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管 理 學 Ch. 9 Strategic Planning 策略規劃. What’s your unique value ? - Michael Porter We’re not in the hamburger business; we’re in show business . —Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald’s. CQS (Cost, Quality, Speed), FBC (Faster, Better, Cheaper) 廣達 NB, Cost down , 做得更多 , 做得更好
管 理 學Ch. 9 Strategic Planning策略規劃 What’s your unique value? - Michael Porter We’re not in the hamburger business; we’re in show business.—Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald’s
CQS (Cost, Quality, Speed), FBC (Faster, Better, Cheaper) 廣達 NB, Cost down, 做得更多,做得更好 vs. Apple, Innovation, 針對顧客痛點,做得不同 • 剛開始什麼賺錢的業務都嘗試 (雨露均霑), 但後來漸漸學會取捨、聚焦。 剛從學校畢業的藝術家什麼作品都做, 朱銘只專於太極系列。 • 本公司「可能做」(環境的機會), 「能做」(公司的長處) 之間的搭配
Andrew Grove 的早餐工廠 • 先減法,再乘法(複製) • 客觀化的定位,差異化的優越性,聚焦深耕。 (戴勝益) • Can you Say What Your Strategy Is? • Most executives cannot articulatetheobjective, scope, and advantageof theirbusiness in a simple statement. • If they can’t, neither can anyone else.
Michael Porter • 1980, Competitive Strategy, 五力分析,三種基本策略 • 1985, Competitive Advantage, 價值鏈 • 1990, The Competitive Advantage of Nations, 鑽石模式
綱要 1. What and Why 策略管理 2. 策略管理程序 3. 公司策略 4. 事業層級 (BU) 之競爭策略 5. 當今環境變遷下之策略實務問題
1. What is SM What managers do to develop the organization’s strategies. Strategies • the plans for how the organization will do what it’s in business to do, how it will compete successfully, and how it will attract and satisfy its customers in order to achieve its goals. Business Model (商業模式,嬴利模式) how a company is going to make money.
Why is SM Important 1. It results in higher organizational performance. 2. Helps managers decide how to act in face of (environment) changes and uncertainty. 3. Helps complex and diverse organizations work together.
2. Strategic Management Process1~4: Strategic planning, 5: implementation, 6: evaluation (feedback) 2. External Analysis ● opportunities ● threats 1. Identify the organization’s current mission, goals, and strategies 4. Formulate Strategies 5. Implement Strategies 6. Evaluate Results SWOT Analysis 3. Internal Analysis ● strengths ● weaknesses
Step 1: Identifying the organization’s current mission, goals, and strategies • Mission statement: a statement of the purpose of an organization • The scope of its products and services, e.g., 鐵路, Shell, Hollywood, McDonald • Typical components: customers, markets, …… (exhibit 9-2) • Goals • Measurable performance targets
SWOT (TOWS) analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats) • Step 2: Doing an external analysis • environmental scanning, focuses on identifying opportunities and threats. e.g., 大學 (少子,高齡) ,便利商店,銀行。 • Step 3: Doing an internal analysis • Assessing organizational resources, capabilities, and activities: • Strengths, Weaknesses. • Core Competence: major value-creating skills and capabilities. 人無我有,人有我優,人優我轉。 e.g., 大學 (科系,學程)
Identifying the Organization’sOpportunities Organization’s Resources/Abilities Organization’s Opportunities Opportunities in the Environment
Step 4: Formulating strategies • Develop and evaluate strategic alternatives * OS: Match organizational strengths to environmental opportunities (攻) * TW: Correct weaknesses and guard against threats (守) * OW? TS?Mixed, 副策略? • Select appropriate strategies for all levels: Corporate, Competitive, Functional
策略之三個層級 0. 集團層級 (group): 鴻海收購夏普。迪士尼收購皮克斯、漫威、星際大戰。台塑賣華亞科給美光。 1. 公司層級 (corporate): 啟碁陸續增加 Broadband, Multi media, Wireless ……BU. 2. 事業層級 (business):A strategy focused on how an organization should compete in each of its SBUs (strategic business units). 3. 功能層級 (functional): the strategies used by an organization’s various functional departments to support the competitive strategy.
Step 5: Implementing strategies • effectively fitting organizational structure and activities to the environment. • 跨層級、跨功能,基層第一線人員、店長
Step 6: Evaluating results • How effective have strategies been? • What adjustments, if any, are necessary? • feedback
策略管理程序 1. 辨認目前使命,目標,策略 2. 衡外情:環境之機會、 威脅 3. 量己力:組織之優缺點 4. 形成策略 5. 執行策略 6. 評估結果
策略討論 各大學、各 EMBA 之 SWOT 分析結果都一樣? 1. 選對產業、產品。如何提供獨一無二的價值,以滿足重要消費者的重要需求?不一樣 vs. 更好 2. A set of hypotheses about cause and effect. 理想 vs. 目前樣子,what to do? what not to do? 取捨,聚焦。 3. Kim & Mauborgne, Blue Ocean Strategy: How to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant, 提升,降低,創造,消去某些因素。太陽劇團,Swatch, QB House. 4. 隆中對,農夫與律師,牙醫師,85度C, Lady Gaga, SHE, 五月天,松竹梅,Union Bank, Shouldice.
3. 公司層級策略 1. 總策略:成長,穩定,精簡 2. 公司投資組合 (BCG) 矩陣:金牛,明星,問號,狗
Corporate Strategies • an organizational strategy that determines what businesses a company is in or wants to be in, and what it wants to do with those businesses. • Types of Corporate Strategies • Growth: expansion into new products and markets • Stability: maintenance of the status quo • Renewal: redirection of the firm into new markets
Grand Strategies Valuable Strengths Firm Status Critical Weaknesses Environmental Status Abundant Environmental Opportunities Critical Environmental Threats Corporate Growth Strategies Corporate Stability Strategies Corporate Stability Strategies Corporate Retrenchment Strategies
Growth Strategies : Merger, Acquisition… • 1. Concentration:Direct expansion (e.g., 7-11) • Focusing on a primary line of business and increasing the number of products offered or markets served. • 2. Integration (1) Vertical Integration • Backward vertical integration: attempting to gain control of inputs (become a self-supplier). e.g., eBay. • Forward: attempting to gain control of output through control of the distribution channel (eliminating intermediaries). e.g., Apple, Dell.
Growth Strategies (cont’d) (2) Horizontal Integration (L'Oreal, The Body Shop) • Combining operations with another competitor in the same industry to increase competitive strengths and lower competition among industry rivals. • 3. Diversification (1) Related Diversification (American Standard Cos, 中美晶) • Expanding by combining with firms in different, but related industries that are “strategic fits.” (2) Unrelated Diversification (Samsung, 小米) • Growing by combining with firms in unrelated industries where higher financial returns are possible.
Stability Strategy • A strategy that seeks to maintain the status quo to deal with the uncertainty of a dynamic environment, when the industry is experiencing slow- or no-growth conditions, or if the owners of the firm elect not to grow for personal reasons. e.g., Kellogg’s.
Renewal Strategies • Developing strategies to counter organization weaknesses that are leading to performance declines. • Retrenchment: focusing of eliminating non-critical weaknesses and restoring strengths to overcome current performance problems. • Turnaround: addressing critical long-term performance problems through the use of strong cost elimination measures and large-scale organizational restructuring solutions.
Corporate Portfolio Analysis (BCG Matrix) • Developed by the Boston Consulting Group • Considers market share and industry growth rate • Classifies firms as: • Cash cows: low growth rate, high market share • Stars: high growth rate, high market share • Question marks: high growth rate, low market share • Dogs: low growth rate, low market share
The BCG Matrix Market Share Low High High Anticipated Growth Rate Low Stars Question Marks Cash Cows Dogs
2*2 矩陣, 專注, 決定不做什麼!e.g., Apple 專業人士 消費者 桌上 可攜 Focus!
4. 事業層級競爭策略 Business (Competitive) Strategy 1.競爭優勢之創造與持續 2. 競爭策略之創造與持續 產業分析:五種作用力 基本策略:成本領導,差異化,集中
Competitive Advantage what sets an organization apart; its distinctive edge. • Quality (continuous improvement and meet customers’ demand for quality) • Design Thinking • Social media • Sustaining (Continuing over time) * 價值創造 = 對顧客的價值 - 生產成本 (效率)
EGAT 產業鏈 • 安全 機械零故障 • 準點 按班表 • 備用管理 機隊 發動機 • 品質 飛行時數保證 • 時間 維修時間縮短 • 能量 Overhaul Performance Minimum • 零件修復 • 技術指導
Five Competitive Forces 1. Threat of New Entrants 2. Threat of Substitutes 3. Bargaining Power of Buyers 4. Bargaining Power of Suppliers (KLEM) 5. Current Rivalry
Forces In The Industry Analysis New Entrants Threat of New Entrants Bargaining Power of Suppliers Industry Competitors Suppliers Buyers Current Rivalry Bargaining Power of Buyers Threat of Substitutes Substitutes
Three Generic Competitive Strategies • 1. Cost Leadership Strategy • Seeking to attain the lowest total overall costs relative to other industry competitors. • 2. Differentiation Strategy • Attempting to create a unique and distinctive product or service for which customers will pay a premium. • 3. Focus Strategy • Using a cost or differentiation advantage to exploit a particular market segment rather a larger market. *討論:stuck in the middle. either 1 or 2. both 1 and 2: Southwest Airlines. 創新與量產循環 …
1. 製藥業:Merck, Pfizer, Eli Lilly 高研發支出,高價格;其他藥廠係低低群組。 2. 航空業:American, United, Delta (D), America West (CL), Southwest (F), TWA, NWA, USAir, Continental (S) 3. 煙草葉:Philip Morris (prospector), Reynolds (analyzer), American (defender), Liggett (reactor) *兼顧:彈性製造技術,Toyota’s lean production system, mass customization 策略群組 43
5. Strategic Management Today • Need for Strategic Leadership • Need for Strategic Flexibility • New Directions in Organizational Strategies • e-business, customer service, innovation
The Need for Strategic …… What? • Strategic leadership- the ability to anticipate, envision, maintain flexibility, think strategically, and work with others in the organization to initiate changes that will create a viable and valuable future for the organization. e.g., next big things (Amazon, Jeff Bezos) • Strategic Flexibility- the ability to recognize major external changes, to quickly commit resources, and to recognize when a strategic decision was a mistake. e.g., admit his mistake (Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett)
Strategies for Applying e-Business Techniques • Cost Leadership • On-line activities: bidding, order processing, inventory control, recruitment and hiring • Differentiation • Internet-based knowledge systems, on-line ordering and customer support • Focus • Chat rooms and discussion boards, targeted web sites
Customer Service Strategies • Giving the customers what they want. • Communicating effectively with them. • Providing employees with customer service training.
Innovation Strategies • Possible Events • Radical breakthroughs in products. e.g., 殺手級產品 • Application of existing technology to new uses. • Strategic Decisions about Innovation • Basic research, e.g., Corning (160 yrs) • Product development • Process innovation • First Mover • An organization that brings a product innovation to market or use a new process innovations