harsh the father is.

  31. Part III (Para. 9-15) -- The father has made a resolution to be a real daddy. • What rhetorical devices are used in Paragraph 9? • Why is the father so cross to his son? • What does the father resolve to do?

  32. 8. reprimand:--to speak angrily or seriously (to somebody who is thought to have done something wrong) 训斥,斥责 • Little Harry was reprimanded by the headmistress for playing truant. • He was sharply reprimanded for his negligence. • 他因玩忽职责而受到严厉的申斥。 • Note: The text is abundant with words or phrases of similar meaning, e.g., scold, take somebody to task, find fault.

  33. Sentence -3 • Para. 9 • I was measuring you by the yardstick of my own years. • Paraphrase: I was judging you by the standard for an adult, which was unfair with a little boy. • expect too much (of sb) believe or assume sb can do more than he can 对(某人)期望过高: • ‘I can't finish this job by Friday --you expect too much of me.' • ‘我星期五以前干不完这项工作--你对我期望过高了.

  34. 9. atonement: --repayment for an injury or wrong补偿, 赎罪 • True guilt is characterized by a readiness to make atonement for having done wrong. • The criminal reformed and promised atonement for his acts. • 那罪犯改过自新,保证赎自己的罪过。 • atone v.:-- to make amends or reparation for an injury or wrong补偿, 弥补; 赎(罪) • The father felt he had to atone for what he had done to his son.

  35. 10. resolve n.: a strong decision or determination决定; 决心 • The argument increased her resolve to break up with him. • resolve v.: (1) to make a decision formally or with determination • After a day of argument we resolvedon/against (making) an early start. • (2) solve or settle • resolve an argument, a difficulty, a crisis 解决争端﹑ 困难﹑ 危机

  36. bite one's tongue • -- To forcibly prevent oneself from uttering a word • Also hold one‘s tongue 忍住不说 • bite one‘s lip(s) 咬嘴唇(压抑喜怒等) • button one‘s lip 守口如瓶 • to bite one's lips and gnash the teeth咬牙切齿

  37. 11. weary:-- very tired, especially after working hard for a long time疲倦的, 厌倦的 • You must be weary after the long, bumpy fight. • be/get/growwearyof = feel bored with • Rose had gone out with the same people to the same clubs for years and she had just grown weary of it. • weary v. : to (cause to) be tired or bored使疲倦, 使厌烦,不耐烦 • Children weary me with their constant inquiries and demands. (weary sb. with使某人感到烦恼/不耐烦 ) • You will soon weary of living abroad. (weary of对某人[某事物]不满 )

  38. Sentence -4 • Para. 14 • A penitent kneels at your infant shrine, here in the moonlight. • Paraphrase: Here in the moonlight, I, with a strong feeling of guilt and regret, present a humble apology to you, my innocent little boy.

  39. Questions for discussion (Part III) • What rhetorical devices are used in Paragraph 9? • Why is the father so cross to his son? • What does the father resolve to do?

  40. What rhetorical devices are used in Paragraph 9? • The author starts Paragraph 9 with arhetorical question, which suggests the father's reflection on his behavior. Then he uses "The habit of complaining, of finding fault, of reprimanding ..." to emphasize his regrets for his harshness. He also uses irony: "all these were my rewards to you for being a boy" to show his regret.

  41. Why is the father so cross to his son? • He was not satisfied with whatever the child did because he had expected too much from his son and always judged him by the standard for an adult.

  42. 3. What does the father resolve to do? • He has made a resolution to be a real daddy and to treat the son as a little boy.

  43. More question • In the essay Father forgets, what does the father forget? • Love is the most important duty of a father. / love is the essence of the relationship between parents and children. (Text comprehension I)

  44. Text comprehension -II • 1. T. Refer to Paragraphs 7 and 8. It was late that day before bedtime that the son came to his library and gave him a kiss, which made him realize how wrong he was in playing the kind of father he had been playing.

  45. Text Comprehension -II • 2. T. Refer to Paragraph 8. After the son left the library, his paper slipped from his hands and he felt fearful and sick at heart for he suddenly saw himself as he really was, and he realized how selfish he was. • 3. T. The author applies the flashback technique in the account of a day when the father had an epiphany.

  46. Text Comprehension -III • 1. He was cross with his son, and too harsh on him. He scolded his son for dabbing his face with a towel, for gulping down food at breakfast table, and for playing marbles; he even "humiliated" his son by making him march on before his boy friends.

  47. 2. The father treated the son as a man. He expected too much of his son, and he used his own yardstick in judging his son. Another possible reason is the life pressure he may have to endure as is implied by the detail about stockings.

  48. 3. By showing his childish, selfless/unselfish love, the son made his father realize love is the essence between parents and children. • 4. As the whole passage is the confession of a father, the father sounds remorseful and penitent. Also note a slight touch of the melodramatic (情节剧的,戏剧性的) tone when the father expressed his determination to become a real father the next day. • 5. Open for discussion.

  49. Structural analysis of the text • The events the author reports are not chosen in a causal fashion. He deliberately chooses the details to create the characters – an unreasonably harsh and cross father and a tender and affectionate son, and at the same time, reveal his remorse.

  50. Rhetorical features of the text • Here is an example from Paragraph 8: "a terrible, sickening fear." The juxtaposition of 'terrible, sickening" well serves the purpose of emphasizing the idea of strong fear.

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