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Gate w a y t o Te ch Tran s fe r in Montgo m er y C ount y, M D

Gate w a y t o Te ch Tran s fe r in Montgo m er y C ount y, M D. G a t e w a y t o I nno v a ti o n – I ndu s t r y ’s P a r t ne r s h i p L i n k w it h F ede r a l Lab s an d A c ade mi a. S trateg i c P l a n.

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Gate w a y t o Te ch Tran s fe r in Montgo m er y C ount y, M D

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  1. GatewaytoTechTransferin MontgomeryCounty,MD GatewaytoInnovation– Industry’sPartnershipLinkwith FederalLabs andAcademia

  2. StrategicPlan Fourobjectives: Education,Connectivity, CommunityBuilding,andFosteringNew Opportunities Buildeasyaccesstofederalandacademic TTOs(techtransferoffices)andprovide businessrelationshipsforTTOstolocal smallbusinesses

  3. FLCPartnership FederalLaboratoryConsortiumfor TechnologyTransfer-Partnershipcultivated since2004 ParticipatingAffiliateMemberof Mid-Atlantic Regionsince2008 Presentedat 3M/Ameetingsand1national meeting

  4. FedTechNet Networkof federallabTTOs Createdin 2008 Groupservedas reviewcommitteeforT² StrategicPlan and otherDED generated documents Formedbasisfor TechTransfer SpeakersSeries,launchedinOctober 2010

  5. Gatewayto Innovation Createdasportal for techtransferrequests for information Platform forLinkedInGroupmembers Informationcenter locatedat WilliamE. Hanna,Jr. InnovationCenterinRockville

  6. Calendarpostingsof TechTransfereventswitharchivedpresentations, local resources, federal laboratoriesinMontgomeryCounty, technologylocators, fundingresources, more. www.techtransferconnection.com

  7. Tech TransferSpeakersSeries Launchedin2010 Average25-35attendees Features federaland academictech transfer professionalsorpanels HostedatWHIC on secondWednesdayof eachmonth Morethan 800registrants http://techtransferspeakers.eventbrite.com

  8. ChiefScience Officer DevelopmentBootcamp Awardwinningprogram– 2012 FLC State/LocalRegionAward DED partnershipwithFoundation for AdvancedEducationinthe SciencesatNIH,Montgomery College,FLC, andHuman Workflows Businessapplicabilityreviewby MedImmuneCEODr. BahijaJallal Certificateofcompletionco-signed by FAESandMC 53 graduates– 21career placementsfrom 5 graduating classes

  9. ClientAssistanceand Referral Directassistancetoclientswith new start up business,financing,space,IP,orother needs Introductionofcompaniesforpartneringor businessdevelopmentopportunities EntrepreneurialmentoringforCSO Bootcamp,INNoVATE,T2Speakers Series andI2CConferenceattendees

  10. IP Database Morethan 200companiesinCounty identifiedasfundedandwithIP Companiescanbesortedby industry Manycompaniesareinincubators

  11. Innovation2 CommercializationConference– 10/24/13 AnnualConferenceheldat Universitiesat ShadyGrove, Universityof MDSystems Co-Chair: FLCwww.federallabs.org 3plenarysessions: Innovation, Financing, Commercialization 140attendees–35% researchers/entrepreneursHostedConnecTech,TableHosts, Exhibits www.i2cconference.comfor photos, bios, etc.

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