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Rediscovering Old Truths for a Resilient New Economy

Join Lawrence H. Summers, Harvard University Professor, as he delves into the Profile of Recession and Recovery amidst the shifting financial landscapes. Explore the wisdom of past economic thinkers like John Maynard Keynes in light of the modern global economy.

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Rediscovering Old Truths for a Resilient New Economy

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  1. Old Truths for a New Economy September 6, 2012 London Stock Exchange Lawrence H. Summers Charles W. Eliot University Professor, Harvard University

  2. The Profile of Recession and Recovery Source: NIESR

  3. GDP Recovery Since Mid-2009 Source: Krugman

  4. “Conservative bankers regard it as more consonant with their cloth, and also as economisingthought, to shift public discussion of financial topics off the logical on to an alleged ‘moral’ plane, which means a realm of thought where vested interest can be triumphant over the common good without further debate.”  • John Maynard Keynes, A Tract on Monetary Reform

  5. CUKT1U10 Curncy (UKT CDS USD SR 10Y)GUKG10 Index (UK Govt Bonds 10 Year Note Generic Bid Yield)

  6. GUKG10 Index (UK Govt Bonds 10 Year Note Generic Bid Yield)CUKT1U10 Curncy (UKT CDS USD SR 10Y)GUKG10 Index (UK Govt Bonds 10 Year Note Generic Bid Yield)

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