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This is the story of Mr Odd and Mrs Even.

Join Mr. Odd and Mrs. Even in a whimsical tale of odd and even numbers as they navigate a mixed-up land, searching for their belongings. Can you help them sort things out amidst the numerical chaos?

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This is the story of Mr Odd and Mrs Even.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mr Odd Mrs Even This is the story of Mr Odd and Mrs Even.

  2. 1 3 5 7 9 I love odd numbers all the time Far, far away there is a land called Odd. This is where Mr Odd lives.Mr Odd loves things only in odd numbers. To help him remember what odd numbers are. He has made a little poem.

  3. In Mr Odd’s world there lived: 1 dog, 3 turtles, 5 hammers, 7 snails and 9 Vikings.

  4. 0 2 4 6 8 even numbers they are great. Next to the land of Odd there’s a land call the Even Land. Mrs Even lives here, and she likes everything to be in even numbers. To help her to remember what even numbers are she has made up a special rhyme.

  5. In Mrs Even’s land there lived: 2 rabbits, 4 little boys, 6 bats, 8 cats and 10 flowers.

  6. One day there was a terrible earthquake and the two lands were mixed up. Can you help Mr Odd and Mrs Even find their things? Mr Odd MRS EVEN

  7. One-day the bats went out to find girlfriend’s. This meant there were of 12 of them. Who are they going to live with? Mrs Even, or Mr Odd? 12 ? ? Even Odd

  8. 10 of the Vikings friends came for a sleep over. Now there were19 Vikings. Where would would they all stay? 19 ? ? Even Odd

  9. The Cats had 16 children. This meant they were now 24cats. Where would they all stay? 24 Odd Even

  10. And they all lived happily ever after

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