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You Are What You Eat. Scientific Research on Holistic Eating and what it can Prevent/ Alleviate. Introduction. Biology majors with interest in Health Wanted Scientific research to support claims made by Holistic Practitioners. Topics of Discussion. Define Diet Therapy
You Are What You Eat Scientific Research on Holistic Eating and what it can Prevent/ Alleviate
Introduction • Biology majors with interest in Health • Wanted Scientific research to support claims made by Holistic Practitioners
Topics of Discussion • Define Diet Therapy Oligoantigetic/ Food Avoidance Elemental Diet Fiengold Diet • Describe studies on specific pathologies/ positive changes AD/HD Migraines Earaches IBS Learning Changes Food Dyes/ MSG
Diet Therapy Defined • Oligoantigetic, Hyperkinesis, Elemental, Feingold Diet all equal FOOD AVOIDANCE and RE-INTRODUCTION • Eliminate suspect foods for 2 –6 wks only to slowly reintroduce monitoring changes • Suspect foods depend on ailment/ author ie:salicylic acid,BHA/BHT (preservatives), coloring/flavoring
Pathology 1: AD/HD • Studied 20 children: 10 on Ritalin 10 on Diet Therapy • Both had significant gains when tested with Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Tests (The test demands constant, sustained concentration. The subject is required to click the mouse only when he sees or hears a 1 and to inhibit clicking when he sees or hears a 2.) • Study supported effectiveness, and SUGGESTS THAT FOOD TREATEMENT IS AS EFFECTIVE AS RITALIN. Alternative Medicine Reference. 2003, Aug 8(3) 319-30
Topographical Mapping of Brain Uhlig T, Merkenschlager A, Brandmaier R, Egger J, European Journal of Pediatrics 1997 Jul;156(7):557-61
Pathology 2: Migraine • 93% of children recovered from symptoms after avoidance diet • Assisted in related symptoms of abdominal pain, behavior disorder, fits, asthma, eczema • Suggests allergic reaction rather than metabolic pathogenesis Eggers, J et al Lancet 1983 Oct 15, 2 (8355):865-9
Pathology 3: Earache • 22.6% down to 4.2% of children needed hospitalization when diet was changed from artificial to natural diet Wasowka-Krilikowskak et at. Pol Merkurisz Lek. 1998 Dec 5 (30) 333-4
Pathology 4: IBS • Elimination/ Food Avoidance diet produced at positive response that ranged from 15-71% • Some found milk, wheat, eggs allergies • Most common allergy was to Salicylic Acid Niel, Am et al. American Journal of Gastroenterol. 1998 Nov 93 (11):2184-90
Pathology 6: Vision Impairment and AcH uptake • Red Food Dye Erthythrosine (FD&C No 3) in case studies causes irreversible increase in AcH uptake—increase of motor cell excitement • MSG in case study of postnatal rats showed impaired brightness discrimination at 3 months Praputpitay, C. Neurotransmitter Neuroscience. 2003 Oct6 (5) 301-7
Positive Change: Learning Performance • 803 NYC Public Schools Changed Food options on campus for 4 years Decreased Sucrose No Food coloring/ Flavoring No BHA/ BHT • 15.7% INCREASE in Academic Percentile Ranking Schoent, Haler et al. International Journal of Biosocial Res. 1986, 8(2) 185-195
Summary • Holistic eating has been proved to cure ailments • Artificial Food can cause new ailments