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Torque Bots and Damage

Torque Bots and Damage. CIS 487/587 Bruce R. Maxim UM-Dearborn. Slides based on the Code Sampler Tutorials by Kevin Harris. Adding a Bot - 1.

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Torque Bots and Damage

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  1. Torque Bots and Damage CIS 487/587 Bruce R. Maxim UM-Dearborn

  2. Slides based on theCode Sampler Tutorialsby Kevin Harris

  3. Adding a Bot - 1 • The code found in the bot.cs script file was taken from a more complicated A.I. script called, aiPlayer.cs, which is part of the starter.fps example. • Copy the bot.cs script to your tutorial.base/server directory. • Open the game.cs script file located in the tutorial.base/server directory

  4. Adding a Bot - 2 • Add the following line of script to the function onServerCreated( ) add it to the end of the list like usual exec("./bot.cs"); • Besides defining how our bot follows a given path, the bot.cs script also defines a special object called AIManager which is responsible for managing all bots in general • For our AIManager to work, we'll need to add some code to start and stop it respectively.

  5. Adding a Bot - 3 • Add the highlighted lines to the onMissionLoaded() function: new ScriptObject(AIManager) {}; MissionCleanup.add(AIManager); AIManager.think(); • Next, we need add a of line of code to the onMissionEnded() function to delete the manager object when our game is done. AIManager.delete();

  6. Adding a Bot - 4 • When done, close and save the "game.cs" script file. • Note: We haven't laid-out our path yet with the Mission Editor so the function AIManager::spawn( ), which actually spawns the bot, will simply spawn a regular bot without specifying a path to follow.

  7. Path Definition - 1 • Run the test application by double-clicking torqueDemo.exe, which is located in the example directory. • When the main menu comes up, click the "Load Mission!" button. A mission named, "F World", should load. • After the mission starts, move forward a bit and turn around. You should see a motionless bot just standing there.

  8. Path Definition - 2 • Find a relatively flat area where it will be easier to create a path and hit F11 to open the Mission Editor and switch to "World Editor Creator" mode. • Expand the tree in the lower right half of the screen by clicking the "Mission Objects" entry. Expand it out like so: "Mission Objects->Mission"

  9. Path Definition - 3 • In the Mission directory, you should see several entries to choose from. • Click the entry labeled "Path" just once to create a new Path object. Name the Path object, "myPath". • In the MissionGroup tree, which is in the upper right hand side of the editor, expand out the tree and find the node labeled "myPath".

  10. Path Definition - 4 • Make this node the current selection by holding down the "Alt" key while clicking it with the mouse. • If done correctly, the selection color of the "myPath" entry should change from white to gray. • Make sure the path markers get grouped under our new Path object.

  11. Path Definition - 5 • Return to the tree control in the lower right hand corner and click the “PathMarker” in the "Mission" directory. • Name the new PathMarker, "myMarker0" and check to make sure it was correctly grouped under "myPath" in the "MissionGroup" tree control. • Repeat the process to create two more PathMarkers called, "myMarker1, and "myMarker2".

  12. Path Definition - 6 • Make sure to place the markers far enough apart so you can see your bot run around. • Save the mission file by selecting and exit completely out of the game. • return to the bot.cs script file located in the tutorial.base/server directory and edit the function AIManager::spawn() • Comment out the line of code that creates "Bot_1" and uncomment the code below it that creates "Bot_2“ and save bot.cs.

  13. Test Bot • Run the test application again by double-clicking torqueDemo.exe. • If everything was done correctly, you should see a new bot called "Bot_2" running around your new Path object's PathMarkers. • If not, make sure that your PathMarkers are not too low on the terrain and that they're correctly grouped under the "myPath" object.

  14. Weapons Damage • This tutorial demonstrates how to apply weapons damage to both players and bots when a weapon's projectile collides with them and how to calculate "radius damage", which allows an exploding projectile to damage a player without making direct contact. • This tutorial not only requires the Tutorial Base application as its starting place, but also requires the addition of the Weapons and Bot Path-Finding tutorials.

  15. Damage - 1 • Copy the scripts radiusDamage.cs and shapeBase.cs to your tutorial.base/server directory. • Open the game.cs script file located in the tutorial.base/server directory and add the following script lines to the function onServerCreated() exec("./radiusDamage.cs"); exec("./shapeBase.cs");

  16. Damage - 2 • Copy the player_dieknees.dsq animation file to the /tutorial.base\data\shapes\player directory. • Open the player.cs script file located in the \tutorial.base\data\shapes\player directory and following highlighted line of script to the datablock TSShapeConstructor sequence12 = "./player_dieknees.dsq die";

  17. Damage - 3 • This is the last change to this player.cs save the file and close it. • Open the player.cs script file located in the tutorial.base/server directory and add the following line of script to the datablock PlayerShape className = Armor;

  18. Damage - 4 • Add this function to the bottom of the player.cs script. function Player::playDeathAnimation( %this ) {  %this.setActionThread( "die" ); } • Add this function next. function Armor::damage (%this, %obj, %sourceObject, %position, %damage, %damageType ){…}

  19. Damage - 5 • Add this function next. function Armor::onDisabled( %this, %obj, %state ) {    …} • This is the last change to this player.cs save the file and close it. • Open the rocket_launcher.cs script file located in the tutorial.base/server directory

  20. Damage - 6 • Modify the datablock RocketProjectile datablock like so: directDamage = 50; radiusDamage = 25; damageRadius = 1.5; • Then modify the function RocketProjectile::onCollision function RocketProjectile::onCollision ( %this, %obj, %col, %fade, %pos, %normal ){ …    }

  21. Damage - 7 • That's it for rocket_launcher.cs save the file and close it. • Run the test application by double-clicking torqueDemo.exe • You should now be able to shoot and kill the path-finding bot as well as blow your self up by shooting at your player's feet.

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