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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒. 歌曲 《 江南 Style》 俨然已成为全世界的 Style !. Let's Dance Gangnam Style!. South Korean singer Psy’s Gangnam Style goes viral. So who is Psy and what is Gangnam Style all about? Who is Psy?
第3版 Mini-world 万花筒
歌曲《江南Style》俨然已成为全世界的Style! Let's Dance Gangnam Style! South Korean singer Psy’s Gangnam Style goes viral. So who is Psy and what is Gangnam Style all about? Who is Psy? Park Jae-sang (朴载相). In 2001, he debuted with his album PSY from the PSYcho World. So Psy is short for Psycho. What is Gangnam Style?
Gangnam is a wealthy area in Seoul (首尔). Gangnam Style means the lavish lifestyle there. What is the song about? It is about a beautiful girl. But the point of the song is the horse-riding dance in the music video. How does the song go viral? Its horse-riding dance has a lot to do with that. Even Tom Cruise (汤姆·克鲁斯) likes Gangnam Style and Britney Spears (布兰妮·斯皮尔斯) copied Psy’s dance moves on TV.
face the music Meaning: to accept punishment for something one has done (为自己的所为)接受惩罚,不得不面对(自己的所为) Story: 在大型剧场里,舞台前方往往有一个乐池,乐队就坐在其中为台上的演员伴奏。演员表演时,就直接面对着乐队。当音乐响起时,无论演员碰到何种尴尬紧张的局面,都只能硬着头皮去 face the music 。 渐渐地, face the music 就 表示“接受惩罚,不得不面对” 的意思了。 Example: Everybody has to face the music for what he has done. 每个人都必须 为自己所做的事情承担后果。
Word Bank 超纲词汇 singer /'sI9=/ n. 歌手 viral /'vaI=r=l/ adj.(似)病毒的 debut /'deIbju:/ v.首次演出 album /'7lb=m/ n.唱片 psycho /'saIk=U/ n.精神病患者 point /p^Int/ n. 重点 even /'i:vn/ adv.甚至,连
go viral 疯狂传播 be short for ... 是……的缩写 wealthy area 富人区 lavish lifestyle 奢华的生活方式 have a lot to do with ... 和……有很大关系
第4-5版 Super Classroom 超级课堂
啥节日是“纯老美的”?来看看这位美国小朋友的回答吧!啥节日是“纯老美的”?来看看这位美国小朋友的回答吧! Food + Football + Family = Thanksgiving
What holiday is purely American? It’s Thanksgiving! It’s a day for food, football (American football) and family. The night before Thanksgiving, everyone in my family is busy in the kitchen. We are making desserts. My dad always asks, “May I have a piece of pumpkin pie first?” And we always say “NO!” But there is always a piece missing.
Thanksgiving comes at last. My biggest delight, the school football game, begins! Although it’s cold outside, I quickly forget it. We cheer and enjoy every second of the game. When I come back home, my relatives have arrived. There is a lot of food on the table. The star is Mum’s homemade turkey. This year, I will win the wishbone and make a wish on it!
让我们一起大吃,一起感恩吧! Thanksgiving Food stuffed turkey 填馅火鸡 pumpkin pie 南瓜派
cranberry sauce 蔓越莓酱 mashed potatoes 土豆泥 apple pie 苹果派 eggnog 蛋酒
感恩节对于美国火鸡意味着什么? 对于美国小朋友又意味着什么呢? Happy Turkey Day! Gobble, gobble, gobble! I am an American turkey. I am red, white and blue. My gobble is very happy. And I am so thankful, too. I am thankful for my mother. I am thankful for my father. I am thankful for my sisters. I am thankful for my brothers. Most of all, I’m oh-so-thankful Not to be a turkey!
Culture Thanksgiving 每年十一月的第四个周四是美国的传统节日——感恩节(Thanksgiving Day),亦被称为“Turkey Day”。在这天,人们合家欢聚,边享用美食(主菜就是填馅火鸡stuffed turkey),边观看橄榄球比赛。不少美国人把这个节日看得比圣诞节还重要。 感恩节之后的星期五被称为“黑色星期五 Black Friday ”,因为圣诞购物季的“血拼”开始啦! Wishbone 许愿骨 wishbone 是火鸡胸部的叉骨,呈V字形。那么,如何用它来许愿呢?两个人一起合力掰断许愿骨。据说,获得较大一半的一方就可以梦想成真哦!
周周练 请先将下列图示的英文名称填写完整,再剪下这些图示,贴在文章中。 c _ _ _ orn _ _ _ _ ey turk mashed po _ _ _ _ es tato _ r _ _ _ b ead g _ _ _ _ m _ rand a
1 On Thanksgiving we cook a big . Dad makes . I help bake the . Mum roasts (烤) yellow . When it’s time to eat, I always sit beside my ! 2 3 4 5
Word Bank 超纲词汇 purely /'pjU=lI/ adv.纯粹地 everyone /'evrIw2n/ pron.每个人,人人 dessert /dI'z+:t/ n.甜食 pumpkin /'p2mpkIn/ n. 南瓜 although /6:l'8=U/ conj.虽然,尽管 forget /f='Get/ v. 忘记 cheer /t5I=/ v. 欢呼,喝彩
relative /'rel=tIv/ n. 亲戚 turkey /'t+:kI/ n. 火鸡 gobble /'G^bl/ v. (火鸡)咯咯叫 n. (火鸡)咯咯的叫声 American football 美式足球(即:橄榄球) there is a/an ... missing 有一……不见了 at last 最后,终于 one’s biggest delight 某人最大的乐事 be thankful for sb. 感谢某人
第6版 Playground 英语操练场
有想要感谢的人?趁着感恩节写封感谢信吧。 A Thank-You Note Dear Frank, Thank you for coming to my party last Saturday. We all enjoyed your cake and had a very good time. It’s wonderful to have friends like you. If you need me in any way, please don’t hesitate to call me. Yours sincerely, Betty
考考你:请根据你曾经收到过的某件礼物,在横线上填入适当的内容,完成下面这封感谢信吧。考考你:请根据你曾经收到过的某件礼物,在横线上填入适当的内容,完成下面这封感谢信吧。 Dear _____, Thanks so much for the _____. It’s _____. I love it! Because of it, ____________. It was very thoughtful of you, and it’s one of my favourite gifts. Thanks again for thinking of* me. Love always, _____
Betty Botter Bought Some Butter (II) So she bought some better butter, Better than her bitter butter. And she put it in her batter, And the batter was not bitter. So it was better Betty Botter Bought a bit of better butter.
Cheers! 我们知道这句话常用于祝酒,意为“干杯”,但它其实还有另外一种用法:即和我们经常使用的Thank you. 一样,表示“谢谢”。而且你知道吗?英国人使用 Cheers.的频率比Thank you.还要高哦! Zoey: Happy birthday, Tina! Here’s a gift for you. Tina: That’s just (正好,恰好) what I want! Cheers!
Word Bank 超纲词汇 note /n=Ut/ n. 便条 wonderful /'w2nd=fl/ adj.令人 高兴的,极好的 hesitate /'hezIteIt/ v.犹豫,迟疑 sincerely /sIn'sI=lI/ adv.真诚地, 诚恳地 thoughtful /'06:tfl/ adj. 体贴的, 关心的
better /'bet=/ adj. 更好的, good的比较级 batter /'b7t=/ n. 面糊(用于做糕饼) last Saturday 上周六 have a good time 玩得开心 because of ... 因为,由于(后接名词,名词性 短语或动名词) think of 想到,想起 a bit of 一些,一点儿
第7版 Story Zone 故事地带
Word Bank 核心词汇 safe /seIf/ adj. 安全的,safer是safe的比较级
小袋鼠回想起了和妈妈一起逃离森林大火的惊险历程。小袋鼠回想起了和妈妈一起逃离森林大火的惊险历程。 How Joey Got His Name (III) Joey began to remember another story. It was a windy day. There were many dark clouds and lots of lightning but no rain.
The lightning started a small fire far away in the mountains. But it soon became a big fire with the blowing of strong winds. “We must head for the river. It will be safer there,” said Joey’s mother. They began to run. The smoke was very thick, so it was hard to see the river. They were both scared. “Mummy, look! Who is that?” asked Joey. “It’s an emu,” answered his mother. “Mr Emu! Mr Emu! Do you know the way to the river?” she shouted.
Word Bank 超纲词汇 joey /'d3=UI/ n. 幼袋鼠 remember /rI'memb=/ v. 想起,回忆起 lightning /'laItnI9/ n. 闪电 soon /su:n/ adv.不久,很快 scared /ske=d/ adj.害怕的 emu /'i:mju:/ n.鸸鹋(澳洲大型鸟,善 跑但不会飞) head for ... 朝……方向去