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Security services and the IXP

Security services and the IXP. Wu-chang Feng wuchang@cse.ogi.edu Systems Software Laboratory Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering. About the project. 6 months old Just started, pardon the vapor Supported by Intel (12/2001) and ETIC (4/2002) Graduate Students

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Security services and the IXP

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  1. Security services and the IXP Wu-chang Feng wuchang@cse.ogi.edu Systems Software Laboratory Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering

  2. About the project.. • 6 months old • Just started, pardon the vapor • Supported by Intel (12/2001) and ETIC (4/2002) • Graduate Students • Francis Chang: francis@cse.ogi.edu • Deepa Srinivasan: deepsrini@hotmail.com • Jin Choi (1/2003): j3choi@student.math.uwaterloo.ca • Undergraduate Interns from Charles Consel’s group • Ludovic Martorel • Damien Berger

  3. Talk outline • IXP and network security research • Packet classification • Packet classification caching strategies • Curriculum

  4. The IXP and network security research

  5. A research opportunity • IXP • Provides an open high-speed networking platform • Research enabler • Analyzing packet classification/routing algorithms • Analyzing packet classification/routing lookup caching algorithms • Security functions • Sandbox to test and compare algorithms on a real platform

  6. IXP and research • Quickly becoming the ns of experimental networking systems • Open hardware • Open software • What’s needed? • A library of reference implementations and benchmarks • IP route lookup (longest-prefix match) algorithms • General packet classification algorithms • Route and classification lookup caching algorithms • Security functions

  7. Our focus: Security • Borrow and use liberally… • Princeton (VERA) • Columbia (NetBind) • Georgia Tech (IDS) • Utah (Emulab) • Others.. • Build what’s missing • Range of full packet classifiers • Range of lookup caching algorithms • Merging the goals of research and education • A security-focused IXP laboratory course • Eventually, examine additional security services • Anomaly detection • Content filtering • etc.

  8. Packet classification Student: Deepa Srinivasan

  9. Packet classification • Use the IXP and open-source tools to • Compare full, packet classification algorithms • Benchmark algorithms via real rule sets and real traffic traces • Explore adaptive packet classifiers

  10. A hard, but well-studied problem • What are the key issues? • Storage • Search time • Update time • General filter matching problem ~ Problems in computational geometry • N=number of filters or rules, d=number of dimensions • Requires • O(log N) time with O(Nd) space OR • O((log N)(d-1) time with O(N) space • Classic space-time tradeoff problem

  11. A space-time tradeoff example • Hierarchical tries: slow and compact • Set-pruning tries: fast and large

  12. Hierarchical Trie (Figure should terminate at R2)

  13. Set-pruning Trie

  14. A space-time tradeoff example • Hierarchical tries vs. Set-pruning tries (worst-case) N – Number of Rules W – Width of dimension d – Number of dimensions

  15. Packet classification • Approaches • Generic classifiers • Optimized for best worst-case performance • Heuristic classifiers • Take advantage of structure in rule sets (as done with IP router lookups) • Tradeoff speed, storage, and update time in the worst case for speed and storage in the common case • Hardware classifiers • Throw hardware and parallel processing at the problem • Serves as a wish-list for the IXP • Is a hardware-based packet classification engine in the works? • Can I go home? • Will I need to shoot myself when the IXP4xxx comes out?

  16. So many algorithms, so little time… • Which one to choose? • Hierarchical tries with backtracking search • Set-pruning tries • Bit vector, Fractional cascading [Lakshman98] • Aggregated bit vector [Baboescu00] • Grid of tries, Cross-producting [Srinivasan98] • Area-based quadtrees [Buddhikot99] • Fat inverted segment tree [Feldman00] • Tuple-space search [Srinivasan99] • Recursive flow classification [Gupta99] • Hierarchical intelligent cuttings [Gupta00] • Performance and cost a function of • d = number of dimensions • W = width of dimensions • N = number of rules • l = number of levels in tree (FIS-tree only)

  17. Summary of schemes [Gupta00] N=# of rules, W=Width of dimensions, d=# of dimensions, l=levels of tree, M=# of Tuples

  18. Is there a winner? • Not really, it depends on…. • Rule sets • Incoming traffic characteristics • Metric desired (average vs. worst-case lookup time) • Hardware cost (memory, ternary CAM) • How much chip area did that 16-entry CAM on the IXP2xxx take?

  19. Adaptive packet classifiers • Hypothesis • Value in adaptation • Reconfigure for high-speed based on amount of memory and rule set given a fixed hardware configuration and performance metric • Approach • Implement a small set of classifiers • Build modules that translate ipchains/iptables/netfilter rule sets into data structures of individual classifiers • Study adaptation policies for classifiers based on rule analysis • Implement seamless switching between implementations (i.e. double buffering [Partridge98]) • Performance evaluation using • Library of publicly available rule sets • Public traffic trace • An Emulab with loadable IXPs 

  20. Classification lookup caching Student: Francis Chang

  21. Caching and IP route lookups • IP destination-based routing • A one-dimensional packet classifier • Caching instrumental in building gigabit IP routers • Full lookup extremely expensive to support at high rates • Cache of 12,000 entries gives 95% hit rate [Jain86, Feldmeier88, Heimlich90, Jain90, Newman97, Partridge98] • “A 50 Gb/s IP Router” [Partridge98] • Switched interconnection fabric • Alpha 21164-based forwarding cards (separate from line cards) • First-level on-chip caches Icache=8kB (2048 instructions), Dcache=8kB • Secondary on-chip cache=96kB • Fits 12000 entry route cache in memory • 64 bytes per entry presumably due to cache line size • Tertiary cache=16MB (full, double-buffered route table)

  22. Caching and multi-dimension lookups • Flow-based firewalls • A five-dimensional packet classifier • Caching even more important • Full classification algorithms will not run anywhere near line-speed on the current incarnation of the IXP • Inherently harder to do • Much lower hit rates [Xu00] • Rule and traffic dependent

  23. Current approaches • Direct-mapped hashing with LRU replacement • Typical for IP route caches [Partridge98] • Parallel hashing and searching with set-associative hardware [Xu00] • ASIC solution with parallel processing and a fixed, LRU replacement scheme • Proprietary vendor solutions • ?

  24. Class-based caching • Structure of application traffic can provide useful information • W. Feng, F. Chang, W. Feng, J. Walpole, “Provisioning On-line Games: A Traffic Analysis of a Busy Counter-Strike Server” • Packet load of an on-line game server over 10ms intervals

  25. Observations • Game traffic • Large number of periodic packets • Extremely small packet sizes • Persistent flows • Small number of clients per server • Without caching, a packet classification disaster • With caching, a poster-child for LFU replacement? • Web traffic • Bursty, heavy-tailed packet arrival • Many more clients per server • Small number of packets per flow

  26. Goal of study • Attack the packet classification caching problem • Resource requirements and data structures for high performance packet classification caches • “Segregate, Hash, and Cache” • Understand traffic characteristics • Examine hierarchical class-based partitioning of cache • Examine class-based partitioning of classification function (i.e. MEv2) • Examine alternative replacement algorithms per class such as LFU

  27. Curriculum Student: Jin Choi

  28. An IXP course for OGI/OHSU • Goal • Spread the IXP gospel • Provide students with experience on a modern networking platform • Train (and test drive) potential Ph.D. students • Train future Intel employees • 171 OGI/OHSU alums @ Intel • Intel is the single largest employer of OGI/OHSU graduates

  29. Approach • Ask for help • Dirk & Raj (PCs, IXP boards, and support) • Ken Mackenzie (course material and advice) • Keep it simple • Align with security research project • Ask for feedback • Curriculum completed • Guide and slide presentation available at http://www.cse.ogi.edu/~wuchang/ixp/ • Course will be offered as CSE58?: Networking Practicum • Scheduled for Spring 2003

  30. The course itself • Errata • Weekly 3-hour sessions • Dedicated laboratory of 10 IXP workstations • Cloned via Norton Ghost • Week #1 • Conceptual framework • IXP architecture • Hardware: StrongARM, memory resources, micro-engines • Software: ACEs, microACEs • Week #2 • Introduce Linux/Windows2000/VMware, and the IXP platform • Remedial Linux network administration material • ifconfig, route, netstat, ipchains, ping, traceroute, arp etc. • Learn the IXP environment setup/configuration • Building core components on Linux using standard GNU toolchain • Building microcode using microengine toolchain on Windows2000

  31. The course itself (cont.) • Week #3 • Build and run the L3 forwarder application • Test with external sources and sinks • Week #4 • Add a packet counter to the L3 forwarder • Makes sure that everyone with a CS degree from OGI/OHSU has programmed in assembly code at some point. • Week #5 • In-line port filter • Add microcode to block TCP segments based on destination port • Code review of L3 forwarder to design full port filter

  32. The course itself (cont.) • Week #6: continued

  33. The course itself (cont.) • Week #6 • Full port filtering functionality • Pass port numbers to be blocked as arguments • SRAM management (allocation and initialization of multi-stride trie in the core component, access to data structure from the microengine) • Add logic in core component to handle port filtering of exceptional packets

  34. The course itself (cont.) • Week #7-#10 • Propose and implement functions of their own for a final project • Packet classifiers • Classification lookup caching

  35. Questions

  36. Future work • Support for high-speed intrusion and anomaly detection (E-boxes and A-boxes) • Content-based filters • Basic network-level filters (Snort) • Application-specific filters (Bro) • Usage-based filters • Accounting • Logging

  37. What makes sense on an IXP? • Function-based decomposition used in security • Common Intrusion Detection Framework (CIDF) [Porras01] • Event generators (E-boxes) • produce entries based on filtered activities • Event databases (D-boxes) • store events in a persistent manner • Event analyzers (A-boxes) • synthesize higher-level activity based on individual range of events • Response units (R-boxes) • perform actions based on events

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