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Successful cooperation project between Norway and Hungary. LOCAL GOVERNMENT CAPACITY BUILDING PROGRAM BASED ON NORWEGIAN EXPERIENCES 2009-2010 Aim of the project: More transparent system of public services provided by local governments Encourage local government developments
Successfulcooperation project betweenNorway and Hungary LOCAL GOVERNMENT CAPACITY BUILDING PROGRAM BASED ON NORWEGIAN EXPERIENCES 2009-2010 Aim of the project: • More transparentsystem of publicservicesprovidedby local governments • Encourage local governmentdevelopments • Strenghteningthe local democracy • Supportingequalopportunitiesforallat local level • Establishing local governmentalcapacity-buildingsystemin Hungary Partners: Budapesti Corvinus University Faculty of Public Administration (BCE KIK) NorwegianAssociation of Local and RegionalAuthorities (KS)
Elements of the project: • Establishing Mayors Academy, creating the training system, piloting the training • Local governmental bench-learning program (in special professional topics: education on local level, social care, health care, and geotermical energy) • Training of the Councils of the Local Governments (Councilor Training Program)
Establishing Mayors Academy, creating the training system, piloting the training 10 monthlength training, twodays per month • Education fortheoretical training • Practicalknowledgetransferwithmanyexamples • Interactivetranings InJuly 2010 62 Mayorssuccessfullyclosedthe training 10 professionaleducationmaterial (books) were made
Continuation of MayorsAcademy • „I waselectedas a Mayor” intensivebasiccourse • TÖOSZ- Mayors training with diploma • Expandingtheknowledgemodulesfor local governmentalleaders
Bench-learning Program Leraningfromeachotherpossibility and practice Participation of the four municipalities selected by tender • Public education – differentway of maintainingschoolsbyLGs • Socialcare – „Waytowork” program experiences • Health care – organization of systemofduty • Environmentprotection – effectiveusingthegeotermicalenergybyLGs Introducingtheresults and bestpractices, proposalsforchanges JÓTÁR methodologicalbooklet
Bench-learninginpubliceducation- Hódmezővásárhely, Kistokaj,Mátyásdomb és Tab -
Bench-learninginsocialcare- Alsózsolca, Berhida, Udvari és Vésztő -
Bench-learningin Health Care- Gyöngyös,Nyírbátor, Öcsöd és Pilismarót -
Bench-learninginGeotermicalEnergy- Cserkeszőlő, Hajdúszoboszló, Mórahalom és Veresegyház -
Councilor Training Program Aim: • Supporting increasing the quality of Councils • Strenghtening the knowledge of the Councilors • Deepening the cooperation between the Councilors Method of the training: Two days long intensive basic training, than annual one day program if they need.