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Scottish Studies Award: Broadening Perspectives in Education

An award offering young learners a chance to explore Scotland's people, culture, and heritage through a skills-based, interdisciplinary course. Suitable for various learner groups, including S3-S6 pupils, adult learners, and students in further education. It provides a pathway to higher education or vocational training in sectors like tourism and hospitality. For more information, visit www.sqa.org.uk.

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Scottish Studies Award: Broadening Perspectives in Education

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  1. Understanding StandardsEvent Scottish Studies

  2. Clarke McDowall Early involvement – focus group at consultation stage (2009 onwards) – Teacher of pupils with additional support needs, area of expertise Social Subjects. Early adopter SQA – part of the Qualification Design Team for Scottish Studies & design consultant Clarke.McDowall@south-ayrshire.gov.uk

  3. SCOTTISH STUDIES AWARD It is an award providing young people the opportunity to develop their skills, knowledge & understanding of Scotland (from the perspective of its people, languages, society, culture, natural environment and heritage). SCQF levels 2,3,4,5&6 – National 2,3,4,5&6 A skills-based course – cross curricular approach, making connections across the curriculum. Connections made by delivery across 3 subject areas. For National 2 the requirement is 2 subject areas.

  4. Cont’ Broad & flexible framework. Time for deeper learning, development of skills and for reflection. Personalisation & choice reflective of subject areas with a specific Scottish perspective, e.g. Social Subjects – compulsory Scottish unit (e.g. Making a contrast with a Scottish context). Specifically it provides the opportunity for learners to broaden their knowledge of the society they live in and be reflective of their studies from an interdisciplinary perspective.

  5. Cont’ • The Award may appeal to a wide range of learners who wish to broaden their understanding of Scotland. , including: • S3 – S6 pupils in secondary schools • students in Further Education establishments • adult learners • It is of great relevance to teachers of Additional Support Needs pupils due to the cross-curricular learning and the active approaches to learning and teaching. • Pupils are make clear connections in their learning due to its natural interdisciplinary nature.

  6. Cont’ The Scottish Studies Award may provide progression to further study: in Scottish Studies at SCQF level 3 or 6 a variety of Courses, Awards or Units at the next SCQF level, depending on the specific subject areas that have been studied as part of the Award other Awards, Courses or Units at the same SCQF level It could also lead to vocational training or employment in a variety of sectors including tourism, hospitality and the creative, cultural and heritage industries.

  7. Supporting documentation Award and Unit Specifications – www.sqa.org.uk/awards- then select the 'Wider Achievement' optionAward and Unit Support Notes – http://secure.sqa.org.ukby SQA CoordinatorAssessment Support Packs for Learning About Scotland Unit - http://secure.sqa.org.ukby SQA Coordinator

  8. The practical information All of the Units in this Award are at SCQF level 2 and learners must complete a total of three Units. Learners must complete the mandatory Unit Scottish Studies: Learning About Scotland (SCQF level 2). They must also complete two optional Units, one each from two of the following Groups: Group 1 Language and Literature Group 2 Society and Environment Group 3 Arts and Culture There are a number of Units within each of these groups. Whichever Units are chosen, these must be delivered and assessed in a Scottish context.

  9. Supporting Documentation Case studies from Grange Academy, Forfar Academy, Crieff High School and Dalkeith Academy which have been taken from the SQA website. http://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/64329.html These provide observations on their methodologies and cross-curricular approaches taken to support this award in the senior phase of the curriculum. However these are aimed at higher levels of study.

  10. Any Questions ??

  11. WWW.sqa.org.uk│0303 333 0330

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