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Today's title: I dentity. Learning Questions: C an I create a poem which conveys aspects of my identity?. Next term, we will begin a unit based on the theme of 'Otherness'; in order to do this, we need to consider the theme of 'identity'. Wh at does identify mean? .
Today's title: Identity Learning Questions: Can I create a poem which conveys aspects of my identity? Next term, we will begin a unit based on the theme of 'Otherness'; in order to do this, we need to consider the theme of 'identity'. What does identify mean? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roRw5TS9VlE
Can I create a poem which conveys aspects of my identity? What makes you, you?
Can I create a poem which conveys aspects of my identity? What makes you, you?
Can I create a poem which conveys aspects of my identity? Important events / experiences in your life? Coaches, instructors, people who've helped you? Parents? Hobbies? Me Siblings? Friends? Other family members? People at school?
Can I create a poem which conveys aspects of my identity? I am................... Have a go at writing your own 'I am' poem. You don't have to show anyone what you've written - although if you would like to, of course you can once we've all had a try.
Can I create a poem which conveys aspects of my identity? I am………….. I am I am I am who and who I am that and that I am and I am who I am and I am who I am because of everyone (everything?).
Can I create a poem which conveys aspects of my identity? Now we are going to read a poem together called: It ain't what you do, it's what it does to you. What do you think this poem might be about?
Can I create a poem which conveys aspects of my identity? It ain't what you do, it's what it does to you. I have not bummed across America with only a dollar to spare, one pair of busted Levi’s and a bowie knife. I have lived with thieves in Manchester. I have not padded through the Taj Mahal, barefoot, listening to the space between each footfall, picking up and putting down its print against the marble floor. But I skimmed flat stones across Black Moss on a day so still I could hear each set of ripples as they crossed. I felt each stone’s inertia spend itself against the water; then sink. I have not toyed with a parachute cord while perched on the lip of a light aircraft; but I held the wobbly head of a boy at the day centre, and stroked his fat hands. And I guess that the lightness in the throat and the tiny cascading sensation somewhere inside us are both part of that sense of something else. That feeling, I mean. Simon Armitage
Can I create a poem which conveys aspects of my identity? List everything the poet has not done. List everything the poet has done.
Can I create a poem which conveys aspects of my identity? Copy this grid in to your book: Things I have achieved / important events or experiences that have made me emotional or that I have learnt from Dreams / things I would love to do but haven't yet had the opportunity to
Can I create a poem which conveys aspects of my identity? It ain't what you do, it's what it does to you. I have not (describe what you’ve not done but would like to) I have (describe what you have done that’s had an impact) I have not (describe what you’ve not done but would like to) . But I (describe what you have done that’s had an impact) . I felt (describe how you felt) I have not but I(describe what you have done that’s had an impact) And I guess that the lightness in the throat and the tiny cascading sensation somewhere inside us are both part of that sense of something else. That feeling, I mean.